Below is information about the "Cleaning Out The Closet. Buy. Sell. Trade." community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | too_trendy (951824) |
Name: | Cleaning Out The Closet. Buy. Sell. Trade. |
Location: | United States |
About: | Too Trendy
This is a community for people who would like to exchange, buy or sell their old clothes (or other miscellaneous items). The community is open to anyone and everyone who is interested in joining and there is no limit as to what you can post, as long as it is relevant to the topic and/or listed interests (okay so yeah, the community is really about clothes, accessories, bargains, etc etc). It is only asked that it be kept clean and fun for the safety and respect of yourself and fellow members. If you are going to post large pictures, please make an LJ cut for everyone's convenience. Enjoy the community! And post at your own risk O.O Thank you :D
**Any complaints, problems, or conflicts should be brought to the attention of the community moderator by using this contact.
**Suggestions may be posted in the community or emailed to
-> I have recently been contacted with a complaint about DEADBEATS (those that default on either the sale or payment). This WILL NOT be tolerated and THIS IS YOUR WARNING. If you are not serious and/or responsible, you will be removed from the community.
-> NO SPAMMING. If you are going to post the exact same message twice, please do it over a period of a few days.
-> Please do not post very large pictures or numerous pictures without using the lj-cut. If you disregard this rule, your post will be deleted without warning!
+ Mail Fraud Tools IFCC :: Internet Fraud Complaint Center |
Interests: | 16: accessories, bargains, bracelets, buying, clothes, fashion, jewelry, junk, memorabilia, sales, selling, sewing, shopping, thrift stores, trading, vintage. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 390: 4days4nightsx, 59th_st_bridge, ___1987, ______beatz, _____elle, _____giddyup, ___cutex, ___longdistance, ___olive, __bangbang, __girlloves, __never, __pocketknife, _anal, _black_kisses_, _collapse, _ctrl_alt_dance, _emptypockets_, _eternalautumn_, _fairytales, _girlnamedlover, _j1adore, _little_miss_, _refused, _silly_, _socosmopolitan, _vintagewhore, a_divine_kiss, a_perfect_ruin, abrasive_jayne, acidity, akanechan, alfetta, aliesters_fiend, alightinthadark, alluringbazaar, allygoesdown, americnjewl, amythestrose, anaisbelieve, andwecanrock, angel_de_aztlan, annamull, aprilsale, armedrobbery, artsphreak, authenticfake, bandxcore, bargains, basketcaselady, bitterwine, blazesales, blindsummerfish, bobbierocks, boundxbroken, boutique_, bowelsxofxglory, boys_are_smelly, britasaurusrex, broghaspanties, brokenbabydoll2, bunana007, burndownrome, buy_from_me, byekitty, bytheairport, caliboundd0rk, carabelle_jenn, channan, cheetofish, cherry_kissed, citizenfrank, clear_ink, clockwork_punk, closetcleaning, clothingsalvage, cmorrigu, cocaine_rain, craft_trader, crimsonatta, cry_angel_tears, danica, dapri, debunderground, denieddreams, destroythempire, devonny, devoured666, diced, diediemydarling, diy_girl08, dki, doe9, dolladollabills, dometrent, dragophelion, dramagirl666, dreamspacebaby, earlyfornothing, ebayauctions, eclectic_metal, eimmy, elegantandtired, emilyisgod, emo_bizatch, emo_love, emolian, empty_vanity, escapist6, eva_c, extra_pale, eyes_of_dreams, fading_away, faeriesarereal, faeriesmak, faithgloryink, fallenslayer, fashionwhores, feiticeira_, femme, forget_about_me, forsale, freak4music, frombeneathyou, fuckinbitch, funkyducktrades, ghettoprincesa, ginapapa, gingerlotus, girlwithshirts, glam_rags_inc, glitterlisa, glittrgrl24, greatdeals, greenwhore, greychameleon, grr_a11ie, gypsylou, h_town_vintage, hahayouredead, hail_ilpalazo, hannie345, happyluckyme2, hatefortheweak, havemercy, heartquest, helenanito5, hellokittyfan, hopeunknown, hrdcrenme, iamallyours, iamjacquelyn22, ifightnasty, ilovedinosaurs, ilovepaper, iloverivers, imfamous_abby, imjustadumbkid, in__bloom, indigo284sales, infrangible, inimitablepixy, insertyourheart, insideoutart, isabelledior, itslikebliss, jackofhearts_, jinfae, johnscreams, jukeboxfuckup__, justatragede, kanaz_krap, karmavictim, katmeow, keepintouch, kface, kidney314, kikimannequin, killerxshit, kindadiedforyou, kissmegoodbye7, kissmelove, kittieraowr, kittycore_sold, kittykymmee, korbel75, krisxslim, kungf0okittie, kustomkreationz, ladysenara, lastvestige, lets_get_sassy, lexscreations, likexwayxhot, lilexgirlscout, lilwhitecoupe, listless902, little_almond, livingdeadoll, lockstockbarrel, lovahyou, loveandromeda, lunaenchantress, lyneday