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Below is user information for Baby D.. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:babydoll25 (786397) Paid User babydoll25
Cause on a one-to-ten....
She's a certified twenty
Name:Baby D.
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on his/her cellphone/pager.
Location:Twin Cities, Minnesota, United States
Bio:I'm just a Minnesota farm girl turned city girl. I went to a Catholic school and went to church everyday. I think I developed a little kink once I broke free. I was once described as a woman you could take to church in the morning, and I could rob a bank in the afternoon. I'm all up on that good girl/bad girl analogy.

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script by marnanel

Interests:75: "sex and the city", acrylic nails, adam sandler, aquariums, bath and body works, beaches, boy shorts, boys, carribbean, cars, casual corner, catholic school, cell phones, cheeseburgers, chic flicks, cobra mustangs, comedies, computer projects, cooking, cosmopolitan, crafts, dairy farms, diet cherry coke, digital cameras, dresses, drew carey, eminem, english toffee, escada, family, finance, florida, flowers, football, ford mustang, fuddruckers, glitter, green eyes, highlights, hip hop, hockey, internet, jewelry, leopard print, ludacris manicures, mashed potatoes, men, mexican food, mexico, money, movies, nascar, ocean, painting, palm trees, pedicures, perfume, photographs, pizza, r&b;, racing, rap, roller coasters, rolling rock, sarah jessica parker, sex, summer, tacos, tanning, travel, tupac, victoria's secret, webcams, yellow, ymca. [Modify yours]
People45:__christina_, anney, babydoll25, balljar, beckmermaid, beckylee, billijean, cecilthemuppet, dinkydo, dylanmumbles, easilydistractd, elkman, faeryguinevere, flat_stanley, gnomeygirl, grubber, hayleyk, huckfinn, inspectorjury, jennfromtx, kingalii, kodakrome, monkey, mysocalledlife, ossie, philady, pinkscotch, polypboy, polyranger, razzberee, risquewritings, robont, sassylidge, shitt, snickersaddict, solelysearching, soyouthink, staciemeow, sugarbeet, sugartoast, tarpo, teaser, teckwriter, watership, whorylori
Communities7:acoa, ljtwincities, paidmembers, rural_ruin, serves_one, tc_offtopic, twin_cities
Account type:Paid Account

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