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Community Information

Below is information about the "The Foreign Language Community" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:foreignlanguage (473885) foreignlanguage
Name:The Foreign Language Community
About:This is a community for anyone who interested in Foreign Languages. Whether you speak German, Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese, Swahili, Norwegian, or only your native tongue but want to learn more - THIS IS THE PLACE FOR YOU!
Even if you have a desire to learn about foreign cultures, or have friends from around the world - I urge you to join our group! :)

People of all skill levels are urged to join, help, learn, and enjoy!

Community Guidelines:
~+~ All posts must be tasteful and G-Rated.
~+~ No Flamming, Spamming, or Quiz Posting.
~+~ Keep posts on-topic.
~+~ Be kind to each other, and offer encouragement.
~+~ Remove accidental posts immediately, or they will be removed for you.

What can I do here?
If you wish to post lessons, please feel free to do so!
If you need help with translation, simply ask. If you would like to post a history of a language or some interesting facts, you're encouraged to do so! This is not just teaching/learning community!

How do I make the accent marks in European languages?
Go to this message! You can also find it in our memories section!

If you have questions or comments, please write to user: [info]sh0kr0k
Memories:135 entries
Interests:40: afrikaans, alphabets, arabic, catalan, chinese, constructed languages, culture, danish, dutch, english, esperanto, finnish, foreign culture, foreign languages, french, gaelic, german, hebrew, hungarian, icelandic, indonesian, irish, italian, japanese, korean, latin, learning, mandarin, norwegian, occitan, pen pals, portugese, pronounciations, russian, scottish, spanish, swahili, swedish, syllables, words. [Modify yours]
Members:915: View Members .
Watched by:631: 0bscured_zer0, 0livetree, 13thought, 24karrot, 2ndbreakfast79, 5weetdream5, __michiru__, _crazysexycool_, _crimsontruth_, _emper_, _randwulf_, _tekwh0re_, _uk2gl, _viceversa_, _wanderer_, abrient, acailin, aerlinnel, aggressivemix, aglaeia, aidan_boi_x, aidian, ailetoile, akasha_orsini, akaten, alenacher, alfawolph, allybarlow, amarceluk, amator, amaylie, amelka, andy_panda, angilla, anjuutsu, annir, anon_99, anotherashley, antonme, anycah, aodh, archie_costello, argentyne, arrasandora, ata2308, athenaleigh, aunil, autumnsdiscord, axd, axver, azcoitia, azrhey, azulskies, bagpiper, balkyinteger, bartle_by, bathroom_ensues, bauglir, bc_, bc_biatch, bdatson, beepsie, belaja, belleceramique, bennett, bezsmertni, blacknchinygal, blackwitch, bleedingdarknes, blue_night, bluehenboy, bluemiree, blushycyootie, blzeph, bodyartist, bongobeatchic, book_addict, bookergirl, bookly, borange, br0wn_sugar, brokendreams_, cabinbythewoods, caramelfrapu, carnificinafera, carrii, cassielanguages, cathblue7, catilina, cattika, cema, champagnesheik, chaoticbean, charlydude, chilek, chizhik, chocopoptart, choomi, cinamon, cityratbuddy, cmorrigu, cochon, colonelvartan, comfort_, conchis, cookie3, coolpyrofreak, copy_kat, cor_ne_edito, corvuscaecus, countthe_stars, crazedgirl, crazykoreanchic, crizza21, crushedpaper, crystabella, daboz, daltonico, dandycat, decameron, decemberjuliet, degchroma, deluin_niere, derangedangel, dhr_eigen, dieuterus, dilate_expose, dime_mas, dirtyoldtownie, divajezebel, divechick, djournal, don_juan, dracosdancer, dragonelf_2002, drakensoul, dubster, duckiebaybie, ducttapegoddess, dum_spiro_spero, dwarpy, eatingcrayonss, eclectica, edithgeraldine, edroxy, eliah, elthar, elvenjedi, elyse_navidad, elysia_unbound, ...
Member of:4: aliensusa, globalswap, learn_swedish, ljtranslators
Account type:Free Account

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