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July 01, 2004

The Wal-Mart You Don't Know

by troup1998 Thu Jul 1, 2004 08:28:56 PST

Appears Walmart is doing more than "closing main street USA" ... it is bankrupting it's suppliers and forcing companies to send their jobs overseas...

An excellent example of "nothing is for free..."

The last sentence quoted below is the sweetest of the article...


Steve Dobbins has been bearing the brunt of that switch. He's president and CEO of Carolina Mills, a 75-year-old North Carolina company that supplies thread, yarn, and textile finishing to apparel makers--half of which supply Wal-Mart. Carolina Mills grew steadily until 2000. But in the past three years, as its customers have gone either overseas or out of business, it has shrunk from 17 factories to 7, and from 2,600 employees to 1,200. Dobbins's customers have begun to face imported clothing sold so cheaply to Wal-Mart that they could not compete even if they paid their workers nothing.

Continue reading "The Wal-Mart You Don't Know"....

June 30, 2004

Charlie Reese "Vote for a Man, Not a Puppet"

by troup1998 Wed Jun 30, 2004 20:27:43 PST

...but sometimes I think we need more Shrubs; just to wake up the ignorant/naive/dead/lifeless Americans.


Charley Reese is one of the most far right writers around. He used to be one of the Orlando Sentinel's favorite neoconservatives. He is still writing a column through King Features. Here are excerpts from his column.

Continue reading "Charlie Reese "Vote for a Man, Not a Puppet""....

Florida State Senator Press Conference 7/1/2004

by troup1998 Wed Jun 30, 2004 18:11:22 PST

FYI, If you know some Florida media/press, please pass this on. Also,
please send it to CNN/Lou Dobbs. This fits right into his "Exporting
America" series. LouDobbs@cnn.com

From: Michelle Hayes MICHELLE Hayes @flsenate.gov
To: 'Emmons, Michael T'
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 2:16 PM
Subject: update. feel free to pass this along to dobbs & co. hope all is well...

State Senator Walter "Skip" Campbell on Thursday, July 1, 2004 will hold a press conference to discuss the latest developments in his investigation into the offshoring by private vendors of state contracts to foreign countries. The press conference will be held 12:30 p.m. in the Florida Press Center's conference room.

Michelle Hayes
Communications Director
Senate Democratic Office

Thanks, Mike Emmons

Kerry Promises to Control the Border

by Dawn Teo Wed Jun 30, 2004 13:30:48 PST

Kerry stated yesterday that he would like to work with the Mexican government to remove economic incentives for illegal border crossings into the U.S.

"You can't do any one piece of this alone, and that's what often happens in immigration reform," Kerry told thousands of Hispanics at a Hispanic convention in Phoenix. Kerry said he will propose a comprehenisve immigration reform plan during his first 100 days in office, if elected.

I don't know what his plan is, but I'd like to make a couple of suggestions to John Kerry:

Continue reading "Kerry Promises to Control the Border"....

Feds Raise Rates One-Quarter of a Point

by Dawn Teo Wed Jun 30, 2004 12:10:28 PST

The Federal Reserve raised the short-term interest rate one-quarter of a point today and stated it is ready to raise it higher. The Feds just completed a two-day policy meeting, and the decision came, as expected, to raise the rate from a 40-year low of 1% to 1.25%.

June 30, 2004 (Press Release - Federal Reserve) The Federal Open Market Committee decided today to raise its target for the federal funds rate by 25 basis points to 1-1/4 percent.

The Committee believes that, even after this action, the stance of monetary policy remains accommodative and, coupled with robust underlying growth in productivity, is providing ongoing support to economic activity. The evidence accumulated over the intermeeting period indicates that output is continuing to expand at a solid pace and labor market conditions have improved. Although incoming inflation data are somewhat elevated, a portion of the increase in recent months appears to have been due to transitory factors.

Continue reading "Feds Raise Rates One-Quarter of a Point"....

June 29, 2004

First Data Takes Position on Illegal Immigration for Profit

by Dawn Teo Tue Jun 29, 2004 22:21:09 PST

Fortune 500 Company, First Data Corp., has taken a public stance on the immigration debate in favor of unfettered illegal immigration and the continued exploitation of illegal immigrants. The world's largest provider of money transfers (and largest credit card transaction processor), publicly endorsed Rep. Tancredo's Democratic opponent, Joanna Conti, for the fall election. First Data is the largest credit card processing company in the world. They don't *have* credit cards, they process the transactions.

