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Evil Kitt'n

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Okay.. so maybe 151 wasn't such a good idea. [29 Jan 2004|02:19am]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | Kid Notorious ]

I drank way too much and went into my drunken depressed mode. The mode that I head into where when I wake up, I won't remember shit. Yeah, well I messed up big. My mom found out I was drinking, 'cuz the outside smelled like it and so did the house. But.. she hasn't yelled at me. I know from now on that 7 shots is WAY too bad for me.

They made me lay down (they, meaning Joe and Jeremy) and I kept crying and other crap. Joe asked me what my last name was.. I didn't know I was going to get that bad. =/ No more than 2 shots for me from now on.

On a side note.. someone either took my money and is lying to me, or someone moved it and doesn't remember where they put it. I had a $10 bill on the table.. and after my drunken stuper, I woke up and found it missing. Joe told me it was still there when I went to bed. My mom said when she went to clean up, she saw it when Jeremy was still there.. and then when he left, it was gone. He claims he has nothing to do with it. X_X I don't know who to trust.. since Joe was still awake when Jeremy left.. but my mom might of taken it 'cuz she was pissed off at me.. or maybe it was Bo. Who knows.. but i'm P Oed. =/ Oh well. Anyhoo..

Yesterday was the worst drunken stuper i've sent myself into. The first hangover i've gotten by just drinking alcohol. x_x Atleast I didn't get sick until I was more sober.. so I knew where I was going and where I was tossin' my food and drink. Well, anyways.. talk to you all later.

Comments: 4 orgasms - .E.a.t. .M.e..

I'm a science genius girl.. I won the science fair, I wear a white lab coat, DNA strands in my hair. [27 Jan 2004|01:22am]
[ mood | distressed ]
[ music | Bitches - Mindless Self Indulgence ]

When I clone a human being, it'll be a member of my band.

lmao Joe loves this song.. I think it's pretty awesome.

My mom gave us a check for the money she is giving me and Jeremy as a present. Once I get home from CIL, i'm going to wake his ass up so we can cash the checks and have a night on the town. ^_^ This is SO AWESOME!!

I'm making Teryaki chicken right now.. it smells yummers. ^.^

Joe got mad at me 'cuz I keep complaining about spending so much money on Yu-Gi-Oh cards for him.. but ya know.. all i'm getting is $300 for like the rest of the year, and he's getting a $800+ gift.. ya know? But I will buy Joe the box.. it may be $60.. but i'll buy it as a late b-day and x-mas gift.

When me and him got into a fight, it was about 2 hours after I woke up.. I got so depressed and angry, I just went into the room and passed out. Jeremy came in every now and then to check up on me.. I kept telling him to go away. I still feel shitty. I wish Joe wouldn't do stuff like this.. I mean, seriously.. I didn't get out of bed for over 3 hours.. I just didn't feel like moving. But I left when it got too hot in the room for me.. and I still didn't say anything to Joe for a while. I love him, he's my bro.. but I don't like the way he treats me sometimes. Like if I don't do something for him, he'll die.. and when I finally agree to do it, he throws a fit and tells me he doesn't want it anymore. I can't deal with it.. he acts worse than a two year old sometimes, but I guess he just needs some friends.. and I can't be a good enough friend.. Carlos is the worst friend in the world to him right now, since all he does is buy cards, rub it in his face and then he doesn't show up for weeks. I find that to be rude, and it upsets him so bad.. (Oh, side note, to anyone who reads this and gives a shit about what i'm saying about the person above? Do me a favor.. grab a piece of paper and a pen, then write a letter and send it into "Dear Abby" 'cuz I sure don't give a shit. He is a mean person who needs to just.. stay and be a friend, or leave and never return.)

Anyhoo.. Thanks to my friends.. but no offence, I don't want any calls for a while. Hearing the phone ring off the hook is just driving me crazy. I'm trying to avoid talking to most people, I just don't have the energy to talk anymore. I hardly have the strengh to wake up. There is just so much I can't do right now.. I don't know why, I just.. don't have the will to do anything anymore. Maybe once i'm actually able to buy some stuff I want and need, I might be a little happier. I hate worrying about everything.

Also, does anyone want to come to my wedding (at the court house)? lmao No, seriously.. we're having it there. >.> Once we go through counseling and such, and get the money, we'll go and get married. ^_^ It'll be jimdandy. Yippie.

Oh, wait.. I didn't tell you guys yet. . . Well, um.. i'm getting married soon? e.e; Eh.. oops. BYE!! ::runs away::

Comments: 3 orgasms - .E.a.t. .M.e..

All I gots ta say is.. Let's get ready to rumble!!! [26 Jan 2004|01:55pm]
[ mood | ecstatic ]

If you're a wrestlin' fan and you didn't see the Rumble last night, you better beg someone for the money to get it.. it was the most awesome thing i've ever seen. It'll most likely be the best WM in the whole WM history!! =D!!

Comments: 6 orgasms - .E.a.t. .M.e..

