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User:andlosers (9186) Paid User andlosers
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Website:The Benblog
Location:Oxford, United Kingdom
Bio:I grew up in Oxford, where I attended church schools and got in trouble for writing stories about Jesus going on shooting sprees. In 1997 I moved to Edinburgh where I got an honours degree in Computer Science, and discovered that I hate computers.

I spent five months in the States, where my parents moved, feeling isolated and wondering what to do with myself; in the end I discovered a lot about myself, and finally learned to love the country. While I consider myself to be a damn liberal hippie and fervently anti-Bush, I have a huge respect for the American people. It's also a beautiful country.

Nonetheless, I came back, and eventually got a job with the University of Edinburgh, split between their sports science and learning technology departments. In September 2004 I quit, moved back down to Oxford, and am now working on several freelance projects as well as having a hell of a lot more fun. (I don't think anyone's cut out for a 9 to 5 desk job.)

Say hi. More friends are always a nice surprise. :)
Memories:17 entries
Interests:110: #lj69749800, acting, adbusters, alcohol, american history, ani difranco, ben & jerry's, books, buffy, california, cape cod, christina ricci, claire danes, clouds, creative writing, dar williams, deaf, deaf culture, deafness, death, debate, democracy, depression, doctor who, douglas coupland, dreaming, edinburgh, edward hopper, emotions, entrepreneurship, equal rights, erin mckeown, family, fiction, films, folk music, folk rock, friends, ghosts, green tea, hannah werdmuller, happiness, hate, high school, hippies, ikea, indonesian food, japanese food, jess klein, john cusack, johnny clegg and savuka, johnny depp, katie wilson, laughing, life, live music, losing weight, loss, love, lyrics, mexican food, michael moore, midnight walks, movies, muppets, music, new england, night, nostalgia, organic food, oxford, peace, people, photos, poetry, politics, psychology, rain, reading, religion, rum and monkey, sailing, sarah dessen, sesame street, sky, sleep, smiles, stars, sun, sunlight, sushi, swimming, switzerland, talking, tea, the breakfast club, the eels, the internet, the sea, the sky, thea gilmore, theatre, tim burton, vegetarianism, walking, warmth, water, wind, writing, zines. [Modify yours]
People184:_gregor_, _iamme_, actual_i, addiena_heulyn, akicif, allwalksoftly, amelange, amymarie4182, andabusers, andlosers, angoel, antigravitylove, arturus, atropinesulfate, avocado, baby_roo, bastard, beaming, bingster, birdonawire, bitospud, blink_lu, blue_comet, bojangleslady, bondas, boredumbrella, brainlag, cajon, carezza, casca, catculus, charmenders, cheekbones3, cherisse, chicasobonita, chuma, cleanskies, cloudcuckooland, colours, concourse, coolestabi, coppefungus, cornflakegirl56, cybergnome, damnitnicole, difazio, distressme, dsukiki, dyskodyke, easytiger, emptyplace, epicurial, equivoke, erindellr, faerishimmer, faeryrose, fifthblade, g1912, girlinthetree, gnapham, gnomatron, gordongirl, gothpoptart, gracewithnograc, halcyon_heist, hayley, hazeln, helenmelon, henriksdal, hughe, iamjackslazyass, icewing, imaginejl23, indooraviator, insidemymaze, insistence, inteleks66, ipotane, jenahfur, jinxremoving, joanneharris, johnkerrymouse, judestar, jwhiskers_, kaar, kangaroo, kateandkris, kenpogurl, kigin, kimya_dawson_, kornelia, kris, krispygurl, lacuna, lake_awake, legoushka, lenses, leviathus, like_a_lamb, llamafaerie, lumiel, lyra, mab, mad_brandon, magikspork