, makemeanoffer, marble_girl, maxsales, mbelle85, mercuryrising_, mermccau, minak0, misha121, missplacedanger, mmemarilyn, moondanzing, moonlitdarkness, moonsunmonsoon, murderforsex, myruckus, ninja_monkey101, noandmopo, oceanlatina, odinas_wigwam, oh_babydoll, oh_mes_astres, ohdeardiary, ohhh_my_starz, ohmachiavelli, ohsoblue, ohyouwannabuyit, okmaam, ollie_tabooger, one_eyedpirate, onhermind, oobaybi, orbitalocularit, overratedantime, p_i_n_k_h_a_i_r, paclvr, paddedwallflowr, pandaspit, paperie, paranoid_void, party_dress, perfect_moments, peterson17, pinkemosqwerl, pinkninky_sale, pinksparklekiss, pinkstarsbabe, pitifuldrone, pitty_sorrow, pixie_rayne, plaidpoptart, plastic_heart, platinumwings, pleasexbleed, prelapsarianme, pretty_sales, pslew, pukebox, pulsebuddy7, punkelement, punkystarpixie, queenanka, quit_your_life_, rabidpixie, rachelhugsrbad, rainblow, rapescene, raven_of_odin, rawkvixen, rayana, reality_is_lost, redeggsandham, reelbphish, retrocircles, ridetheskyx, robinism, rosegirl, roxinsox, roxysnowboard18, saddeststar, saltin_urwounds, samwitch54, sandmistress, sb_fantastic, scenario_1956, selling_journal, seven_soul, sexyangel2669, shell88015, shes_clinique, shoe_fetish, shopagogo, shutupandsuck, shutupemokid, silented, simply_stars, singingnmysleep, sivorskiz, six66, smashingcolor, sneaky_dinos, snonkles, social_glare, soverypoor, special, spixie311, spoiled_milk, spoonerchic, spoonfed_inc, starbright2767, starthatikissed, stickycat, stitch_industry, stuff_galore, stuffage, succubus_kz, sunnijane, surfsnoridr_878, sushi_queen, swap_or_sell, sweetcee, sweethunny_21, tealturtlequeen, teapartyscandal, tenrowsofpearls, th3lly, thatgrrlanna, the_divine_kiss, the_shop_spot, thefweak, thegrab, thinkingamericn, thriftho, thriftstoreuk, timelessthought, tipsyhoe, titanciainc, to_falon, trade_stuff, tragicmouse, transit_station, trashymagazine, twiee, twinkler143, uglypirate, unbleuvintage, ur_my_luckystar, vamprye_prncess, velvetmoonlight, vendgirl, vintagelolita, vintagexromance, virtualvintage, visceralfire, volcomgirlie86, walkslkapeasant, wastedtear, whitepowder, whiters, wickedism, wineryan, with_eloquence, wondrwmn19, wretched_feline, x_kitty_x, x_rebellion_x, xbouncingsoulsx, xfallenxstarsx, xjessikahx, xmonsterbabex, xoxfemmefatale, xpreddynpunkx, xrottenapple, xscenequeen, xtiagox, xtrendwhoresx, xvatox, xxaloneinpainxx, xxheaven_sentxx, yard_sale, yarnkitten, yellow_converse, you_makeme_sick, your___mom, yourluckycharm, yourmarrow, zimzala |
Watched by: | 183: 4days4nightsx, 59th_st_bridge, _____elle, _____giddyup, ___cutex, ___olive, __never, _ctrl_alt_dance, _emptypockets_, _fairytales, _girlnamedlover, _j1adore, _little_miss_, a_perfect_ruin, acidity, akanechan, albionwaltz, alfetta, aliesters_fiend, alightinthadark, amythestrose, angel_de_aztlan, aprilsale, artsphreak, bandxcore, basketcaselady, blindsummerfish, bobbierocks, boutique_, britasaurusrex, broghaspanties, brokenbabydoll2, buy_from_me, byekitty, bytheairport, caliboundd0rk, channan, citizenfrank, clockwork_punk, closetcleaning, clothingsalvage, crimsonatta, dapri, debunderground, destroythempire, devoured666, diced, dki, dolladollabills, dragophelion, dramagirl666, dreamspacebaby, earlyfornothing, eclectic_metal, elegantandtired, emo_bizatch, faeriesmak, failurexcore, fallenslayer, farewelxophelia, freak4music, frombeneathyou, funkyducktrades, ghettoprincesa, gingerlotus, girlwithshirts, glam_rags_inc, glittrgrl24, greatdeals, greenwhore, gypsylou, h_town_vintage, hannie345, havemercy, helenanito5, hellokittyfan, hrdcrenme, ifightnasty, imfamous_abby, in__bloom, indigo284sales, insertyourheart, insideoutart, itslikebliss, jackofhearts_, johnscreams, jukeboxfuckup__, justatragede, kanaz_krap, karmavictim, keepintouch, kissmegoodbye7, kittycore_sold, kittykymmee, korbel75, ladysenara, lastvestige, lets_get_sassy, lexscreations, little_almond, lizzyishere, loveandromeda, lyneday, makemeanoffer, marble_girl, mbelle85, mercuryrising_, mermccau, minak0, misha121, moondanzing, moonsunmonsoon, myruckus, ninja_monkey101, noandmopo, oceanlatina, odinas_wigwam, oh_work_it_girl, ohyouwannabuyit, okmaam, one_eyedpirate, p_i_n_k_h_a_i_r, paddedwallflowr, paperie, paranoid_void, peterson17, pinkemosqwerl, pinksparklekiss, pinkstarsbabe, pixie_rayne, plastic_heart, platinumwings, punkelement, raven_of_odin, rayana, redeggsandham, rosegirl, roxinsox, roxysnowboard18, samwitch54, selling_journal, seven_soul, sexyangel2669, shell88015, shimglam, silented, sivorskiz, sneaky_dinos, soapyrevenge, soverypoor, ... |
Member of: | 3: forsale, toutestbeau, trade_stuff |
Account type: | Free Account |