Isn't it ironic? =/ [23 Jan 2004|02:19am]
[ mood | angry ]
[ music | Downfall - TRUSTcompany ]

Joe got The Sims Deluxe Edition for me.. 'cuz I kept whinning. I love the Sims too.. and so I was uber happy.. I was going to play and tune Jeremy and Joe out and the Yu-Gi-Oh deal.. but wouldn't you know it.. now that we have this lovely game.. Jeremy is always on it.. So I ask myself this one question.. What is the fucking deal. ::sighs:: I feel like crying.. and ripping up every Yu-Gi-Oh thing in this house. Seriously.. if he does it again, I will kill him. I am going to delete his file, and distroy all of his papers and cards. I am going so psycho. Why can't he just.. not be the jealous child and take everything I like away from me. He is like.. pissing me off. I can hardly think.. He makes me SO MAD!

On a better note.. I enjoyed my lunch. ^^

Comments: 14 orgasms - .E.a.t. .M.e..

Goin' on no sleep.. [22 Jan 2004|06:17am]
[ mood | tired ]

I get to hang out with my grandma today.. the only problem is my eyes are burning from me getting like no sleep. Atleast I get lunch. =D Tee hee! I need to eat more coffee grounds.. bye.

Comments: 4 orgasms - .E.a.t. .M.e..

Arg! Make it stop! [20 Jan 2004|01:35am]
[ mood | melancholy ]
[ music | Bombshell - PM5K ]

There is something in the air that just isn't right. I have been so angry lately. I feel so helpless sometimes. Jeremy does the opposite of what I ask him to do. It is so fustrating.. I just want to break down and cry. I was feeling good this morning.. and I was sitting down in the rocking chair and he was sitting on the couch.. and I had made a comment about how I was enjoying the silence.. and what does he do? Picks up the remote and turns on the TV. That just angered me so bad.. then I heard my mom come home, and I thought it was just her and Joe.. so I was angry already, and then I didn't know the door was still locked, so I went to go unlock it and then they started to pound on the door, which added to the noise and I went crazy. I yelled at them to shut the hell up and then I unlocked the door and told them it was open. And my grandma walks in and starts getting in my face. So I just go back to my room to cool down. I can't stand it anymore.. everyone is just.. pissing me off.

My mom has just got herself a job.. and I know now that, she is going to rub that in my face.. ::closes her eyes, sighing:: What am I suppose to do? I feel so.. drained. I feel horrible. I feel this dark cloud drifting over me, and it's sufficating me, litteraly. It is getting so hard to breathe 'cuz i'm so tense all of the time. All my mom is going to say is "You need to go back to the hospital?" and I will of course say no.. I liked it there though.. but it's just getting so hard. Why can't she just sit me down and have a heart to heart. I can't do that with Jeremy 'cuz he doesn't listen to me. It doesn't even go in one ear and out the other.. it just bounces off his greasy hair. ::huffs:: It is so SUCKY!! Why does life suck so hard?!

I feel like i'm in a spinning vortex of suck. I can't even state I want to die without people jumping down my throat, but damn.. it's so hard to want to live when everything goes wrong in life. I wanted to choke myself in EB earlier 'cuz they were being total DICKS! ARG!!!! They won't take FF11 'cuz they didn't have a price for Trade in value. WELL FUCK! You'd think they'd have trade in prices when you get the fuckin' game!!!! FUCK THEM!! It hasn't even been played!!! GOD DAMN THEM! I just need to take a vacation from my life. I need a spa treatment or something, ya know?

I'm tired of feeling guilty for a condition I can't control. I'm tired of everyone hating me.. i'm just tired. I'm losing my insurance.. I still don't have a job.. Jeremy won't go out and look for another one, or even consider marrying me until probably next year.. I can't seem to get any better 'cuz no one cares if I do or not, and if they do.. they're not helping me to get any better.

Once my mom gives me the money for my late x-mas/early b-day present, I am going to get three types of hard liquor and get fucked up.. I am going to get messed up beyond belief.. I want to drink myself into a stuper. I want to fall.. and laugh and cry. I want to be able to leave my judgement at the door. I won't feel shitty when I do it either. =( I am going to love getting fucked up.. and i'm going to love not remembering a damn thing. I feel better when i'm drunk. I like everything.. I even enjoy hanging out with Erica.. 'cuz I don't care. I don't care anymore.. I can't care anymore.. I just wish this nightmare will end.

Comments: 4 orgasms - .E.a.t. .M.e..

If you all don't have this song on your playlist, you better get it.. now. [17 Jan 2004|01:14am]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | Boogie Man - White Zombie ]

Mindless Self Indulgence is the artist. Bitches.. =D

Bitches love me 'cuz they know that I can rock, bitches love me 'cuz they know that I can rhyme, bitches love me 'cuz they know that I can fuck, bitches love me 'cuz they know that i'm on time. Through out the projects, through out the projects, through out the projects. Bitches love me 'cuz they know that I can rock, bitches love me 'cuz they know that I can rhyme, bitches love me 'cuz they know that I can fuck, bitches love me 'cuz they know that i'm on time. Through out the projects, through out the projects, through out the projects. Done. Done. This is how it should be done. This is how it should be, this st-yale st-yale st-yale, done. Pow! Motha Fuckas. Paw! Bitches love me, bitches love me, bitches love me, bitches love me, bitches love me, bitches love me, love me love me love me love me love, bitches love me, bitches love me 'cuz they know that I can rock! This is how it should be done. This is how it should be, this st-yale st-yale st-yale, done.

Anyhoo.. i'm in pain right now.. bye.

Comments: .E.a.t. .M.e..

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