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I hate myself for lovin' you
User: [info]roxybear
Name: I hate myself for lovin' you
Past Lives
Back November 2004
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Princess Roxy's Ramblings...
True love only comes

once in a lifetime.

Grab it and don't let it go!
Princess Roxy's Journal
I may be love's bitch but at least I'm woman enough to admit it...
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melly when I got home, I Mruphy oil soaped!!!!!!!! Whewww, I Love it!
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Happy Birthday Ivy!!
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Poll #213065 Christmas Bells that are a ringin'!!
Open to: Friends, results viewable to: None

I wanna send you a card!! Give me your address!!

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LJ Message Service
Hey Kell! I can't find your new email address!!! I have some info. for you. Email me so I can tell you!
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Today was not a very eventful the point I have nothing to report. I slept a lot but I think I needed. It's the whole depression healing mechanism. :)

I did, however, forget to mention I talked to [info]princessapril yesterday and she is such a sweetie!! Thanks girl for the conversation!! I needed it!

Time for bed!

Current Mood: content

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ok, now can you see the color?
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OOOOHHH< I love this!
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So yeah...
me? Fell on mah ass and twisted mah knee!! Can we say pain and swollen?

Current Mood: sad

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so working yesterday made me want to do something fun today...the only problem is I can't think of anything to do. We watched Harry Potter last night, it was really good and I will probably read the book, I also got BTVS season 1 & 2 from Walmart. They were really cheap there.

I have been having a lot of pain in my legs and ankles this weekend. It sucks I can't take anything for it. I have tried stretching and it helped alittle. I hate to just sit though, I feel like I just get stiffer if I do that. Maybe we will go for a walk tonight after it cools off that will help I am sure.

Gotta go make lunch, :)

Current Mood: thoughtful

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See my new icon pic.! That's me and David! awww, aren't we cute?

Current Mood: geeky

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I keep getting emails from people who want me to give them an invite to Live Journal. I don't know these people! I'm not sure if I wanna do it or not.

Current Mood: annoyed

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Current Mood: excited

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New Yahoo Messenger Id
add me! jettagrly---Just let me know who you are!

Current Mood: happy

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Alright, I am going public again, I will see how it goes.

*hides under the desk*

Current Mood: amused

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I can't believe Lisa Lopes is dead!
I have always loved TLC! It's such a shame she died!!

I have been so busy and last nite I think I crashed. I felt sick and I couldn't hold my head up. I left Aimee's at 8:15, I just told her I had to go and I did.

I have been having a lot of problems lately. My elbow and not being able to straighten my arm, I think I have fixed with Anti-inflamatories. I have had something wrong with my neck for about two weeks and now my back is bothering me and I can't stand straight up. I am going back to my dr. on Tuesday for my elbow and I am going to talk to her about it. It kinda makes me nervous that something else is wrong. I go to the boobie dr. on Wed. and hopefully he will let me start putting something on my wound to help it heal faster. I still have an open hole in my boob, it's smaller but still there. I just want it to go away now.

The anti-inflammatories I am taking say I should stay out of the sun, but I think I am going to start tanning cause I am sick of being pale.

The funeral the other day was sad and long but my aunt was glad that we had come all that way. She is just a wonderful person! I love her so much!

gotta get back at it!

Current Mood: sore

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Bring on 4 am! I'm going to bed!

Current Mood: aggravated

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Wednesday is gonna be a bitch!
Tomorrow at approximately 4:00 AM, I will be waking up to get ready to leave for my hometown of Alliance, Ohio. My Aunt's dad died and we are headed up for the funeral. Now we would be the original fam... Mom, Dad, me and Heather. We are going b/c A. This Aunt and Uncle were mine and my sister's guardians until I was 18 and old enough to take care of my sister if something happened to my parents. B. My mom and my Aunt are best friends and this is my dad's brother's wife, the only brother my dad talks too. Oh yeah and C. Our Aunt is like our second mother and we feel she would want us there.

The problem, well, first the getting up at the butt crack of dawn and driving four * count 'em* four hours up there to go the funeral and then turn around and drive 4 hours back in the the same day.

The things we do for family sometimes totally amazes me! =) I love them both and wouldn't have it any other way.

Oh, I forgot to mention, then on Thursday, I work here from 8 till 2, then go to the bridal shop from 2:30 until 8:00. Sheesh, I am going to be one tire pup!

Gotta get to work since I won't be here tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Oh and did I mention I got a postcard from the beautiful Rein!!! Thanks hon!

Current Mood: distressed

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The earthquake that hit yesterday in New York? well, my aunt was in it!! She's ok and so are her neighbors and everything but Jessica, the cousin that was here for the week, wished she would've been home for the event?? That child is very strange.

I am kinda glad to go back to my mudane life, now I just have to get prom over with the bridal shop and it should get totally back to normal.

We are trying to decide if we should go get ice cream, but since it's like 35 today, uh yesterday it was 77. Ice cream isn't sounding too good. I just knew the minute I started to pack up the winter clothes and bring out the sandals, it would get cold again! It's supposed to be like this until this weekend! I bet HIL brought it with her.


Current Mood: productive

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My house is sooo dirty! I have been so busy I haven't done any laundry or totally cleaned the house in three weeks, today will be spent doin these wonderful thing b/c tomorrow, back to the grind!

We went to the zoo yesterday with my cousin and the animals were so beautiful. I have pictures to get developed, maybe David will do that for me this afternoon!

Not much has been happening lately, it seems all I do is work but I intend on changing that since Hil is here now and I intend on seeing her soon. Hopefully we can arrange to see each other at least once a month for sure!!!

Gotta get at it!

Current Mood: awake

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Hil's coming to Ohio! Hil's coming to Ohio!

Current Mood: happy

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Hil will be here in two days! Woot! I am really excited! Sad, I probably won't get to see her for about a week but happy to have her in the same state!

I have been so busy the last couple of weeks. I do have an update on mah boobie, the dr. says it is healing just like it should...still looksl like a huge hole to me but he said I don't have to come back for two weeks and probably by then it will be totally covered over and on it's way to healing. It should only leave a thin scar. Right now, it looks like raw meat, a big ol crater with a bunch of raw meat inside. Yeah that's what it is! ;)

Current Mood: sleepy

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so, yeah, I am back, if I missed anything let me know!
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I think I just passed pissy! Whatever!

Current Mood: surprised

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I am pissy! I have no bra on and there are fuckin' ladybugs all over this house!

Current Mood: PMS!!!

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Hello everyone!! This is Roxybear's sister. She wanted me to let you all know that she went to the doc and he told her she is cancer free!! She also said that he said it was a little to yellow but he gave her some instructions so all should be good. She will update everyone later. Bye.