Zone News
This was an L.A. tech/biz magazine that was good and getting better during Ben Sullivan's tenure as editor there. I worked from the first issue in fall of 1999, until Ben left in spring 2001. The magazine folded soon thereafter.
CANN They?
How L.A. Governs -- and May Yet Overthrow -- the Internet
Zone News - February 1, 2001
The Morning After
What Did the Convention Mean for L.A.'s 'Digital Coast?' Beyond the Parties and Influence Peddling, Results Were Mixed at Best
Zone News - September 1, 2000
Start the Revolution Without Me
My DSL Nightmare, and Why the Broadband Boom Is a Bust
Zone News - July 1, 2000
Hire Education
How Career Colleges, Technical Institutes and Alternative Adult Schools Are Cashing in on the Digital Revolution
Zone News - July 1, 2000
My Time in the DEN of Iniquity
Report on 6 Weird Weeks Spent at the Infamously Mismanaged Digital Entertainment Network
Online Journalism Review - May 25, 2000
Pop or Kaboom?
What Will Happen to L.A. When the Markets Finally Crash?
Zone News - April 1, 2000
Unconventional Planning
Democratic Convention Seeks Money and Gear, L.A. Tech Firms Crave Publicity and Political Pull, so Why Won't They Mate?
PLUS: Hard-wiring the Convention
Zone News - March 1, 2000
AOL-Time Warner: Bully for L.A.
Merger Could Jump-Start Broadband, Force Entertainment Industry to Get it Together
Zone News - February 1, 2000
The Internet's Dr. Frankenstein
UCLA Professor Leonard Kleinrock Is Still Dreaming up Schemes, 30 Years After he Plugged in the ARPANet
Zone News - January 1, 2000
The Stealth Revolutionary
Why the Record Industry Should Be Terrified of Marc Geiger and ARTISTDirect
Zone News - October 1, 1999
Comments, questions, bad links? Send e-mail to Matt Welch.