A new credit/debit card system has recently been unveiled specifically for illegal aliens, and it is expected to produce billions in profit for the credit card industry. An illegal alien would be able to get a credit/debit card in the U.S. and send a duplicate card to a family member in Mexico so that the family member can withdraw directly from deposits made in the U.S. No more need for mailing, wiring, or otherwise sending remittances home. Just make a deposit, and the money is instantly accessible for family in Mexico. One-third of the Mexican GDP is remittances from immigrants (both legal and illegal) in the U.S.

June 28, 2004

Washington Mutual to Have Unspecified Number of Additional Layoffs

by Dawn Teo Mon Jun 28, 2004 13:47:56 PST

Washington Mutual announced today that it is cutting its 2004 profit forecast and laying off additional employees. During Q4-2003 and Q1-2004, Washington Mutual laid off 7,400 employees. The number of employees to be laid off during the remainder of 2004 remains unspecified by the company.

According to e-Business Strategies, Washington Mutual is offshoring jobs while laying off American workers. According to Seattle PI, recently expanded a pilot project to outsource programming jobs to India. At the time, only about 30 people were working for India outsourcing companies.

U.S.-Based Call Center Positions Itself to Compete with Overseas Outsourcing

by Dawn Teo Mon Jun 28, 2004 13:27:44 PST

African-American Entrepreneur Helps Small Businesses Grow Rapidly

New York, NY - Outsourcing is a hotly debated issue in the news these days mainly because of the belief that outsourcing is the root cause of American job loss and downsizing as well as undermining the competitive edge of many US small businesses. This issue is being directly addressed by African-American Gayle Santana, President and Founder of PVS Network. Ms. Santana aims to keep some of the outsourced jobs and business stateside with the introduction of her new service, The Virtual Call Center.

The PVS goal is not to eliminate jobs, but to provide services that align with the current staff of American companies, allowing them to focus on other more strategic bottomline areas. PVS also creates a staff for emerging businesses when they can't afford to hire one on a full time basis. PVS Network never outsources outside the US. according to Santana. PVS Network, already known for its innovative concept of providing businesses with administrative support services and project management virtually (remotely), is adding this service to a line of affordable products that can provide a business owner with the necessary tools to turn a small business into a bigger one more rapidly.

Continue reading "U.S.-Based Call Center Positions Itself to Compete with Overseas Outsourcing"....

$3 Billion Trade Deficit on Advanced Technology Products in April

by Dawn Teo Mon Jun 28, 2004 13:17:42 PST

In April, we ran a $3 Billion trade deficit on advanced technology products. This fact directly contradicts the notion that America has the technology edge or that America will handle the next new innovation or technology.

According to this article on CNN, "According to the economic theory of competitive advantage, lower wage nations should be the ones specializing in low-tech goods while leaving the high-tech production to higher wage nations. But as American multinationals shifted operations to low wage nations, like China, they also shipped American technology, production capability and expertise abroad."

The U.S. trade balance for technology products has fallen from a positive $32 billion in 1997 to a record negative $27 billion in 2003. The U.S. surplus in services also fell 21% between 2001 and 2003.

2005 H-1B Quota Visas Already Being Used

by Dawn Teo Mon Jun 28, 2004 12:33:00 PST

The DoL has reported that petitions for the 2005 fiscal year, which begins in October, are already being accepted. As of the end of May, CIS indicated that 16,100 of the 65,000 visas allowed for 2005 have already been allotted.

Immigration attorneys are advising their clients to apply right away for their H-1B visas. Many immigration attorneys are predicting that the 2005 H-1B quota will be completed allotted before the end of the 2004 calendar year.

India Newspaper Article Calls for Allowing Entire World to Vote in U.S. Elections

by Dawn Teo Mon Jun 28, 2004 11:45:51 PST

An article appeared in the Indian newspaper, Mathaba, a few days ago, written by an Indian reporter living in Thailand, who is calling for opening up the U.S. elections for the entire world to vote.

He believes that the entire world should be able to vote because decisions made by the U.S. affect the rest of the world.

So, if foreign governments represent foreign people, and our government represents foreign people... who represents us? I ask this question not just because someone is calling for opening our elections to the entire world voting, but also because our current set of Congressmen and Congresswomen are representing foreign interests and corporate interests rather than the interests of the people.

