| Aug. 25th, 2004 @ 10:55 am |
I feel like all I've been doing lately is pissing people off, no matter how hard I try not to.
Where's a rock to crawl under when you need it? Current Mood: cold
| Aug. 23rd, 2004 @ 12:53 pm |
Honey, no Donald tonight. Wanna come see me? *flutter*Current Mood: sad
| Aug. 23rd, 2004 @ 01:35 am |
Nothing like doodling on Yahoo in all hours of the morning to make your day (end or beginning?) good.
I fucking love my friends. Current Mood: amused
| Aug. 20th, 2004 @ 12:24 pm |
Hey honey. Still wanna meet me at work? *lick*
Pasta is good.
So is AWW.
Mmm, fellow geeks. Current Mood: calm
| Aug. 6th, 2004 @ 01:02 am |
So amused by my friends. I love them to itty, bitty, tiny pieces. AND! I get to hang out with many of them on Saturday.
EEEEEEEEEEEEE! Current Mood: amused
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She thinks my tractor's sexy... *hums*
It really turns her on.
*wiggles eyebrows*
Aug. 4th, 2004 @ 12:06 am
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What a week! Christ almighty. Got driver's license on Monday. That was a hoot and a half. Swear to god, they shoulda failed me (stalled car twice, never good) but I'm greatful they didn't. Sucked backing up, but I already knew I sucked at that. Oh well. Practice makes perfect I guess. Price Chopper cut my hours down to like, 12 this week. SO POed. ... Which reminds me, I better check my paycheck to make sure I got the hours I'm supposed to. I forgot to punch out on Friday and it took me about two hours to call them and ask them to punch me out fer me. So, I might have a couple extra hours on my check. ... Inner conflict ensues. "She thinks my tractor's sexy..." Ahhh. Damn you Christin and Farmer Boy. Anywho, decided that I'm going accompany my beautiful girlfriend to an anime convention type thing this weekend. Kinda last minute, hope everything turns out okay. It'll be cool convention if we're able to go. Can't wait. : ) And, holy crap, Steph I had the craziest dream, except that I can actually see it happening. Okay, Shay and I were up there in Canada visiting you and Katie. We're walkin around, goofin off, having a good time and then we spot a porn shop. Being horn dogs that we all are, we go in. Thus commences talking about dildos, strap-ons, vibrators, arguments over which flavored lube is better, why we like them, etc. And then we go to our separate hotel rooms (I guess we weren't around your neighborhood) and as Shay and I are getting ready for bed I start laughing. Why? Because I realized that I had gone into a porn shop with my girlfriend, my exgirlfriend and my exgirlfriend's girlfriend. And I can actually see this happening and it amuses me. Only us, right? *laugh* Little old ladies should be killed, I swear. This woman walks up to me and the conversation goes as follows: ( Cut for your viewing pleasure. )Annnnnnd... What else? Oh yeah. I wrote something at work today because I was bored and got there early. Read it to Shay, she liked it so Imma gonna post it here, methinks. ( Repeat. )*phew* There are probably typos galore, and grammarical errors but, eh, what's new? It's in it's rawest form, straight from the paper. A'ight. I guess that's enough for now. Later all!
Jul. 29th, 2004 @ 11:52 pm
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I'm at work and Jon comes up to me with a self inflating whoopie cushion. "Put your finger over the hole and squeeze it," he says. (Wow, does *that* ever sound pervy now that I'm writing it) And, even though I'm on the clock and really probably shouldn't, I did just because I wanted to see what people would do.
I got plenty of reactions from the cashier and customer a few registers down from me. Both were red faced and looking over their shoulders as though they had done something wrong and felt guilty over it. Bizarre. "Dude, it's just a whoopie cushion." -Jon's?- "Uh... Yeah." -Oh, okay. *goes back to merry routine*- *blink*
Now, I'm not quite sure why people are so engrossed with the bodily noises of other folks. I guess that it's because society has deemed it icky and should never be done in public. Kinda like burping, except this gas is let loose at the other end.
While the society conformed lamb inside me is saying, "EEEEK NO! DON'T TALK ABOUT IT!" the punk rocker lesbian inside is like, "Uh. It's a natural body fuction. Natural. Like those two rabbits humping each other like there's no tomorrow over there."
