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Below is user information for Josie Nutter. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:josienutter (177384) Paid User josienutter
Name:Josie Nutter
Location:Menlo Park, California, United States

Hi! I'm an unabashedly geeky girl who happens to be very, very slowly working my way through college while working fulltime in the video game industry. I grew up in Wisconsin (hence the occasional overwhelming need for cheese), spent most of my adult life in the lovely city of Seattle, and am currently residing in the Bay Area. In what little spare time I manage to scrape together, I go to school, do freelance web development, pose for photographer friends, perform with a dark burlesque troupe ([info]glitzkrieg) and act in indie film/theater projects. For more info, please visit my personal website.

Alternative Lifestyle. Alternative Gaming.
Gaming Logos
Gaming is love.
Memories:36 entries
Interests:86: acting,, alternative modeling, alternative modelling, anime, brian froud, burlesque, c++, caffeine, cheap ass games, comic books, computers, console rpgs, convergence, corsetry, cosplay, costumes, cthulu, cyberculture, danny elfman, ddr, design, digital art, e3 expo, electronica, enix, fairy tales, fake hair, fantasy fiction, fashion, fashion design, final fantasy, foreign languages, game development, ghost stories, glitzkrieg burlesque, gothic fashion, gothic lolita fashion, gothic subculture, graphic design, halloween, hong kong cinema, indie films, japan, japanese, japanese animation, japanese culture, japanese imports, jhonen vasquez, jim henson, languages, michael whelan, mischief, modeling, modelling, mysql, neal stephenson, new orleans, phantasy star, photoshop, php, planescape torment, plastic hair, platform boots, platform shoes, reading, samba de amigo, sandman, science fiction, seattle, secret of mana, software development, sparkly things, squaresoft, super famicom, tim burton, transmetropolitan, urban decay, vancouver bc, video game development, video games, warren ellis, web design, web development, wendy froud, william gibson. [Modify yours]
Friends:743: View Friends .
Account type:Paid Account

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