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HI!  My name is Purple Gyakui!  I stayed UP REAL LATE last night and I can't seem to GET TO SLEEP!  I can tell that RAIN is coming, I can FEEL IT IN my PEG LEG!  I have many STORIES to TELL you...  I hope you ENJOY your STAY!!!
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Do it yourself, with shredded foam!


Well, quick Mardi Gras summary. My group consisted of two engineering students, four engineers from Dallas, one of the engineer's girlfriends, and me. We started to run into traffic in Baton Rouge. We were in two cars, and we had hand-held CB's to listen for upcoming Smokies... One of the truckers said something to the effect of "I wish some of these ladies going to Mardi Gras would flash me a little something." The girlfriend in the car ahead of me got on the radio and let the guy know where she was. It took him a while, but sure enough he caught up, and she spent a good part of the next 30 miles down the road out of the sunroof. At one point, one of the truckers put a spotlight on her.

We finally pulled into New Orleans at around 10PM Friday night. We then went out. I severly overdid it on Friday night, and when I tried to go out Saturday morning, I decided I was not up for it and slept through all the parades. That was kind of a bummer, but I did get out Saturday night and had a great time. Every time I go I'm amazed at how many people you can fit on that street. I need to learn to stay away from Hand Grenades from Tropical Isle.

Other odd occurrances included:

7:30am Sunday morning, my ex-roommate and I were smoking cigarettes in the hall of our hotel room since everybody else in our room was sleeping. A security guard got off the elevator and walked over towards us. I assumed he was going to ask us to go inside, but he bummed a cigarette off me. "Wow, Camels... These are my brand..."

Later that same morning, still sitting in the hall, two guys covered in blood with wounds on their arms walked by. One commented, "Don't ever try to elbow in a window. You get blood all over yourself, and the cops try to arrest you." I don't know if the cops tried unsuccessfully, or if they decided not to.


Caught up on sleep missed this weekend last night. I slept from 8:00 PM to 7:30 AM. Mardi Gras stories to follow. I drop the pictures off for developing tonight...

(2 AM)

I'm tired. Nobody in my group got killed or ended up in jail, so I guess it was a successful trip. I love that city... Pictures to follow?


Problems with the driver for my video card, so the webcam still isn't working. I'd mess with it more, but it's time to head into work, and continue on to New Orleans... See you there.


Damn... Once again it's been too long. Luckily I wasn't down long enough for the search engines to de-list me. I notice that people are still for some reason clicking through Google and checking this site out. God knows why, but I guess I get bored at work sometimes too...

One thing I noticed is that someone apparently did a search for Big Smith, found my site, tried to download the mp3s, and was thwarted by my failure to move them over from the old site. Silly me. So for anyone interested, I'll repost:

12" 3-Speed Oscillating Fan
No Sir
Quarry Anthem

If anyone actually downloads those, let me know and I'll post more. I spoke with the band not too long ago, and they don't mind taping of their shows. Apparently, when they play at Chester's Place in Fayetteville, there's somebody who almost always tapes the shows. I'll definitely be there next time they play at Chester's and I hope to get in touch with someone who has tapes so I can get copies. I'll let you know if I do get some, and if anyone wants I'll get copies to them.

Lots of good music coming up soon. Dave Matthews Band releases their next album this next Tuesday, and they're kicking off a tour very soon. No dates near KC, but hopefully they'll announce more as the tour goes on. If not, I'll be arranging a caravan to either see them in New Orleans or Dallas.

On April 1, 2000 I went to work. When I got home, I went back to my apartment, turned on the TV, watched the Simpsons, made some dinner and got on the computer. My roommate came home and told me he was going out to see a show, and they had an extra ticket. I almost declined, but I was being more anti-social than my normal self around that time, and I thought it would probably be a good idea to get out. As a result, I saw what I think may very well have been the best show I've ever seen. I've since acquired a copy of that particular show, which I listen to often. As it turns out, the Steve Kimock Band is (more than likely) returning to Chester's place in Fayetteville for shows May 2-4. He continues on to New Orleans for a 2:30 AM show Sunday May 6 (actually that would be Monday, I think, but I can't really tell from what I've seen about the show). Now the quandary I'm in is this: The Fayetteville shows are a Wednesday through a Friday. I could take a Friday off work to catch two shows in Fayetteville, or I could take a Monday off and catch Dave Matthews' Jazz fest show and the Sunday night Kimock show. But I have plenty of time to decide. Oh, it's a tough life I have.

