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upcomnig Coal Chamber.. meh thought id post something [27 Apr 2003|01:30am]

[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | MSD - Stillborn ]

just wanted to keep everyone updated as to what's happening with me and the band.

Coal Chamber is still going strong and working on the new B sides album. For the time being we're also working on other projects.

As you know Dez is working on Deathride. Nadja is going strong with her clothing line CruelTees.

Hey fans it's Meegs. It's been awhile since I've posted but I
I currently have a project called Piñata. You can check it out at It will all be up and running soon.

As many are wondering what Mikeys been up to, he's currently working with Paige from Orgy.

I want to thank every one of you for your support in Coal Chamber and our other projects that are heading your way. We will all see you in the near future.

Thanks again,

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[06 Apr 2003|01:42am]

[ music | Bwomp by Mushroomhead ]

A community has been created for Powerman 5000 fans, so feel free to join it. userinfopowerman_5000.

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[02 Apr 2003|06:55pm]

go and join the deftones street team here:
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[31 Mar 2003|04:34pm]

I was bored, so.. I made icons. I'm submitting this one to this community [or whoever else might want to steal it].

It got kinda grainy once I shrunk it [curse LJ for having such a small icon size limit], so I'm posting the original and the shrunken one.

If anyone can shrink the original without it going all grainy, feel free to do so.

The Original:

This one's the proper size to be used as an icon in LJ:
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[31 Mar 2003|03:21pm]

I saw Coal Chamber this summer.

I took a camera with me, and the day after the show I went to Eckerd's and got my film developed. I never really noticed that it was a 27 exposure roll of film and I only got 24 pictures back.

So, a couple weeks ago I was cleaning my desk out, and I found my Coal Chamber negatives.. I was looking through them when I noticed that a couple of the pictures didn't look familiar [more specifically, this picture and another really good shot of Dez]. I know I posted a couple CC pictures right after I got my film developed, but I thought this picture of Meegs was pretty good, so I decided to share.

I really think Meegs was having a bad hair day that day.

Enjoy. (:

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Giving the Devil His Due [18 Mar 2003|10:17pm]

[ mood | ecstatic ]

COAL CHAMBER have set "Giving the Devil His Due (BSides)" as the title for their forthcoming collection of B-sides and rarities, due later in the year through Roadrunner Records. According to COAL CHAMBER frontman Dez Fafara, the upcoming CD "will include almost an hour of tracks consisting of B-sides used on all the digipacks as well as four never-before-heard demos from when the band first got signed. I will also go in and sing vocals on a song I never completed during [the] 'Chamber Music' [recording sessions]. The song is called 'Headstones'.

"We are working on a release at the moment. We are putting together lots of artwork and pictures so to give [the fans] something really good to look at."
As previously reported, Fafara's side project, DEATHRIDE, are currently in the studio with producer Ross Hogarth (COAL CHAMBER, MÖTLEY CRÜE, FASTER PUSSYCAT) working on their debut album, tentatively titled "Thirteen", for a July release through Roadrunner.

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new nadja message board [18 Mar 2003|08:06pm]

[ mood | excited ]

click here

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[13 Mar 2003|01:05pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

for more of that, visit

if you use aol, the old site will come up.
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Cruel Tees [28 Feb 2003|12:11pm]

[ mood | sleepy ]

Hey everyone. Just wanted to let you know HotTopic has started to sell Nadja's Cruel Tee's. Right now, it's just the babydoll with "Cruel" written on it but Nadja is creating new designs.

Click here

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***No Assembly Required*** [18 Feb 2003|05:04am]

Toronto Ontario band ***No Assembly Required*** Recently finished mixing their new album with Max Illidge, front man of 40 below summer. The CD is due out early April 2003.

Check the new track titled "my bleeding eyes"

Also, Max Illidge recorded guest vocals to a new song titled "eyeliner" that will also appear on the upcoming CD.
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[13 Feb 2003|02:13pm]

[ mood | blah ]

Hey.. I'm new, just thought I'd introduce myself..

name is Rachael, big Coal Chamber fan.. used to have a website but never really finished with it, theres alot of pix tho, -- it prolly doesn't even exist anymore lol oh well..

