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Below is user information for Rusty F. DeRussate. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:rustyfox (814236) rustyfox
Name:Rusty F. DeRussate
Location:Wakefield, Yorkshire, United Kingdom
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 12576446 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status farthing_fox (Add User, Send Message)
Interests:16: apache, citroen xantia, computers, debian, djbdns, exim, foxes, furry, internet, kde, linux, music, ogg vorbis, opensource, snuggling, tangerine dream. [Modify yours]
People49:avon_deer, axle, badgerguy, benc, blackstorm21, blackthorn45, cnipur, colifox, danbrusca, darac, darthen, dsw, eldabion, emilyemilyegg, foxbrush, furblefox, heraldez, hlaosan, horizon_otter, jaff_fox, janusd, john_s_flaherty, keff_centaur, lady_shewolf, loganberrybunny, lomstat, lum_kitty, lykanbluepaws, makenshifur, megadog, mihtjel, monkeywibble, moodog, muliebuck, nene_nekochan, nikomon, otterfluff, plutopup, pobk, radiac, redmoor, retep, siris_le_osiris, thalyi, tktiger, tr_wolf, vesuvius, vulpeculatf, w_whitestripe_s
Communities2:linuxfurs, northukfurs
Friend of:57: anthropuppy, avon_deer, axle, badgerguy, benc, blackstorm21, blackthorn45, burfdl, cnipur, colifox, danbrusca, darac, darthen, dreamersofgaia, dsw, eldabion, emilyemilyegg, fionacat, foxbrush, furblefox, heraldez, hlaosan, horizon_otter, jaff_fox, janusd, john_s_flaherty, keff_centaur, kitsune_rei, lady_shewolf, loganberrybunny, lomstat, lum_kitty, lykanbluepaws, makenshifur, megadog, mihtjel, monkeywibble, moodog, muliebuck, nene_nekochan, nikomon, otterfluff, plutopup, pobk, radiac, redmoor, retep, saphrael, siris_le_osiris, stariac, thalyi, tktiger, tr_wolf, vesuvius, vladimirsangel, vulpeculatf, w_whitestripe_s
Member of:3: linuxfurs, northukfurs, paidmembers
Account type:Free Account

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