I mean, I guess I can understand why society has deemed it inappropriate. Nothing like going out on a romantic date, sitting down at the table to listen to a man belch out the B-52's Loveshack. And for desert playing "name that noxious gas". Ugh.
Oddly enough, "name that noxious gas" does have its upsides. Like, say, revenge on your friends after they've been teasing and harassing you the WHOLE TIME you were donating blood. *smirk*
Karin and Red and I went to the Red Cross place in Vt. to donate blood like we try to do as often as we can. So, there I was, stuck with a frickin needle that the nurse had to jab in my arm a few times because the vein was being an ASS. SO unlike the veinyness it's supposed to be like. Ner. So, anyway, we get in Karin's car, the windows are up and we're all a little loopy from loss of blood. I remember what PAINS IN THE ASS they were so... Hehehe. Silent but deadly.
Aww, the rodents are all sleeping on their backs with their little paws curled under them and kinda stickin up in the air. So cute. : )
Random journal entry? Maybe. Or maybe I'm just really fucking tired and really fucking excited about spending the weekend with my girl.
How 'bout both? Hmm.
Jul. 22nd, 2004 @ 11:05 pm
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Apparently, the female decided the control paddle to the PS2 was a good thing to chew on. I've always been *very* anal about making sure things that was kept far away from their cages but I guess somehow or another she still managed to get it. SO, there it lays in the trash, the cord chewed to tiny shreds.
SO annoyed.
And then I tried to take out the second ladder in her cage. The wire is too thick for me to move easily with the needle nose pliers and there isn't much sticking out for me to grab with normal pliers. SO, I gotta wait till I come back from work to ask the bitchy old man how I can take them out without destroying the freakin cage. ... Which I *really* wanna do right now. Ner.
I may just have to cut them out and file them down, like I was planning to do with the floors.
Jul. 13th, 2004 @ 03:01 pm
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( The real reason why you should never spank your children is revealed! )
*smirk* I downloaded that song last night. It's called Spank my booty by Lords of Acid. Ahhh, musical artists obsessed with sex.
Jul. 13th, 2004 @ 11:30 am
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I thought it would be a good idea to put the smaller white cage *inside* the bigger green cage so Tweak and Bastard could get closer and actually, y'know, sniff each other at will.
Apparently, that might not have been the way to go. Even through separated cages one of 'em still got injured. Bastard is currently nursing a bloody right foot. One of his toes is insanely swollen but the bleeding stopped in only a couple minutes. I *was* going to give him a dust bath today but I think I'm gonna hafta call that off. I don't want dirt getting into that wound; it'll only aggitate it.
Jul. 3rd, 2004 @ 07:06 am
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I see customers come through my line with mounds of food, buzzing about how great this fourth of July is going to be. They talk about the food, the company, the entertainment... I don't think anyone really remembers why we have a 4th of July, though. They don't remember the people who have died to give it to us and those that have died to protect it for us. I can sense no pride in them; just a brainless urge to gorge on food, gain an unhealthy amount of weight in too short a time and dramatically increase their blood pressure in doing so.
Of course, for me, there isn't much reason to be prideful. The man running this country looks to be a few rungs behind the rest of us on the evolutionary ladder. This man created a war and got others to fight it for him. I think he would piss his pants if he had to actually fight. This guy is trying to dictate who I can and cannot marry, sticking his nose where it does not belong; in my home.
Then there's the country itself. Mindless, poorly educated many people here live only to see how many people they can screw over before they die. Children are being raised in such conditions that for one brought up in a happy, healthy environment it would be a common occurence for them to hear "What? What do you mean you weren't abused? Not molested? You haven't tried to kill yourself either? Christ, you're weird".
There was a time when being able to call myself American made me feel pleased, assured, calm.
No, I don't think we have much to pride ourselves on. But, maybe that's just me.
