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pictures [04 Mar 2003|11:49pm]

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pink? [04 Mar 2003|11:03pm]
[ mood | confused ]

Hey.... I want to dye my hair again. im so sick of it.what colour do you think i should do it? Pink? Emerald green? Black? leave me comments.

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[23 Feb 2003|06:08pm]
i laughed and shook his hand
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tra la la [23 Feb 2003|06:01pm]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | db- moonage daydream ]

I had the most amazing morning with Eric. *sigh* I really do miss being at home with him all the time; Watching endless hours of mind numbing televison, snuggling, talking and making desserts. lol. Those were the days.
Now we pretty much see each other one day a week if we are lucky. Yes, we live together but he works nights and i have the most fucked up schedule ever.

So I like my job and everything. It's a cool store, the staff are getting better and the animals are cute. but i cant stand the other manager. He's such an old prick who loves to gossip. I'm telling you its like "Days of our lives" at my work because of him. I don't want to quit but I think that iI will wring his neck if he even looks in my direction.Did I mention that he is sixty years old and is trying to get a 20 year old stripper into bed with him that is his x-girlfriend daughter? Forget "Days", Jerry Spriger is more like it. It fucking gross. I have had to call him boss a few times about his disgusting behaviour and still nothing was done about it.

So I have been looking at college couses around my area. I think i'll take an esthetics course :) or something like that. I don't want to be working at a pet store forever. *groan*

Thats all for now.

♥ missy

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[19 Feb 2003|09:23am]
im sorry, i really am
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[17 Feb 2003|11:15pm]
Thought i would post today since its been a while.
I had a pretty good Valentines day. Eric sent me chocolates, flowers and a teddy to my work. He's such a sweetie. We went for dinner then rented some movies.

Went to Toronto on Saturday. Went to Just desserts with Reena and Matt. Boys talk too much about cars.
Miss you Reena !!
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yeehaw! [03 Feb 2003|01:07am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | birds screaming.... ]


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socks n boots [29 Jan 2003|02:06am]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | db ]

My socks and boots :)

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lalalala..... [27 Jan 2003|10:59pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | pixies ]

hmm.... Where has everybody disappeared to?

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pictures... [14 Jan 2003|12:49am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | guinea pigs...cooing ]

Took these a few days ago

A few of my babies :)

My new personal site will be located at www.morphinebaby.com/missy while my glitter whores will remain at broken-wingz.net/darkmyztress

:)Now I Have been up since 6:30 this morning so its time to sleep . ZZZzzzz

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every you every me [12 Jan 2003|05:23pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | placebo ]

::sigh:: Sundays.. day of rest. I guess i'm quite rested right now after having an exhausting morning at work. Malice is rested. after all he sleeps all day and is awake all night. just like a vampire. While I am on a totally different sleep schedule. I miss him. I live with him but I don't get to spend any time with him. But I guess that what we *have* to do.
So I have pretty much broken all my new years resolutions. Ah, well there is always next year. I miss my friends in Toronto. I don't think I quite understand the people that live in this city. Very snobby.

ah well, one day i'll be back for good. Hopefully.

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hello everyone :) [07 Jan 2003|07:19am]
I'm back. I bought a new computer so I'll be online more often. Talk to all of you soon :)
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[26 Dec 2002|08:49am]
i love eric
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still alive.... for the most part [26 Dec 2002|08:45am]
Yes , Yes. I am still alive. I now live in Kitchener which is as equally boring as cambridge. I am a a customer service manager at a pet store. Go me. I have 2 little puppies named Stardust and Bowie. (names inspired by David Bowie) They are adorable :) I am still trying to catch up with my bills so i can put a computer on my credit card. Can't wait for the mall so open. WOO HOO!
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oooh rock stars ;) [23 Apr 2002|07:53pm]
my glam rock star name should be Vicious Toy
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kill me [23 Apr 2002|05:38pm]
[ mood | bored ]

i am so boreddddd

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[23 Apr 2002|04:54pm]
Which Rock Chick Are You?
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i wonder [13 Apr 2002|06:43pm]
[ mood | confused ]

I really wonder how things would be like if i never moved. I think i would have been happier. I didn't think so then. Ah well. Hopefully things work out and i leave this horrid place soon.

i'm going shopping with Reena, Marisa, and Goth Godess as soon as I get back. (oh and drinking. hehehe) Can't fucking wait.

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beautiful day [12 Apr 2002|09:57am]
::sigh:: I wish i was in Toronto right now... shopping on queen st. with Reena. Can't wait to move...
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Moving again! [07 Apr 2002|04:45pm]
Yes! Eric and I are moving again. Back to Toronto. I cant wait :)
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