Who is representing us? And when will Americans wake up and demand that we be represented? Will these calls from around the world to allow non-citizens to vote in our elections be heeded before Americans wake up? Will that be our wake up call, or will Americans hear the call before it is too late?

Continue reading "India Newspaper Article Calls for Allowing Entire World to Vote in U.S. Elections"....

Kerry Won't Cross Police Picket Line

by Dawn Teo Mon Jun 28, 2004 10:49:11 PST

Kerry was scheduled to attend a Mayors conference this week, but has cancelled due to police picketing the event as part of a union strike in Boston, where the event is taking place.

Kerry says he has never crossed a picket line and will not start now. Several of the mayors at the conference expressed anger over Kerry's decision not to attend the event, while the police union expressed gratitude for his support.

1st Quarter GDP Growth Gain Revised to a Net Drop

by Dawn Teo Mon Jun 28, 2004 10:16:11 PST

The Dept of Commerce has revised the first quarter figures for GDP growth. The original figures, at 4.4%, were a boon to those who say that the economy is growing and becoming stronger. But the new figures tell a different story. The new figures show that instead of rising from 4.1% to 4.4% that GDP actually dropped from 4.1% growth to 3.9%.

Even more important to economists and forecasters -- durable goods did not rise. Rather non-durable goods (such as gasoline) rose 7%. This is a general indicator of consumer confidence and consumer spending. Of course, this is what we've been saying all along.

Now the May figures are showing that consumer spending has "soared" to a 1% gain. How long will it be before those figures are revised downward? Maybe we should start an office pool.

In addition, recent figures show that transportation orders and wholesale orders are down. These are indicators of near-future spending. The outlook no longer looks good any way you cut it.

Are Labor Unions Evil?

by Roger Williams Mon Jun 28, 2004 10:02:43 PST

The title of this article poses a question that I think is more relevant today than most might think. Many think that labor unions are pretty powerless if not "dead". The facts certainly indicate that trend.

My dad worked in the West Virginia coal mines in the 70's and 80's. Same deal for my granddad in 30's, 40's & 50's. They both were members of the United Mine Workers Association (UMWA). The demands of the miner's unions were pretty typical around higher wages, benefits and better working conditions. I can't remember either of them being especially active union members. They sure didn't cross any picket lines though, as I remember hearing of "scabs" getting shot attempting just that.

Continue reading "Are Labor Unions Evil?"....

June 27, 2004

Indiana Paid $1 Million to End Tata Contract

by Dawn Teo Sun Jun 27, 2004 22:55:08 PST

The state of Indiana has paid Tata Consulting nearly $1 million to end a controversial contract that would have had state contract work for the Unemployment Department handled by foreign workers.

The contract was quietly brokered with Tata Consulting, an Indian offshoring company known for importing cheap foreign workers from India and other third-world nations and offshoring work to the same third-world nations. But last year, the contract became an election wild card when Joe Kernan made it into an election issue.

Truckers Strike on Monday, June 28th

by Dawn Teo Sun Jun 27, 2004 22:46:11 PST

Port and rail owner-operator truckers will strike today, Monday, June 28th. The truckers are demanding better rates, a fuel surcharge, and the right to collective bargaining. Loopholes in anti-trust laws in some states, including California, do not allow owner-operators to organize into a union. Many owner-operators are also accusing companies of hiring drivers without a commercial drivers license.

The American Trucking Association points the blame at anti-trust laws being circumvented by foreign-owned steamship lines who engage in unscrupulous business tactics, including paying truckers less than agreed-to pricing.

Continue reading "Truckers Strike on Monday, June 28th"....

Is Anybody Listening?

by Rob Sanchez Sun Jun 27, 2004 16:57:41 PST

The problem with the internet is that a person that doesn't know exactly what to search for will never find us. Even if they do find us, there is nothing we can do to help them except to tell them how screwed up things are.

Let's just say an individual lost their job and they are clueless (by my estimate 99% of the American public doesn't have a clue). Most of the clueless probably have no idea how to do a proper search on Google but if they do, and they search for "unemployment", "job loss", "outsourcing", "age discrimination", it's unlikely that they will find websites such as ZaZona or RescueAmericanJobs. Keep in mind that most people that are replaced by H-1Bs probably wouldn’t know what happened even in the unlikely event that they have heard of H-1B. They won't know if their jobs are offshored either. All they know is that their company fired them.

Continue reading "Is Anybody Listening?"....