I read in the info that you needed people to make icons? I dunno if thats old or what but I'd be more than happy to if anyone still wants them.. can't promise they'll be the best you've ever seen, I'm still learning animation..

anyways.. guess that's it lol


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Been reeeeal quiet... [08 Feb 2003|11:55pm]

Hi. I've been here awhile, but I've been rather quiet, just kinda sitting back and watching things get posted. But I'm here. Just thought you should know.

'Allo! : P
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Coal Chamber Pics [08 Feb 2003|11:50am]

I'd posted a couple of these before, but I'm finally getting around to posting the rest of them.

The last couple of them are just webcam pictures of real pictures, since I dont have a scanner.. but the first ones are actually scanned and better quality.

Meegs is my favorite, in case you can't tell.

Pictures )
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*Smacks Forehead* [07 Feb 2003|12:51pm]

I`m an idiot!
Sorry guys, but I posted that entry in the wrong community. LoL. PLease forgive me...
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Hey Hey! [07 Feb 2003|12:46pm]

[ mood | relaxed ]
[ music | Tool-- Fourty-Six And Two ]

Just sayin hi. I`m new to this community and I guess I could still be classified as a noob on cstrike. If you have any tips for me on playin [still learnin new shit everyday!] or just wanna chat, reply back. :)

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NEW ALBUM, NEW PROJECTS - THE LATEST FROM CC CAMP 2/4/2003 [05 Feb 2003|12:31pm]

[ mood | excited ]
[ music | attached at the hip - cky ]

Hello Coal Chamber kids. This is Dez and I got some great news for anybody that's into Coal Chamber stuff.

It has come to my attention that Roadrunner Records would like to put out a b-sides album using b-sides from the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Coal Chamber albums as well as some unreleased material that has never been heard.

Yesterday (02/03), Meegs Rascon and I were on the phone discussing how we can best help Roadrunner to approach this. I myself, have numerous unheard tracks as well as over 100 live shows recorded to dat.

We in Coal Chamber would definitely like to see some live stuff on this album, as Coal Chamber has always been a live band first. We would like all of you to write into the site and tell us what you would want to hear on this b-sides. In other words, we want your ideas so we can best serve all the people who listen to our music.
In other news, while I am working on my project Deathride, and Meegs is working on a side project of his own, we have jointly come together and spoken about another Coal Chamber album. Meegs has already written 3-4 new tracks and Nadja will begin going over to Meegs' house next week to lay her bass tracks. So you never know...there might be something in the works quicker than we think.

There's room in this world for a lot of music, and it looks like you're going to be getting a lot of music from us. By the way, Coal Chamber's new drummer is exceptional.
That's it for now...haven't written a message in a while on this site. Hope everyone is doing well. Keep listening to heavy music, and keep your ears tuned towards Roadrunner Records.


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xmas song [02 Feb 2003|07:04pm]

[ mood | ok ]
[ music | korn - xmas song ]

anyone remember this song by korn? :

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house,
everybody was stoned, even the mouse
Man from the courthouse, and me from jail, I just settled down,
to get a piece of her tail
When all of a sudden, I heard such a clatter, I tripped on my dick,
and busted my bladder
I went downstairs, and what did i see, a fat little red fagget,
hanging from a tree
He stuffed the stockings, with reefers and beer, and a big fat hairy dick,
for the family queer
That's the end of my story, funny wasn't it, you see
She didn't even...
She didn't see my thing behind you, leave you for this private eye,
I was there to give'em near to my, zima zima mommy fah,
I'm gonna say this, hope it don't offend you, came to the grizma,
give'em a taste of me, give'em a little excitement to the damn monkey,
your monkey can stay with me,


