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Design by Fire

The real reason you should care about web standards

IMPORTANT NOTE: The following article is my own personal opinion, and does not represent the position or opinion of my employer. I have no idea if this has been said before, but from my reading on …

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Gurus v. Bloggers, Round 2

You begged. You pleaded. You tried to bribe me to pimp your work in this next post. (Ok… so one tried to bribe me, but I can be bought. Hint hint.) So I’ve toiled away to bring you an al…

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Gurus v. Bloggers, Round 1

Welcome to the first official Gurus v. Bloggers Design Shootout. What exactly is that? I’m glad you asked! I’ve gathered examples of web sites of a few well known — and highly res…

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The Great Photoshop CS Giveaway

UPDATE: I’m modifying question #1 just to make it a bit easier. While I’m in the middle of writing a few new articles (I have been advised by Greg Storey not to wait longer than three wee…

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All articles for Everything Else

Read this entry The great flamefest software giveaway  |  Comments 21 Comments

Every now and then, I walk into the West Tower 10th floor breakout area here at Adobe’s corporate headquarters to grab a cup of coffee, only to discover a gold mine of older Adobe software dumpe…

Read this entry The real reason you should care about web standards  |  Comments 57 Comments   TrackBacks 22

IMPORTANT NOTE: The following article is my own personal opinion, and does not represent the position or opinion of my employer. I have no idea if this has been said before, but from my reading on …

Read this entry Gurus v. Bloggers, Round 2  |  Comments 61 Comments   TrackBacks 17

You begged. You pleaded. You tried to bribe me to pimp your work in this next post. (Ok… so one tried to bribe me, but I can be bought. Hint hint.) So I’ve toiled away to bring you an al…

Read this entry Designs on the White House  |  Comments 9 Comments   TrackBacks 1

After having lunch with Donna, and an intense discussion about last night’s West Wing episode as it relates to our current struggle with the Middle East, Iraq, and the serious issues between the…

Read this entry Happy Birthday Pop!  |  Comments 0 Comments

One of the joys of technology is the immediacy of the stuff you discover on the web you’ve never been able to find anywhere else. For example, when doing a Google search on folks in my family, I…

Read this entry Paid in full  |  Comments 5 Comments

Well, it took much longer than anticipated, but the box is signed and made it to Michael Czepiel, winner of The Great Photoshop CS Giveaway. Here’s the happy man with his new prize. I defini…

Read this entry Gurus v. Bloggers, Post Game Show  |  Comments 4 Comments

Just thought I’d give everyone an update on what they were saying in the locker room about the first ever Gurus v. Bloggers Design Shootout.…

Read this entry Gurus v. Bloggers, Round 1  |  Comments 64 Comments   TrackBacks 43

Welcome to the first official Gurus v. Bloggers Design Shootout. What exactly is that? I’m glad you asked! I’ve gathered examples of web sites of a few well known — and highly res…

Read this entry And the winner is…  |  Comments 8 Comments

Michael Czepiel. Michael answered all of the questions correctly. While Michael did not guess the nickname of Udo the Cat, he was the first to get all the other questions first. And since I noted I w…

Read this entry The Great Photoshop CS Giveaway  |  Comments 52 Comments

UPDATE: I’m modifying question #1 just to make it a bit easier. While I’m in the middle of writing a few new articles (I have been advised by Greg Storey not to wait longer than three wee…

Read this entry Wish I could read German  |  Comments 14 Comments   TrackBacks 0

I found this web site in my referrals lately: Esse Est Percipi It’s such an amazingly well designed web site. The typography is crisp and clear (amplified to great effect by the Mac’s sup…

Read this entry Pardon my dust  |  Comments 1 Comments

As you can see, I’m implementing my new templates, which might cause some of this site to go out of whack at odd moments. Being a bit lazy, and rushed, I’m doing this in piecemeal, so some…

Read this entry The Butterfly Effect  |  Comments 1 Comments

I’m currently on the road in Las Vegas and New York City, and will return in a week to add more articles to this blog, but I wanted to pass along a quick story.…

Read this entry Going live!  | 

Well, today is the official launch date for Design by Fire. Everything is mostly in place, and preliminary content has been finished. There are a few kinks here and there (like images from excerpts no…

Read this entry Happy birthday to me!  |  Comments 3 Comments

Today I am 34.…

Read this entry Merry Christmas  | 

Here’s to wishing everyone has a great holiday.…