, magita, maldeluxx, mangagurl, mazzygirl, meowpurrr, minute_exposure, misspotsitt, mistressophelia, mizufusion, moosical, mopani, n0nnahs, neferet, nightshade, nomorepinkstars, nonljfriends, noppi, nyranda, oblivious, onlysheknows, paranoidpagen, pasamufasa, pinkoi, pinkskivvies, poggs, pokey_sword, pringle, pthime, pushingme, rainstorm, random_blobs, rawls, raya, redgrrrl, redkrstn, sartael, schmittvandean, scoticus, selectnone, seren, skyshards, sleepycaitlin, slowfox, slytheran, snowberries, sparkle, starjunk_, starry, starsunk, status, stg, sweet_innocent, teleute, thandeka_alice, thatcute, the_beast, theauldhoose, theoneders64, theresnorain, thewaternixie, thisismyorange, tinylittlestar, tomihime, tornblouse, trinity_gal, typical, upside_down, utopia, valentini, vash_riftwalker, vereorc, vile_albert, wheatpuppy, wooha, writergrl, xanta, xlaptopcorex, xmaybemiseryx, yesterday_song
Communities14:arthurs_seat, askew, dreamingspires, edinburgers, folkfans, freeteens, inklings, organic_uk, rawk, rum_monkeys, seriouswriters, sfwriters, turlocksucks, writerly
Feeds10:benblog, cyber_device, doonesbury, dushkaarticles, dushkaphoto, nigelgriffiths, peeg, photodiary, rumandmonkey, rumnews
Mutual Friends:170: _gregor_, _iamme_, actual_i, addiena_heulyn, akicif, allwalksoftly, amelange, amymarie4182, andabusers, andlosers, angoel, antigravitylove, arturus, atropinesulfate, avocado, baby_roo, bastard, beaming, bingster, birdonawire, bitospud, blink_lu, blue_comet, bojangleslady, bondas, boredumbrella, brainlag, carezza, casca, catculus, charmenders, cheekbones3, cherisse, chicasobonita, chuma, cleanskies, cloudcuckooland, colours, concourse, coolestabi, coppefungus, cornflakegirl56, cybergnome, damnitnicole, difazio, distressme, dsukiki, dyskodyke, easytiger, emptyplace, epicurial, equivoke, erindellr, faerishimmer, faeryrose, fifthblade, girlinthetree, gnapham, gnomatron, gordongirl, gothpoptart, gracewithnograc, halcyon_heist, hayley, hazeln, helenmelon, henriksdal, hughe, iamjackslazyass, icewing, imaginejl23, indooraviator, insidemymaze, insistence, ipotane, jenahfur, jinxremoving, joanneharris, johnkerrymouse, judestar, jwhiskers_, kaar, kangaroo, kateandkris, kenpogurl, kigin, kornelia, kris, krispygurl, lacuna, lake_awake, legoushka, lenses, leviathus, like_a_lamb, llamafaerie, lumiel, lyra, mab, mad_brandon, magikspork, magita, maldeluxx, mangagurl, mazzygirl, meowpurrr, minute_exposure, misspotsitt, mistressophelia, mizufusion, moosical, n0nnahs, neferet, nightshade, nonljfriends, noppi, nyranda, oblivious, onlysheknows, paranoidpagen, pasamufasa, pinkoi, pinkskivvies, poggs, pokey_sword, pthime, pushingme, rainstorm, random_blobs, rawls, raya, redgrrrl, redkrstn, sartael, schmittvandean, scoticus, selectnone, seren, skyshards, sleepycaitlin, slowfox, slytheran, snowberries, sparkle, starjunk_, starry, stg, sweet_innocent, teleute, thatcute, ...
Also Friend of:27: _illiana_, _righteous_babe, archer_, bellachaton, chocc0, colorsofadream, crash_burn, crazyducky, dancingpirates, deletia, dntworrybehappy, elysium, fool_of_ages, gummyhair_10, jezrana, jonlong, lyrathalia, mortysaysmeow, pixiestick69, poetictragedies, poobumwilly, primobacio, quasi_love, silent_five, sisastef, strangegirl, thecryinggame
Member of:22: arthurs_seat, askew, dreamingspires, edinburgers, folkfans, freeteens, inklings, livejournal_uk, mix_cd_exchange, onlinequizzes, onlinetests, organic_uk, paidmembers, rawk, rum_monkeys, seriouswriters, sfwriters, sw_council, syn_promo, turlocksucks, writerly, zine_scene
Account type:Paid Account, previously an Early Adopter

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