A Boot on Your Neck

by Debbie Sun Jun 27, 2004 09:22:53 PST

When I was a kid, the nuns at our school were very paranoid of the Communists. Communism was the direct threat to both religion and liberty. They told us that the Communists would not have a war with us, but instead they would go after the young people and just march through our streets one day.

I thought that was silly as a kid, but now, as an adult, I see the wisdom in it. That is how the revolution was won in China. They didn't care about the old folks, they courted the young generations. They do it through the schools.

Communisms and other totalitarian systems are the antithesis of liberty. When this country was founded, men realized how liberty sits on the fence. They knew how easily it can be lost. Today, people have their big TVs and 600 channels and don't give a hoot about what is happening. It is the old, "put the frog into a pan of cold water, and slowly bring him to a boil, and he won't ever realize what is happening."

Continue reading "A Boot on Your Neck"....

June 26, 2004

Compete America lying in Central Florida press

by troup1998 Sat Jun 26, 2004 09:05:07 PST

Please help reply back to Compete America's lies to Orlando Sentinel and Lakeland, FL Ledger:

Letters to the Editor(Orlando Sentinel)
Each letter should be 175 words or fewer and include the writer's name and day and evening telephone numbers for verification purposes.
Fax: (407) 420-5286.

E-mail: insight@orlandosentinel.com

Letters to the Editor(Lakeland, FL Ledger)
All letters should contain the writer's full name, address, e-mail address and telephone number. Anonymity is granted only under unusual circumstances. Letters should be kept to 300 words or less, and brevity is encouraged.
E-mail mailto:voice@theledger.com


How to Stay Competitive

More than half of the master's and doctoral degrees in engineering awarded at the University of Florida go to foreign nationals. Some of those graduates will return home to help build their native economies, while others will remain in the United States and either occupy skilled jobs or do cutting-edge research.

Continue reading "Compete America lying in Central Florida press"....

June 25, 2004

Congress Awards Tax Dodger

by Jeff Waggoner Fri Jun 25, 2004 10:23:16 PST

I live in upstate New York, near Albany, and I recently learned that my congressman, John Sweeney, voted against Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro's effort to block Accenture Ltd., a corporate tax dodger and outsourcer of U.S. jobs, from getting a $10 billion federal "Homeland Security" contract.

I wrote a letter to the editor, which may appear in the next few days in the Albany Times Union. If anyone wants to use any or all of this letter in a letter of their own, please feel free.

Dear Editor:

It appears that Congressman John Sweeney prefers to put the interests of corporate tax dodgers ahead of the interests of either Homeland Security or those of honest, taxpaying citizens as he voted on June 18 against a proposal that would have blocked Accenture, a company that moved its headquarters to Bermuda to avoid paying US corporate taxes, from receiving a $10 billion Homeland Security contract.

Continue reading "Congress Awards Tax Dodger"....

June 24, 2004

2000 Bush Backer, Lee Iacocca, Swings Support to Kerry in 2004

by Dawn Teo Thu Jun 24, 2004 12:01:48 PST

SAN JOSE, Calif., June 24 (Press Release, U.S. Newswire) -- Former Chairman of the Chrysler Corporation Lee Iacocca today endorsed Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry for President. Having backed George W. Bush in 2000, Iacocca is switching his support in 2004 after over three years of jobs failure by the Bush administration

Iacocca announced his support for Kerry in San Jose Calif., at an event focused on Kerry's plan to create high-tech, high-paying jobs and strengthen America through a greater commitment to technology and innovation.

"I want to thank Lee Iacocca for his powerful endorsement of our plans to build a stronger America," Kerry said. "He knows the test of leadership is not whether it's Republican or Democratic, but whether it will move this country forward. I'm proud to have his counsel and his support. There are few men more respected not just in corporate America, but in all of America, than Lee Iacocca."

In 2000, Iacocca backed Bush, citing jobs, particularly in the Michigan automobile industry, as one of his chief concerns. Iacocca was an active campaigner who appeared in television ads and GOTV calls focused on the need to protect jobs in Michigan.

Grand Theft America

by Vicky Davis Thu Jun 24, 2004 06:57:48 PST

Politicians are famous for their ability to give speeches in which they talk endlessly and never say anything of substance. They’ve made it an art form. But every now and again if you listen closely, you will hear a snippet of truth come through. Not often, but on occasion.

Continue reading "Grand Theft America"....