Jun. 30th, 2004 @ 11:34 pm
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Mom has a friend by the name of Donald. They've known each other since high school and are very close friends. I guess they kinda drifted apart a little bit over the years but they met up again several years ago, possibly about eight. When I met him, I liked him from the moment I set eyes on him which was actually pretty unusual for me back then. Later I found out that Donald is HIV positive. Even then, I knew what that meant. Something in his blood was destroying his immune system. Eventually, he would catch a cold, which would turn into something nastier and he would die from it. I remember hugging him a lot after I found out. I thought that if I could hug him hard enough I could squeeze all the badness out of him.
Hasn't worked so far.
Jun. 30th, 2004 @ 11:34 pm
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There's this really nifty lookin bug hiding underneath a sheet of paper on the computer desk. Long, black wings (I'm assuming they are) about as long as my thumbnail. Otherwise, it's a kinda brick red color. Black eyes. No other remarkable uh... markings. Hmm. Maybe some segmented antenne and legs. I think the legs are tipped with black too, but I'm not sure. Eyes aren't that good. Anyway, I hope I don't accidentally squish him. That would make me sad. Not to mention gross me out because he's kinda big for a bug, from the tip of my thumbnail to the knuckle. There's got to be a lot of guts in 'im. Ewwwwwwww. He's kinda cute. He's hiding under the paper, saying, "Neener neener neener! You can't see me! I'm hiding!" Mmmhmm. You're right. I can't see your freakin huge antenne stickin out from under the white paper. Nope. Completely invisible. I shall name him Bert. : ) Fuck yeah, I'm werid. Weird too, dammit. Though I kinda like that spelling. Like Dael and drunt. Charming in their cuteness, really. Speaking of which, this makes me think of Dael. Dude, I don't know. Don't ask. Piccie from http://beastofoblivion.deviantart.com/. His/her art is cool, go check it out. You know you want to. You can't resist me. Bwuahahahaha! Oh, and a quick, easy way to host your pics would be to create an account at www.greatestjournal.com. I think you can have up to 1000 pics there, and 1000 userpics. Something like that. Free too, since they use ads as a way to get cash to support all this. Ads aren't annoying either, no pop ups or anything. Kinda like it. Aww, Bert flew off. Wonder where he went. Stay alive, Bert! And, in his place, an obnoxious tiny gnat insists plastering himself on the computer screen. Bastard. *flick* You can never replace my BERT! CHRIST, this song is taking a long time to download. I've been working on it for at least two hours. I refuse to move until it's done, dammit. *sigh* I'm weird. But that's okay, normal's boring. I think I should go before I injure something. Or someone. :P
Jun. 25th, 2004 @ 12:38 am
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Oy. Such things I think about when I'm in the shower.
Thought about how I really hope my cousin won't be brainwashed by church. She's a bright pain in the ass, I don't want her to become like them. I refuse to let it happen. Not much I can do about it really, except push her in subtle ways to actually think, not just take what other people tell her as the truth.
Also thought about George Bush. I can't wait to vote him out of office, that bastard. Get that thing you call a nose out of my bedroom, stop trying to interfere and use those damned ears to actually LISTEN to the people instead of doing whatever the hell you want. No way in hell is he going to be president come January and if he is... *grr* I dunno.
When I go into work today I'm gonna ask one of the managers, probably Nancy, about working the night shift there. In all probability, I'll get more hours and more pay, which I need very much right now. We'll see.
Bastard has a new friend now, but they don't like each other that much at the moment. They're in separate cages next to each other. They seem to be getting along better today, though. I think Bastard's getting used to him, so I might try to introduce them again today.
