Reply Highlighting

If I ever highlight comments the colors would differentiate just me and everyone else, because that’s the only hierarchy on this site. I’m no longer being auto-highlighted over at Dave’s, which is too bad because I thought my joke was funny, but I don’t think manual highlighting is going to scale. Basing it on URI is dangerous at best, and the PHP code is… well I need to write more PHP articles for Digital Web.


  1. Would it be possible using php/css to change the highlight based on how readers rate a comment, with maybe like a (+) button next to each? Or even just available to the author, for that matter (based on this).

    Comment by Firas — Wednesday May 26, 2004 @ 12:46 pm 1

  2. author = blog owner, not comment author.

    Comment by Firas — Wednesday May 26, 2004 @ 12:48 pm 2

  3. Matt, I think you see the highlighting the same way I do. When I first saw Dave’s legend, I wasn’t too happy about it. It essentially implied that because my comments were not highlighted, my voice was not important on that site. And that’s not a very polite way of doing things. I understand that Dave wasn’t trying to be rude, but the terminology he used to describe the highlights seemed poorly chosen.

    Comment by Scott Johnson — Wednesday May 26, 2004 @ 2:00 pm 3

  4. I’d support highlighting in the context of known-good comments, but then you know me and my babbling about user-reg, Matt.

    Comment by Geof — Wednesday May 26, 2004 @ 3:02 pm 4

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