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Below is information about the "the flea market" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:bargains (691597)  
Name:the flea market
About:This is primarily a community for sales and trades. But feel free to post links to your auctions.

Please use LJ-cut for large images.

1 post per day.
Interests:129: accessories, amazon,, american express, amex, art, artwork, auctions, bargain hunting, bargains, being in debt, bidding, blue light specials, books, brand names, brown paper packages, browsing, browsing stores, budget, budget living, buying, buying online, buying stuff, cds, cheap, cheap stuff, checks, christmas, christmas shopping, clearance, clearances, clothes, coupons, crafts, credit cards, deals, debit cards, designing clothes, discount, discount prices, discount shopping, discount stores, discounts, discover, diy, dollar stores, dolls, dvds, ebay,, electronics, exchanges, fashion, flea market, <a href='