Trendwatching runs a bigger story about "life caching" a trend that has been in discussion here earlier and is IMHO rightly spotted.
People realize that vastly increasing storage of digital gadgets give you the opportunity not only to cache but store impressions of most senses of your own body on your hard drive. However what business model this could encourage I have thought about for the last year and wasn't really able to identify something valuable. Trendwatching writes:
" This LIFE CACHING introduction is just the tip of the iceberg. Obviously, providing consumers with the software, hardware and storage space to start building, unlocking and showcasing their 'lifelogs' should be high on your priority list if your business is in any way related to the world of photography, publishing, video, music, SMS, instant messaging, search, blogging, cell phones, email, memory sticks, PDAs etc etc etc. (And don't forget the vast amounts of non-digital, non-organised LIFE CACHING artifacts waiting to be digitized: think millions of shoeboxes, photo albums & framed photos, home movies/videos, old bundles of letters, CDs, DVDs, bookshelves and filing cabinets!)
But there's much more: understanding consumers' gradual move towards collecting and storing experiences instead of goods (especially in mature economies), is crucial, whether you sell luxury handbags or manufacture cars. Basically, LIFE CACHING is what happens after you've figured out how to provide your customers with an experience. So how are you enabling your customers to make the experience last? Yes, TRENDWATCHING.COM knows that this could be an entire business book in itself, so stay tuned ;-)"
Maybe you have a good idea?