Chevy took my brain, same old motherfucker sucked my dick that day,
he will never zima zima, never never not that day,
I'm really sick of all this excitement, yeah,
but he thinks he's better than me, uma zooma nooga dunga,
you can suck my dick all day, one, two, three, four,
Santa can suck my dick all day

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nadja and meegs intervie from rumble mag [25 Dec 2002|11:48am]

[ mood | chipper ]

When did you start playing?
Meegs: When I was around 12, and then I quit for almost 3 years because I was really frustrated. I didn't have the natural ability to learn right away, and I was hard on myself. If I couldn't play like Eddie Van Halen, then I figured I sucked. This was back in the day of Yngwie, and the competition was stiff- it was like the Olympics.
Nadja: I started out playing drums, but I got sick of it. Then someone gave me a bass for my birthday, and I picked it up very easily. Soon after, I met some girls and started playing with them in Hollywood clubs. I got better and better through practice. I've never taken any lessons and I dont plan to. I think its all about not knowing too much, and getting away with it [laughs].

Why do you say that?
Nadja: Because I used to paint, and I never thought about any rules. I just let things flow. I feel the same about the bass because, quite often, the things you're not supposed to do are what sounds best. I want to be free to do whatever I like, and if it's wrong-well, thats even better. Ill piss off the musicians who learn theory all day long!

Who are some of your influences?
Meegs: When I started, it was all Van Halen and Jimmy Page. Page was vicious. He applied intentional sloppiness in a way that fit. I'm also into JERRY Cantrell, Dimebag DARREL, Stephen Carpenter, and Wes Borland. When Korn came out, I thought Munky and Head were phenomel! I'm always going to respect Korn opened the doors for this genre. And this might sound cheesy, but my own band influences me as well.
Nadja: Patricia Morrison from Sisters of Mercy and the Damed, Sean Yseulet of White Zombie, and Geezer Butler of Black Sabbath.

How has your guitar work progresed from your earlier albums on DD?
Meegs: It's angrier and darker-sounding now. And if people don't say this record is heavy, I dont know what is heavy!

Nadja, how would you compare your bass style to Rayna's?
Nadja: Her style is more staccato--she does alot of slapping--and mine is more grove oriented.

Do you play your bass with your fingers or a pick?
Nadja: I play with my fingers because it comes naturally to me. I just can't "feel it" with a pick-which is probably why I didn't become a guitarist!

Did originally being a drummer affect your style?
Nadja: Yes. I concieved my role as building drum beats on the bass.

What distinguishes a CC arrangement?
Meegs: What we strive for isn't particularly unique. It's just simple, pop-oriented songs--verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, chorus--that are about three or four minutes long. Some bands really get into their own playing, and they compose these weird, long ass parts, but my attention span is too short for that stuff. Oour songs are boom-- straight to the point. There's no noodling, and the tunes are sometimes very monotone. It's like the band is a truck and we roll w/o stopping.

You said that Dark Days producer Ross Hograth made you play parts over until they were locked to the groove. As you're an experinced Pro Tools user--you have a system in your home studio--why didn't you just edit the parts and move them where they belonged?
Meegs: Because there's such a difference between constructing a performace through digital editing, and actually playing a part from start to finish. Ross would say, "I could cut this part up and make it sound right, but it wouldn't have your natural groove." We've got nothing against technology and digital editing--Ross simply wanted me to play the parts because rock music needs a human element. We're not trying to be NIN, we're just a grage band that embraces the future.

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Ground Zero [19 Dec 2002|05:51pm]

[ mood | \m/ ]
[ music | Haste the day - Substance ]

Everyone should join the Ground Zero forum. Ground Zero will be the most up-to-date MusicZine site on the Internet. We are currently looking for Members to help us out with the site. If YOU or anyone else is experienced with HTML, PHP, CGI, Graphics, or any other web design features, go to The Ground Zero Signup and sign up!

Go register at our forum and post please.
Ground Zero Forum


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[17 Dec 2002|10:57pm]

Everyone join the Coal Chamber Fanlisting!!!!!
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