In the process of making something for my girl, but I can't find what I need easily. It's more difficult than I thought it would be. Hmm. BUT, I'm determined. Therefore, I'll find what I need. : )
Love you, angel. *kiss*
Jun. 18th, 2004 @ 12:19 am
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lillquim's LJ stalker is angelicdom! | angelicdom is stalking you because they heard you are awesome in bed, and they want to find out. They are also getting with your significant other! |
May. 28th, 2004 @ 11:18 am
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May. 27th, 2004 @ 11:25 pm
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Dear me oh my, it seems the link never found its way into the post. Here we goes. TADA!! Whee. : ) Time to work on application. Later. : )
May. 27th, 2004 @ 12:57 am
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Okay, okay. I've got something good here. Funny as hell. You should really sit and watch it before reading onward, though. See, this is funny for me (and for you too, angel ; ))because my cousin Hannah did the SAME THING. She was taking a shower at my grandmother's... I think she was about a year old, right around the time we started to realize she was autistic. So, she's in there, splashin around, havin a good time which made me wish I could have as good a time so I climbed in and sat down on this uh... corner area that's big enough to actually sit, y'know? So, both of us grandkids were sittin, havin a good time, splashing... all of the sudden, something catches my eye. The next thing I know I was standing next to my mom and grandmother in the bathroom screamin "IT'S A TURD!!" Oh my. Memories. *smirk* I bet everyone'll think twice before they go near my feet now. *laugh* Poor folks. And I've been harassing Morgan at work (not Red, Morgan is the name of her ex) a lot. *laugh* Poor guy. I love the man, he's cute as hell. He's a slow quiet voice, kinda like this pothead I knew in high school. 'Cept Morgan doesn't do those things. I had a dream last night that Bastard had a friend to play with. I woke up expecting to see the other degu already in the cage which is VERY rare for me to do. Usually when I wake up I know where I am, who's in the room, what I gotta do that day, etc. No grogginess, basically. Hehe, my girl came to see me at work today. Surprised me. And completely threw me off too, dammit. *grin* I was pokin myself with whole pineapples (not as much fun as I make it sound) ALMOST letting people walk off with groceries that weren't theirs, tripping over things, etc. Oy. ... So I guess I'd understand what it'd be like to be the putzy Steph for a day. ; ) Hehehehe! OOOO, she's gonna kill me for that. I'd better get ready for her down here, then. I'll throw 'er a big welcoming party, she won't know what to do. Hehehe. Oh my. You people are gonna think I'm on crack when you read this. Oh well. : ) Love ya'll!
May. 26th, 2004 @ 09:49 pm
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Mass is allowing gay marriages starting tomorrow! I'M SO HAPPY!
And on my and Shay's nine month anniversary, too. ; )
Hmm. So pleased. : )
I was channel surfing a little after that and happened to fall across a Christian channel. An ad was playing and a preacher was trying to get "true Americans" to sign a petition to "protect the value of marriage in America". Of course, you were also greatly encouraged to show your love for good 'ol Jesus by donating money to this preacher's organization. If you did so, you would receive a "free" video called "Marriage in America: Under attack" (or something along those lines). You'd also get some other video, can't remember what that was. In the span of 45 minutes, the ad was shown three times. That seems more than usual for any other ad; maybe I'm mistaken.
Sometimes I want to sit people like him down and talk with them to try and see things ... ... the way they are and the way they're going to stay for the time being. Then I wake up and know that many of them are either just too set in their ways, refuse to see past their bible, or just want someone, anyone, to give them an excuse to discriminate against another of their own race. The few that can actually listen generally hide in the shadows, either because they're forced to or because they choose to. (just a few nights ago I was watching the news. The Church will refuse to give communion to any Christian that's a liberal)
This realization makes me want to beat them to their senses. It makes me so pissed off... Who the hell are they to judge others? Last time *I* knew Christians weren't supposed to judge others; that would be done by the "Ultimate Judge", if ya catch my drift.
But, hey, we are human. We're prone to bow down to our ego, think that we're better than everyone else around us. It's so easy to judge others but we can never really get a good look at ourselves. I swear, we all need this, like, soul mirror or some such instead of a bathroom mirror. Instead of showing us bleary eyed with hair that would put Medusa to shame it'd show us our own imperfections. Maybe it'd smarten us up.
'Course, beating them would only give more fuel to the homophobes. Can't have that no can we?
So the only thing I can really do is listen to what they have to say since most of them won't listen to me. I'll try to show them through example... Doubt they'd ever get it though. Maybe I'll be proven wrong, I hope so. Doubtful.
In closing, I'd like to congratulate any of the queers that happen to come across this entry that will receive their marriage liscences in Mass tomorrow. (today technically now) I'd also like to congratulate those that are married and have no rings, pieces of paper or anyone's -mortal or gods- permission. Hopefully, soon, the rest of the states will follow Mass.
May. 16th, 2004 @ 11:27 pm