recently announced the arrival of their 1GB web-based email
account, GMail.
Many people, including myself tried quite hard to get an
invitation to join the public beta, and I eventually was able to
get an account thanks to a friend at ArsTechnica.
Some of the
benefits of GMail are the large storage space, easy labeling of
messages (instead of sorting into folders), and quick
Google-powered searching. As an email packrat, I jumped at
the opportunity to have all my email easily searchable. I
decided I would import all my old email from Netscape
Communicator 4.7 (which had messages in it dating back to
1994). There was no upload feature included with GMail,
however. So
I wrote one. Originally,
the GMail Loader only worked with mBox format files (because it
is all I needed) and was command line based. As others
asked for similar functions, I began to expand it. Today,
the GMail Loader is a graphical, cross-platform, Python based
utility that supports two mBox
formats (Netscape, Mozilla, Thunderbird, Most Other Clients), MailDir
(Qmail, others), MMDF
(Mutt), MH (NMH), and Babyl
(Emacs RMAIL). Eventually, I plan to add support for
direct sending of IMAP
accounts, and am working on a library that can read and export
Microsoft Outlook PST
files. Until that time, try the ReadPST utility found on
the "Other Utilities"
page. The
application works by reading your existing mail files, and
forwarding them to GMail. It does not delete the mail from
your local computer. Email can be set to arrive at GMail
in either your 'Inbox' or 'Sent Mail'. GML
is free and is licensed to you under the GNU
General Public License. There is a pre-compiled
windows version avaiable as well as a source only distribution
for other operating systems. Please see the
download page for more information. I'd
like to thank the many people whose assistance have been
invaluable. There are too many people to name, but many of
you have sent me copies of broken inbox files, or bug reports,
or even suggestions for features and copies of your
modifications. Where possible, all of your suggestions
were included in the latest release. If you encounter
problems with the application, help make the next version better
by sending me a message at marklyon@gmail.com.
Please include a copy of your log, or if you're using the
command line version, the most recent output of the script and
the command line you used. If
you'd like to learn more about GMail, or find a palce to have
your general questions answered, I'd recommend the GMail
Users Group or the GMaiForums. Finally,
there are many who have emailed me asking about how they can
contribute to this project. If you'd like, you can use the
Paypal 'make a donation' link under the menu. You can also help by
spreading the word to your friends and on the internet forms you
visit. A simple link to this page is greatly
appreciated. You should also keep an eye out for the ads
on the left side of these pages and visit the sponsors that are
of interest to you. |