June 23, 2004

American Jobs" director Greg Spotts to appear on CNN - Lou Dobbs June 24th

by troup1998 Wed Jun 23, 2004 18:52:40 PST

The website for Greg Spotts' movie is http://www.AmericanJobsFilm.com

American Jobs, a documentary film by Greg Spotts to be released Labor Day, 2004 on DVD


Wednesday June 23, Los Angeles: A CNN camera crew from the Lou Dobbs Tonight program came to Greg's edit studio today to ta! pe an interview about the making of the "American Jobs" documentary film.

"Lou Dobbs Tonight" is a one-hour program that airs weekdays at 6:00 PM Eastern, 3:00 PM Pacific time, and again at 11:00 PM Eastern, 8:00 PM Pacific time. It is expected that the taped piece on "American Jobs" will air on Thursday June 24th.

"AMERICAN JOBS" director Greg Spotts has just returned from Washington DC, where he interviewed four members of Congress for the final segment of his film. While on Capitol Hill, Spotts investigated a variety of proposals currently circulating in Congress.! From Tuesday June 15th to Thursday June 17th, Spotts interviewed Republican Donald Manzullo (IL), Democrat Rosa DeLauro (CT), Democrat Sherrod Brown (OH), and retired Democratic Representative David Bonior (MI). Among the topics discussed were a tax credit for domestic manufacturers, reform of the L-1 Guest Worker Visa, restrictions on Federal and State Government purchases of foreign goods and services, the recently signed CAFTA Trade Agreement, and reflections on the ten year anniversary of NAFTA.

June 22, 2004

The Corporation

by Jeff Waggoner Tue Jun 22, 2004 10:53:38 PST

To get a better idea on why so many people are losing their jobs and the mentality of the "global" corporations who are sending well paying jobs overseas as fast as possible, I would suggest that people go see the documentary The Corporation. If it is not showing in your area, I would suggest you find a sponsor/theater/college to bring it to your region. The Corporation won the Sundance Audience Award for best documentary.

Zeitgeist Films is distributing it.

June 21, 2004

Belvidere's New Wal-Mart Expects 3,000 Applicants for 300 Jobs

by Dawn Teo Mon Jun 21, 2004 14:19:05 PST

Belvidere, Illinois (near Rockford) is opening a new Wal-Mart. This morning, during the first hour of accepting applications, nearly 200 people applied. The store manager told local news reporters that he expects more than 3,000 applicants to apply for the positions.

The Rockford area has been a large portion of their jobs move offshore, and this Wal-Mart is opening at a critical time when many families are skipping meals, losing their homes, their cars, their life savings.

Ironically, Wal-Mart's policy of forcing their vendors to move production offshore has been directly responsible for some of the job losses in the immediate area. Some of the applicants for the Wal-Mart low-paying, no-benefit jobs at this local Wal-Mart are there because Wal-Mart forced them out of their good jobs.

Unemployment Rally in NYC Today

by Dawn Teo Mon Jun 21, 2004 14:12:31 PST

There was a rally of 500 unemployed workers in New York City today, demanding that the government start working on creating good jobs right here at home.

There have been several rallies over the last year in NYC that protest offshoring, non-immigrant guest worker programs, and other forms of job loss. Rescue American Jobs has coordinated two in NYC. TORAW has coordinated a few. And Jobs for Justice had an unemployment rally there last fall.

Gartner Says Worldwide IT Services Revenue Grew 6.2 Percent in 2003

by Dawn Teo Mon Jun 21, 2004 14:05:09 PST

STAMFORD, Conn.--(Press Release - BUSINESS WIRE)--June 21, 2004--The market for worldwide IT services grew 6.2 percent to $569 billion in 2003, up from $536 billion in 2002, according to preliminary results from Gartner, Inc. Accelerating activity in offshore outsourcing, in which companies shift jobs across national borders, contributed modestly to the overall growth.

U.S.-based vendors continued to lead the worldwide IT services market, attracting 59 percent of total spending. IBM remained the largest competitor, with revenue rising 6.2 percent to $42.6 billion, and its market share unchanged at 7.5 percent (see Table 1).

Continue reading "Gartner Says Worldwide IT Services Revenue Grew 6.2 Percent in 2003"....

Cannon Tries to Sneak Another by His Voters

by Dawn Teo Mon Jun 21, 2004 13:48:37 PST

Chris Cannon is scheduled as a featured speaker at La Raza's national conference next weekend. (the agenda for Sunday is at the bottom of this article).

