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Below is information about the "GiA" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:graffitiisart (233696) graffitiisart
graffiti is art
paint-weilding vandals
About:The freedom of expression seen on walls.....

If you want to post your latest bit of freedom you may do so here. If you want to converse, and learn of other styles, you may do so here.

However, there are some guidelines.
-No biting (don't take credit for someone else's work)
-No dissing (constructive critism only)
-No HUGE images (learn lj-cut tag before posting pictures [click here to learn])
-Only post stencil graffiti.. or stencils that are for the purposes of urban publication.

We do not promote vandalism, we promote art....

...but for bejesus sakes, don't take a picture of your illegal art with your smug grining face, as light as day, on the picture. We are not responsible for the repercutions that may befall on you from the legal side of this constitutional world!!!

Started by : [info]loudgirl
Maintainer: [info]veearr
The Mods: [info]theholymcnugget & [info]napalmandroses & [info]zewler

!!attention new comers!!

[because this community IS moderated... if you are a new member and make your first post.. it has to be approved by the moderators and then they will put you on the community list which will automatically accept your posts there on in. It should take half a day for your post to be accepted... so relax and wait.]


other related LJ communities to check:

===================and now the fine print===================

Disclaimer of Liability: With respect to documents available from this server, neither GRAFFITIISART, its creator nor its moderators, makes any warranty, express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.

If you are affiliated with any government, ANTI-Graffiti group or any other related group, or were formally a worker of one you CANNOT enter this web site, cannot join the community, cannot access any of its files and you cannot view any of the HTML, GIF or JPG files.

If you enter this site you are not agreeing to these terms and you are violating code 431.322.12 of the Internet Privacy Act signed by Bill Clinton in 1995 and that means that you CANNOT threaten our ISP(s) or any person(s) or company storing these files, and cannot prosecute any person(s) affiliated with this page which includes family, friends or individuals who run or enter this web site.

By continuing to enter this site, you are expressly and impliedly agreeing to all terms as stated above, and affirm that you are in compliance with all federal, state and local laws concerning the content of this site. thank you.

since october 21 2003
Memories:119 entries
Interests:51: 12oz prophet, artist, belton, black books, blocks, bombings, bombs, cans, caps, donde, drip tags, east coast flava, espo, fats, fills, freedom, freights, german fat tips, germans, get ups, graffiti, graffiti art, graffiti artist, graffiti is an art, hand styles, hip hop, hollows, illegal, krylon, london subways, mass appeal, montanas, night crawlers, nys, peices, red devil, rustos, scribble, scribe, skinnys, spray can art, spray cans, subways, tagging, tags, throwups, trains, underground hip hop, unis, walls, west coast flava. [Modify yours]
Members:1043: View Members .
Watched by:708: 0loves1, 11111111111, 113, 1breathatatime, 1no, 24k, 2nd_hand_smoke, 3ebpo, 50caliber, 556amwm911, 5sorry5, 867530_die, ___o_, ___vogue, __ardor, _blonde, _blurmeup, _bringass_, _bypass_, _cautiouslip, _eightysix_, _electricgat, _euphio, _fauxreal, _fracture, _isavedlatin, _love_your_life, _neverminder, _p_i_n_k_b_r_a, _shady_lady_, _shepacksa35, _spacesailor, _the_city, _thought_crime_, _vegasnights, a_fine_mess, abetterdaughter, ache_sp, adameros, adjective_noun, afithug, agentrufio, aheadoftime, aintaintaword, alcoholicsummer, alex_zet, allstarkrew, alska, altern_active, americapitalism, amos_dek, amricanjesus, analogaddiction, anarcho, andella, andrewnomicon, andysaloser, anewpointofview, animportdriftr, ansynthia, anthraxmax, anuglytomorrow, anyhow, arc_semiarc, ardeu_a_viola, art_macabre, arzaggio, ashmortufairy, aurynpendragon, autopsy_scar, avocado, awwfuckson, babiephat, back154, baglunch, bangpowboom, baos_2_wow, barh0ne, becauseyousuck, beeflow, bella_bass, beneptocide, bent8, bestcaserecords, bigblackwang, bigcookie, bightchee, binaryfiend, binarykills, blackvomitsoda, blasphemytrick, blind_me_pink, blondynka, bloodfreak, bloodstreaktaco, bluexblood, bmxerfalldown, boberto, bobosthebeer, boi_wonderment, bonard, bone2g, brandonblood, brandroid, brightgreensock, british_penguin, broknprmisering, bronhoffer, burningspear, burt0n_b0arda, busk, buttsniffa, calculation, canned_art, capnrodstroker, carrymehome, ceasar, charles_borgan, chasingthesame, cheapmetal, cheetahrob, chingoa, chinohorde, ckbluemyst, clos0ne, closeyolegs, cmorrigu, compilingautumn, concreteglass, constttlinoleum, cookita, cornrows, cowboy_dan, craftyveteran, crimson, cyanidecupcake, d_klein, daddyzlildefect, dakels, dance_it_away, danegel2ous, darkjunglediva, deadvalentine, deafeuphoria, deathofalover, debidestruction, demanticonizmyx, demona22, denegation, destortion, ...
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