Design by Fire From the school of hard knocks, where we always burn the midnight oil with a passion for design. en-us 2004-01-13T03:19:43-08:00 DxF Design Exercise: Google's Search Results I am intrigued by the CSS Zen Garden. It's a great exercise, and a great contribution to the design community. It got me thinking about other sorts of design exercises that could be useful to folks out there looking to... Design Andrei 2004-01-13T03:19:43-08:00 Liquid v. Fixed I assembled a collection of articles and blog entries on this topic for reading. Some are included just for the discussion found in it. I also feel like adding my own viewpoint on it while I'm at it.... Design Andrei 2004-01-09T18:50:48-08:00 Norman on Tufte I'm a bit baffled by this interview: Don Norman on PowerPoint Usability: Interview with Cliff Atkinson Let's look at some of the discussion points.... Design Andrei 2004-01-07T11:33:45-08:00 Item #11 After all this time, I have yet to understand the appeal of Jakob Nielsen. His latest alertbox, Ten Steps for Cleaning Up Information Pollution, simply leaves me with an overall feeling of... uselessness. Ironic, isn't it? Of the ten items,... Design Andrei 2004-01-06T01:08:18-08:00 The goal of interface design "... The redesign eliminates all the assorted convolutions from the modern-day schedule and yields a graceful but unceremonious layout." Edward Tufte, Envsioning Information, pg. 105. Graceful but unceremonious. I have read Tufte's books two or three times, but this phrase... Design Andrei 2004-01-04T22:36:00-08:00 It's not a matter of sacrifice "The conflict between design and technology, like the conflict between form and content, is not an either/or problem, it is one of synthesis." Paul Rand, From Lascaux to Brooklyn, pg. 41 Something to remember when working out the issues on... Design Andrei 2004-01-04T22:20:15-08:00 Avoid results oriented thinking There's a concept I was introduced to while being chastised for some posts about poker a couple of years ago. The concept was something found in game theory, specifically as it applies to poker. However, the more I exercise the... Design Andrei 2004-01-03T23:32:17-08:00 One approach to the design process I personally dislike discussion about process. The word alone tends to set my nerves on edge. Usually, process as part of a business cycle is something that becomes overly bureaucratic and laden with busy-work, converting most intelligent people into automatons... Design Andrei 2004-01-02T17:13:04-08:00 Going live! Well, today is the official launch date for Design by Fire. Everything is mostly in place, and preliminary content has been finished. There are a few kinks here and there (like images from excerpts not showing up in search results),... Everything Else Andrei 2004-01-01T13:33:16-08:00 Making the case for Interface Design Yes, this is going to be one of those "What do we call ourselves?" articles. in·ter·face, n. 3. Computer Science. a. The point of interaction or communication betweena computer and any other entity, such as a printer orhuman operator. From... Design Andrei 2003-12-31T11:18:43-08:00 Quick Movie Reviews: Paycheck Just saw Paycheck earlier today. Yes, on my birthday. I was bored and Donna had to work. Nothing special. Very little of a reaction to it other than it was moderately enjoyable for the two hours I sat in the... Movies Andrei 2003-12-30T23:07:35-08:00 Happy birthday to me! Today I am 34.... Everything Else Andrei 2003-12-30T13:14:08-08:00 Quick Movie Reviews: Big Fish I'm a sucker for Tim Burton movies. His aesthetic and sensibilities just fall right into line for me. Except of course for Planet of the Apes, but I forgive him for that. (Although I won't link to it.)... Movies Andrei 2003-12-29T12:32:51-08:00 Music that Matters: Underworld One of the bands that has moved Donna and me through the entire latter half the 90's has been Underworld. Their music makes your heart soar, their beats pound the inside of your skull, and their words will take you... Music Andrei 2003-12-27T02:18:44-08:00 Merry Christmas Here's to wishing everyone has a great holiday.... Everything Else Andrei 2003-12-24T23:47:17-08:00