Philosophical Gourmet Report 2002-2004
A Ranking of Graduate Programs in Philosophy in the English-Speaking World
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Welcome to the 2002-2004 Philosophical Gourmet Report
Edited by Brian Leiter, The University of Texas at Austin

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Please note: Professor Leiter can not answer questions about the situations of individual students, but would appreciate receiving notice of factual errors, faculty hirings and suggestions for improvement.

See last years report here.

New Members of the Advisory Board for 2004-2006
Advisory Board
Julia Annas University of Arizona Shelly Kagan Yale University
Frederick Beiser Syracuse University Pierre Keller U. of California, Riverside
Cristina Bicchieri Carnegie-Mellon University Scott MacDonald Cornell University
Ned Block New York University Patrick Maynard University of Western Ontario
David Chalmers University of Arizona Christia Mercer Columbia University
Edwin Curley University of Michigan Cheryl J. Misak University of Toronto
John Deigh Northwestern University Stephen Neale Rutgers University
Keith DeRose Yale University Philip Pettit Princeton University
Julia Driver Dartmouth College Michael Rosen Oxford University
John Etchemendy Stanford University Alexander Rosenberg Duke University
Arthur Fine University of Washington Mark Sainsbury University of Texas, Austin
John Martin Fischer U. of California, Riverside Simon Saunders Oxford University
Graeme Forbes Tulane University Christopher Shields University of Colorado
Michael N. Forster University of Chicago A. John Simmons University of Virginia
John Gardner Oxford University Ernest Sosa Brown University, Rutgers Univ.
Don Garrett University of North Carolina Jason Stanley University of Michigan
Alvin I. Goldman Rutgers University Stephen Stich Rutgers University
Anil Gupta University of Pittsburgh Timothy Williamson Oxford University
Gilbert Harman Princeton University William C. Wimsatt University of Chicago
Thomas Hurka University of Toronto Jonathan Wolff University College London
Philip J. Ivanhoe University of Michigan Allen Wood Stanford University
    Crispin Wright University of St. Andrews, New York University
Advisory Board members consulted closely with the editor on the overall and specialty rankings, including nominating evaluators, drafting instructions to evaluators, refining and revising the specialty rankings, and voting on general policy questions pertaining to the rankings. Except where noted, other parts of the Report were drafted by the editor.

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