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User:trade_stuff (654794) trade_stuff
Name:Trade Stuff!
Location:Pennsylvania, United States

This community is for trading all kinds of stuff: clothes, cd's, jewelry, videos, artwork, books, anything! Just make a post with stuff that you want to get rid of, and what you would like in exchange, and see if others might want it.

This is mainly a trading community, but if you have stuff to sell as well you can post about that too.

You're also welcome to advertise shamelessly for e-bay auctions, etc.

Be careful who you're doing business with though, make sure they are people you trust.

The rules are:
-You must be willing to ship internationally. You can ask for shipping money if you can't afford it yourself.

-Don't spam us! If you have something to sell, post about it ONCE, a billion posts about the same stuff is just annoying.

-Selling copied cd's, movies, dvd's etc is forbidden and illegal.

Let the trading and selling BEGIN!
Interests:31: accessories, advertise, art, books, business, buying, cd's, clothes, dolls, dresses, films, flea markets, garage sales, hats, magazines, making things, mixed tapes, music, old things, painting, pants, posters, second hand, selling, sewing, shirts, shoes, skirts, thrift finds, tights, trading. [Modify yours]
Members:218: 4sidedtriangle, ___sellsellsell, __fadingstar, __never, __shekills, _beauty_fiend_, _black_kisses_, _gin_weasley_, _heroin, _little_miss_, _socosmopolitan, _starmouth, a_40z_of_oi, akanechan, allycat131, almostjaded, alvastarr, amberies, amythestrose, angeloflove, anubisaaa, athena_sparkle, athinamarie, athrill2kill, battie, blankinnocence, br0k3nw0rds, break4life, breightling, bribroken, brok3n_st4rs, buytradesell, byekitty, caf_fiend, carabelle_jenn, casualties_gurl, charlotte_web, chicanastuff, chipple, cmorrigu, cowardlykitten, crayolagrrl, crazyshortdork, cynstress26, deadlymist, deadstardolly, destroythempire, diabological, dino_rawr, dividedvocalist, doll_vomit, doombrigade, dragon102, dramagirl666, dumpstergurlie, elusion, emilystrange19, eskabat, eternallynumb, everythinggoes, eyedea, faithonfire, fakefighter, feiticeira_, firthy, flooding, free_fool, fuct_betty, g1rlcalledk1ll, gaelic_dancer, ginapapa, girl_mixie, glitterlisa, godessonmyknees, gorebloodygore, gothic_smurf, gottafocus, gypsylou, havemercy, heartquest, heartshpdbox, highlove, homoderotic, i_eat_art, illysia, impietydesires, isisabove, jackofftwiggy, janegirl, jelloink, jerseystyle, jesserker, jesthestar, jojofaerie, kandykisses221, karmavictim, katmeow, kellbot, kidneypuncher, kittycore_sold, kungf0okittie, kwisty, lady_suzuran, lethalpinecone, lilypotter82, littlee174, littlexbird, livingdeadoll, lookingglassgrl, lordsaito83, losertrades, lovelesslament, lower_class, lyneday, makimachi_misao, manikgrl, maybeucansaveme, mediacrisis, melissax, mineyes, mobyphile, mollzilla, mrswonka, msfeelnothing, nantena, naomiii, noglow, one_hip_mama, onthefloor, opheliascry, paxilstar, perfuckt, peterson17, phootgoods, pinehurst, pinkpaperharts, pinkpaperheart, pixie_rayne, pixievixen, plaidrabbit, popidol, popytart, premercedes, pukebox, pulsebuddy7, punkrocklola, purplecobwebs, quidam_doll, rabidpixie, realsilicon, reelbphish, rinae, robochels, rosegirl, rosesramblings, roxinsox, sabotage_rage, samanthrax, sandmistress, scarsandtutus, screwedupangel, secret_ninja, selain, sergernewbie, shanerstar, sinwagon, sio, sissyssecrets, so_incendiary, sonic_reducer, spaztcweezl, sporkilicious, standproud, starbright2767, starchild22, starchunk, starsnlollipops, stasiia, stephfrenzy, strwbrygashes00, surfsnoridr_878, sxeminority, sxw_96, tainted__blood, taxgrrrl, tezuka_shinobu, thatgrrlanna, thekillerinme, thel0stsoul, themarilynmyth, thirteen_oclock, timeforcopper, timelessthought, tinroofrusted, to_serve_man, too_trendy, toxic_siren, treeni, tuaqmuk, twodimensiongrl, unseenx, vebelfetzer, velvetmoonlight, vintagelolita, vintagexromance, volcomgirlie86, wanderingvox, wastedyouthx, weetziefae, whizzo_butter, wrdvirus1, x23babydoll23x, xconcreteangel, xruinedx, xtantalize, xvatox, xxmisshellxx, xxoxygenxx
Watched by:99: 4sidedtriangle, ___sellsellsell, __never, _heroin, _little_miss_, _socosmopolitan, a_40z_of_oi, allycat131, amythestrose, anubisaaa, bribroken, buytradesell, byekitty, casualties_gurl, charlotte_web, chrit, cowardlykitten, deadlymist, destroythempire, dingydane, doombrigade, dramagirl666, dumpstergurlie, everythinggoes, fakefighter, firthy, flooding, fuct_betty, g1rlcalledk1ll, girl_mixie, gothic_smurf, gottafocus, gypsylou, havemercy, heartshpdbox, highlove, i_eat_art, illysia, isisabove, jackofftwiggy, jesthestar, jojofaerie, kandykisses221, karmavictim, kittycore_sold, lady_suzuran, lilypotter82, lookingglassgrl, lordsaito83, losertrades, lower_class, lunarchk, lyneday, makimachi_misao, maybeucansaveme, mineyes, msfeelnothing, noglow, one_hip_mama, onthefloor, ooooanalisaoooo, opheliascry, perfuckt, peterson17, phootgoods, pixie_rayne, plaidrabbit, popidol, popytart, purplecobwebs, quidam_doll, rainyseason, rosegirl, roxinsox, samanthrax, secret_ninja, sergernewbie, sinwagon, starchild22, starchunk, taxgrrrl, tezuka_shinobu, thekillerinme, timeforcopper, tinroofrusted, to_serve_man, unseenx, vebelfetzer, velvet_thorns, vintagelolita, vintagexromance, visiblyannoyed, volcomgirlie86, wastedyouthx, whizzo_butter, wrdvirus1, xconcreteangel, xtantalize, xxmisshellxx
Member of:1: too_trendy
Account type:Free Account

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