When I moved up here in Kansas City, I forgot to do two things at my apartment in Fayetteville. One was clean out the refrigerator. Whoops. I'm sure that's coming out of my deposit. Another is remove all the X10 switches from all the rooms. That one kind of hurts. They weren't too expensive, but I don't feel like dropping the cash to replace them right now. As a result, I'm back to only my starter kit. You'll notice in the "home control" section you only have access to two of my lamps, the only two controllable devices I have right now. I'll get more and get the TV hooked up soon, but that'll probably be my next paycheck. But what I have is working again. After buying a car, a DVD player, a grill, a surround sound receiver, a set of speakers, and a car stereo, I think I've done enough to try to pull us out of this recession. Now all you guys be good consumers and do your part.

I'm working on the webcam, but haven't figured out how to run the wires out to the living room yet. So you'll have to settle for a view of the messy computer room for now. But at least it's running again. Hopefully.

Once again it's time to sign off. Gotta get packed up for Mardi Gras. Damn there's going to be a lot of driving this weekend. Any Gimpysoft fans that are heading down to New Orleans, feel free to say hi if you see me. I'll be the drunk guy. I'll probably be on Bourbon Street... Hope to see you there.

Someone I don't know has checked out my site more than once... Who are you? Why are you coming back? Not that you're not welcome...


Some of my favorite words:

Recumbrance. Orthoptical. Anionic. Sculptorally. Curvilinear. Quixotic. Boolean.


Well, it's Saturday. Big Smith plays at the Jazzhaus in Lawrence, KS tonight. Head on out if you're in the area. I saw Hannibal last night, and I'm not entirely sure what to think. It definitely had plenty of gross-out moments. I was kind of disappointed with some aspects of the movie. The movie went out of its way to make you not like Hannibal's victims. It was especially heavy-handed with Ray Liota's character. Every time he was on the screen he did something to remind you that you're not supposed to like him. They could have been a bit more subtle with it. I guess it was worth seeing... I suppose the next movie I need to see is Snatch.

In technical news, I've been doing some further work on the server. I have Oracle installed, so I'm going to start getting some cool stuff up here soon. Gimpysoft Radio is active again, so if you're bored at work, you can always listen to that. If you have Winamp installed, just click the link and it should start up. Since I have better upstream bandwidth now I've upped the bitrate to 56k. Let me know if there are any problems with it. When I got my new computer, I accidentally deleted my entire mp3 collection, so I'm just getting rebuilt now, mostly by capturing from CDs I own. The station currently plays some Enigma, Foo Fighters, Steve Kimock Band, KVHW, Big Smith, various Techno stuff, and some comedy bits every now and again. I'll try to get a request system going soon, but in the meantime if there's anything you'd like worked into the rotation, shoot me an email. Speaking of email, I haven't tried to get drscience, my old 486, working again. So mail sent to is getting bounced right now. I'll try to get mail working on pi soon, but I've been messing with that machine enough for today.

Other stuff, I haven't figured out a good place to put my camera, or how to tun the wiring. So the webcam isn't working. Also, I accidentally left most of my X10 switches in my last apartment, so you can only control one lamp in my apartment now, and I haven't even tested it to see if it works. I'll fix that tomorrow if I get a chance.

Well I'll drop this in. It's good to be back. Watch soon for your chance to register as a site user and... Ummm... Do something... I'll figure that out later...


Welly welly well... I'm back... I'm now nicely settled into Kansas City and I finally got's web server back up. I spent a small amount of time last night trying, but gave up when a friend invited me for a game of Age of Empires. Today when I got back from work there apparently had been a power outage here and both of my machines had rebooted. When the web server had come back up, it had an IP and was good to go. Updated my DNS records and I'm back in business. Now that I'm at least back on the internet, perhaps I'll spend some more time doing development on the many ideas I've had. Plus, I'll rebuild my mp3 collection so I can get Gimpysoft radio back up.

Anyway, not much to say. I like the new place. It's pretty damn big, especially just for me. It has a nice workout room which I actually have used once, and plan on going again tonight. I'm charting my weight on a nightly basis, and once I get Oracle installed on this machine I'll put a graph up here.

The job is good. I like the folks I work with, and the work itself is interesting. Hopefully things will pick up a bit, but I at least do have stuff to do.

My Roadrunner internet service is quite fast. It's at least 6-7 times faster than my ISDN on downloads, and about 4 times faster on uploads. Now that I have the bandwidth, I'll try to recapture the shows at a little better quality...

But now it's time to play some AOE...