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July 09, 2004 Off for most of the week... Having spent most of this week sorting out Slugger, I'm taking a working holiday at the Larmer Tree Festival. The highlight for me is Afro Celt Sound System a week next Sunday, but just getting away will be good enough. I will be blogging from time to time; for instance next Friday morning we'll know how well or how badly we've done at the New Statesman Awards. But mostly it will be over to our resident bloggers to 'keep her lit' for the next week or so. Cheers all!! Newspapers and subsidies... The respected dissident republican website The Blanket, which as regular readers will know is not known for its sympathies with the mainstream Republican movement or its supporters, runs a story on the grant funding it believes the Andersonstown News has attracted over the last five years. [more] New commenting system At last after donations from a number of kind and generous readers, followed by a near record upgrade (it took 41 hours and 23 minutes to effect - Slugger has to be one of the largest sites of its type) and finally some teething difficulties, we now have the new comments facility from Movable Type. [more] First draft of history, but... Sometimes even the big press get it wrong. Cottage being dismantled stone by stone... The first time I clocked the John Wayne classic The Quiet Man had attained cult status was in Denmark, when family life stopped for the people I was staying with to pay it due homage. But now it seems that cult status has led to visitors to dismantle the iconic Irish cottage that featured in the film stone by stone. Irish, Orange and proud.. The Irish Independent talks to several dyed in the wool Donegal men, who also happen to be members of the Orange Order in the run up to one of the Order's most uncontroversial parades in Rossknowlagh. Here we go again... THE BBC are reporting that the Orange Order intends to blockade Belfast on Monday, after the 'Twelfth' demonstration. This is said to be in response to the restrictions on Orange parades in North Belfast. Ireland's bill for Britain From, Barry Andrews TD on the Oireachtas Committee on European Affairs has challenged what he claims is €100 million bill for Ireland to subsidise the UK’s membership of the EU July 08, 2004 Double standard or doublespeak? THE DUP has defended its position on not talking to terrorists while sitting on a parades forum alongside representatives of loyalist terrorists. It is because the DUP cannot be held responsible for the inclusion of the UVF and UDA on the parades forum. Well, that's me convinced(!) [more] Moving on... JOHN Stevens, the UK's most senior policeman, is retiring. Stevens has had a long association with Northern Ireland, investigating allegations of security force and loyalist collusion. Also moving on is Barbara Stephenson, the affable US Consul General in Belfast, who is taking up a State Department position in Washington. Stephenson, who did much to highlight integrated education during her tenure here, announced Dean Pitman as her replacement at her Independence Day garden party. The danger of utopian dreaming... Interesting broadside from Alex Kane in last Saturday's Newsletter which argues that whatever the ills Northern Ireland's society has thrown up, some of the remedies may be worse! [more] Search on for tribunal members... THE Government has announced it will appoint judges and other individuals to tribunals into the deaths of Rosemary Nelson, Billy Wright and Robert Hamill. Each of the panels will have three members - a specialist, a lay member and a senior judge - from outside Northern Ireland. [more] The democratising internet? Interesting article on Phil Gyford, the alpha geek behind a host of good sites: and the excellent He's also be doing some useful upgrading of the already existing sites like and the excellent Commenting... We've had the new commenting system installed since yesterday. It's been a bit of a learning experience for all of us. But I've now (I think) enabled the registration service at Typekey. [more] How fascist are you? Thanks to Maca, we have this little baby for you to try - if you dare? Eachtraí Eilíse i dTír na nIontas Aistruchan agus cuntas briese le fail anseo. Sinn Fein and DUP have conflicting mandates Brian Feeney is probably a little bit too pessimistic, but in the process makes an interesting point: "The DUP has a mandate to dismantle the agreement, not operate it. Asking them to talk to Sinn Féin doesn't guarantee they'll operate it". No Pope here? Lucky Pope Speculation continues on a potential papal visit to the North. Protests are flagged as possible by some and the idea questioned. Meanwhile Ian Paisley has visited David Blunkett to ensure his own particular brand of preaching will not be affected by proposed religious hatred laws. [more] Net users first to get the news... Interesting story from the Kerry camp in the US again. Apparently net users were amongst the first to find out he'd chosen John Edwards as his running mate. It looks the Democrat party is letting a limited number of bloggers in to their convention. The Republicans are still pondering their options. [more] Former Ambassador backs Bush and Nader The most recent US Ambassador to Dublin Richard Egan, is still capable of making front page news in the Irish Times. Sean O'Driscoll reports on his donation to Ralph Nader's presidential campaign, in hopes of splitting the Democratic vote as effectively as he did last time out. [more] July 07, 2004 Claracha Gaeilge le teacht ar Microsoft I gcomhpháirt le Foras na Gaeilge, Ollscoileanna Uladh, Mhaigh Nua agus Luimigh, tá Microsoft ag brath chun lagan Gaeilge de Word XP agus Office 2003 a tháirgeadh (suiomh anseo). An buiochas do Colm Ó Tórna agus Saol. Pearse's Patriots Padraig Pearse was the subject of Ruth Dudley Edward's first major biography. Since then she's drifted further and further from her nationalist upbringing and closer to the Unionist viewpoint - though it's doubtful that even now she could be defined in those terms. Her she reviews Pearse's Patriots. Surprisingly perhaps, Dudley Edwards clearly retains some admiration for a man who has become something of a pariah for some in the revisionist school of Irish history. [more] Bogside documentary coming... Interesting documentary film on the battle of the Bogside due to be launched in Galway on the 10th July. Normal service resumes... We should be back to normal now. The only difference should be that if you want to comment, you'll have to summit a verifiable email address. We should now be completely free of those hidious spam comments. Irish politics are cut off... Interesting observation from Eric Waugh, in which he argues that the Orange Order's tardiness in meeting the demands for change may lie in its very Irish trait of distrusting compromise. [more] Cruiser returns to base. Conor Cruise O'Brien first elected as an Irish Labour party TD in 1969 and more recently a member of the UKUP has returned to the fold after initial rejection of his membership. He has been warmly welcomed by Pat Rabbitte. July 05, 2004 Do high fences really make good neighbours? AS the father of consociational democracy - Arend Lijphart - visits Belfast today, it was a coincidence that Mark Devenport should choose the phrase about high fences making good neighbours in his weekend preview of the September talks. [more] |
Slugger O'Toole records news, commentary and diverse opinion on Northern Ireland. Produced by Mick Fealty News, tips or crits here: mick -at-
Readers comments
Newspapers and subsidies... - (8)Irish, Orange and proud.. - (16) Here we go again... - (40) New commenting system - (33) Double standard or doublespeak? - (45) Irish Unionist party needed? - (96) Former Ambassador backs Bush and Nader - (6) Ireland's bill for Britain - (4) First draft of history, but... - (8) From Clonmel to Camp X-Ray - (3)
Core team:Mick Fealty Aaron Scullion Politicos: Belfast Gonzo Brendan McParland Mark McGregor Ulster Decides Topics
a long peace? the future of unionism in Northern Irelandbooks britain conflict culture economy education election 2003 environment europe gaeilge government international manifesto media nationalism negotiations parties policing society sport the south unionism
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