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› July 6, 2004

Validate through RSS

Develop websites? Have an interest in keeping them valid? Use an RSS aggregator? If you meet these three criteria, you’ll probably want to check out Ben Hammersley’s XHTML Validator to RSS.

The w3c’s XHTML validation service is tremendously useful, but it’s a pain to be continually checking it for breakages, and then working through the errors when they occur. Their user interface leaves a bit to be desired as well.

Personally, I like nice to-do lists and automatic checking of my pages. So to combine the two, I’ve made a widget to create a XHTML Validation Results RSS feed from any page.

To use it, just append your URL to and subscribe to that in your nearest RSS reader.

You can also grab the Perl source code from his site. This really seems like one of those things that changes the landscape of our profession. What is the biggest hinderance towards more sites on the web validating? After ignorance, I’d say the number 2 reason is “ease of validation”. This tool makes the number 2 reason quite a bit less of an issue.

› July 5, 2004

Macromedia RSS Feeds

Noted at Macromedia product manager Mike Chambers blog, here’s a page listing all the new Macromedia Product RSS Feeds.

Each time Macromedia releases a TechNote, security bulletin, or information about a product update, the Macromedia Product RSS Feeds are updated accordingly. By using your favorite aggregator to watch for important Macromedia product news, you no longer have to worry about remembering to check the Macromedia support centers yourself. The news comes to you, instead!

I’ve mirrored the links here too for those looking to add them to their aggregator of choice right away.

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› July 4, 2004

Some thoughts on mobile web development

As I recently moved to Tokyo, I became the happy owner of a Sony Ericsson A5404S mobile phone, sporting an Openwave browser ( and a QVGA color screen. After three months of surfing the web with a mobile browser, time for some thoughts and pointers to caveats…

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