It's clear Cannon is confident his constituents won't hear about this until after tomorrows primary. Let's spread the word - FAST!

Wondering what the heck is La Raza? Click continue and read on...

Continue reading "Cannon Tries to Sneak Another by His Voters"....

Paul Craig Roberts

by Tormentor Mon Jun 21, 2004 05:52:16 PST

Jobs That Aren't by Paul Craig Roberts

Nice article. This fellow conservative guy definitely "gets it".

When the reports of new jobs came out not too long ago, I also noticed some other stories that no one connected to the jobs reports. These other stories talked about how students could not find any summer work. The explanation, of course, was that the low paying, low skill jobs that students usually took for summer work had been gobbled up by desperate adults trying to eke out a substandard living. Yes, a lot of the new jobs created were probably McJobs and such.

Again, I'm about as conservative and right wing as they come, and will vote for Bush again (flame on if you want). Kerry gives me nightmare flashbacks to Jimmy Carter. However, we have to face the truth about the vanishing middle class, trade, taxes, and jobs and get Congress and the president to hear us.

As Roberts has pointed out in previous articles, many factors that were assumptions for unfettered free trade to work have changed so dramatically as to render the whole unrestrained free trade theory null and void.

This transcript from a Brookings Institution event that Roberts took part in explains why free trade that has worked well for us in the past is now broken.

Free Trade in the New Global Economy PDF

Great quote from that PDF:

You see, young people are far more aware of the problem. I'm talking about seniors in high school, freshmen in universities. When I talk to them, they know more about it than any of my economists friends, no matter how distinguished they are.
And the reason they know more about it is they spend a great deal of time
searching for an occupation that can't be wiped out underneath them. And they are having great difficulty in finding one.

Here are some more articles by Paul Craig Roberts

The Trade Question

Clarifications on the Case for Free Trade

Trade and Unresolved Issues

June 20, 2004

What if there was a war...

by Debbie Sun Jun 20, 2004 15:12:51 PST

What if there was a war, a real war, on a World War level? Not a theatre like Iraq, but full blown. How would we beef up our supplies, our weaponry?

I have heard some say we were able to be so militarily strong because in WWII, we manufactured most things here. But now, we are so dependent on other nations. What if we need some metals and we cannot get them?

I believe we kept peace with South Africa for a long time to get what we needed.
We need to protect ourselves and it is foolish to let industry go abroad where we have little control. People do not believe war will happen, and let's hope it never does...but you can avoid war more easily, if your aggressor knows you can strike to kill. If he knows you are weak, he will come after you.

Human Capital

by Debbie Sun Jun 20, 2004 11:33:54 PST

I think something changed ala Gordon Gecko when corporate gurus stopped thinking long term, and decided to play for quick profits. CEOs go in, contract their packages, and are only in it for short-term.

Companies used to forecast long term. They had a place in the community. Not too long ago...I drove by a plant in southern Ohio, but was told "no one works there anymore"....the place was massive, like a huge dinosaur laying there, waiting for the elements and time to consume it.

I felt sad, in the sense, that thousands probably worked there for decades, and could provide a good living for their families.

I once heard the term, "human capital" from a human resources expert. It bothered me, and I didn't know why, until later, driving home, I thought about how much that term objectified people. It reeks of slavery, of grouping people as numbers, as if they have no personal identity. I pictured a large number of people in a room, a call center, which this human resources expert had described to me earlier in the day. There would be only boss, an overseer of sorts, to keep costs down. No where for the worker to move up to...and that wasn't even an option. No matter how well you did, you couldn't advance. Not unless "the boss" left. I pictured a large number of people in cubicles with headsets on, droning the same script over and over all day, trying to remain outside of any personal insult from the other end of the phone. Phone support, telemarketing, call centers. You're not smart enough to talk to someone unless you are given a script.

I remember watching Wall Street, the movie which exemplified the subversiveness of the white collar criminal. Only American Psycho topped this with finesse. They objectify anyone or anything they want to conquer. Not much difference between a white collar criminal and a car thief. They just choose bigger vehicles.

June 19, 2004

Job Growth for IT Professionals Drops by 70 Percent

by Dawn Teo Sat Jun 19, 2004 14:37:59 PST

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Press Release AFL-CIO Dept of Professional Employees) — Recently revised downward projections for white-collar job growth for 2002-2012, released by the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), contrast sharply with earlier government estimates, revealing the impact of shipping jobs offshore, according to an analysis by the Department for Professional Employees, AFL-CIO (DPE).

Over the next decade, the greatest job growth will be in low-paid service jobs, BLS says. Seven of the 10 occupations expected to gain the most ground are low-wage occupations that do not require a college degree. This is a major shift from earlier estimates that projected rapid growth for white-collar, high-tech positions.

Continue reading "Job Growth for IT Professionals Drops by 70 Percent"....

June 18, 2004

Tech Execs Give Laundry List to Congress

by Dawn Teo Fri Jun 18, 2004 11:31:47 PST

Executives of America's largest tech corporations sat down for a public meeting yesterday with Senate leadership.

Their wishlist includes:

(1) No interferance with their efforts to hire exploitable, cheap, third-world labor.

(2) Encouraging more Americans to take math and science.

American students are dropping out of technology, science, and mathematics at an alarming rate, and these executives have the gall to complain about it -- They are a primary cause of it.

These executives are replacing qualified American technology and engineering professionals with cheap, exploitable third-world workers. This is resulting in a significant rate of unemployment in these occupational sectors, and students simply do not want to work towards a career with that type of outcome.

More Details on the Democrats American Jobs Plan

by Dawn Teo Fri Jun 18, 2004 11:15:09 PST

We haven't changed our minds about the Democrat's plan to keep American jobs at home and create new American jobs, but we do have more details.

We still hold the position that if corporations aren't paying any taxes, what good does it do to give them tax incentives. Of course we're not opposed to this... it is a good first step. But it is only a first step, and we must be ever vigilant and continue asking for more.

Continue reading "More Details on the Democrats American Jobs Plan"....

Kerry Proposes Raising Minimum Wage

by Dawn Teo Fri Jun 18, 2004 10:18:02 PST

Today Kerry said he wants to raise the minimum wage to $7 per hour. I'm not sure that I like this plan.

Sure, minimum wage earners are living in poverty. And I do believe it is time for an increase in minimum wage. But should we really raise minimum wage in the middle of a jobs crisis?

When we raise minimum wage, it makes it more expensive to hire Americans -- right during an era where we're having a crisis of jobs moving to cheaper countries.

And if we take offshoring out of the picture, we're having a jobless recovery where companies are not spending money on labor. With the minimum wage rising, companies that wanted to hire 10 new workers might only hire 8 because of the extra expense.

I'm just not sure that this is the right time for an increase. But I would like to hear your input.

U.S Media Fails American Citizens

by Vicky Davis Fri Jun 18, 2004 09:51:32 PST

This article is an example of the battle that high tech workers are waging to correct the lies and misinformation that permeate the media. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, many people in the press serve as corporate mouthpieces promoting globalization to the detriment of both American Citizens and the future of our country.

Gerard's original letter to the Idaho Statesman is at the bottom. My response to Gerard appears first but should read after Gerard's letter.

Continue reading "U.S Media Fails American Citizens"....

June 17, 2004

AARP message board

by troup1998 Thu Jun 17, 2004 18:49:35 PST

A little bickering among the folks there dems vs. Rep. I set them straight, they are both guilty as sin!

Message 28 links to my site http://www.OutsourceCongress.org/


Protectionism is Good!

by Vicky Davis Thu Jun 17, 2004 12:25:30 PST

As I watched the debate on the FSC/ETI bill, I had to turn it off several times. The insanity was just too much for me to take. Then, as if to add insult to injury, I got a telemarketing call from some company in India offering me a bankcard. I can’t repeat what I said to that woman. Suffice it to say, it was not nice.

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American Jobs Creation Act is a National Embarassment

by Dawn Teo Thu Jun 17, 2004 12:03:16 PST

WASHINGTON, June 17 (PRNewswire Press Release) -- House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer today spoke out on the House floor in strong opposition to the FSC/ETI corporate tax bill, which at $150 billion, is laden with corporate tax breaks, extenders and other sweeteners that have nothing to do with reforming
international tax law. The following is Rep. Hoyer's statement as prepared
for delivery:

"Mr. Speaker, this bill is an appalling orgy in self-indulgence, a legislative abomination and a national embarrassment. Last week, the business columnist for the Washington Post, Steven Pearlstein, wrote (and I quote): 'This may well be the worst piece of tax legislation to come along since 1986.'

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