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Wednesday, July 21st, 2004 | 11:14 pm |
I am so employed I haven't updated recently because I was too busy WORKING! Isn't that a-freakin-mazing? I got a job at a used car place in West Newton (near the Ferrari dealership, for those who know the area). I clean cars and do light mechanical stuff and whatnot; the other people are fun, and it so beats waitressing. I am most pleased. On a quasi-related note, this means I'm in the Newton/Watertown area all the time, so if you live there you have no excuse for not hanging out with me. I'm feeling a lot better compared to a couple months ago... more grounded, not discontent. There's certainly stuff I need to work on, like how it's become really important to me that I start practicing Guyiquan on my own and keep doing it actively after the summer is over. But I feel like it's possible to get back on track, which is a big step from not even knowing where the track is. Anyway, this lj entry is so ooover. ~G Current Mood: accomplished | Saturday, July 3rd, 2004 | 1:21 pm |
why, god, why? Whenever I look at a global timezone map, I get this overwhelming feeling that we're all just floating around in the dark -- that the world has no rhyme or reason. Politics has rendered time completely meaningless. They shouldn't be allowed to DO that -- somebody should reverse this atrocity. Where are the physics police when you need them?!? I mean, timezones in Asia make Indiana look comprehensible. In summary, free will's a bugger. ~G Current Mood: annoyed | Monday, June 28th, 2004 | 12:24 pm |
yay internetedness! For the past week or so I've been relatively incommunicado since my computer was not set up yet, my mother's computer was in the process of dying (crashing every five minutes or so), and my father has so many programs running at any given time that his computer is a gruesome accident waiting to happen. But now I'm back! and have access to useful things like AIM. Update on what I've done so far: failed to get a job, succeeded in finding a place to do pottery, and spent a lot of time in the company of my mother (yes, I am going insane already). I read two books ('Enchantress from the Stars' and 'Good Omens') and -- best of all -- went to the Skip Barber 2-day driving school with . We did all sorts of fun exercises, like braking and skidding and lane-changing and heel-and-toe downshifting. The second day they let us drive Vipers around the little autocross, then try out the same course with our cars. We had a little extra time because it was a small group, so the instructors topped it all off by driving each of us around in the Vipers... they kind of painted the pavement with the rear tires, it was fantastic. So yeah, sorry if you tried to contact me in the past few days... I was either going to, being at, or coming back from Lime Rock (in western CT). I will try to get back to you pronto. And now, I shall go *poof* and try to acquire a job for myself. ~G Current Mood: restless | Thursday, June 17th, 2004 | 11:56 am |
the sweet taste of summer Seeing as I haven't updated since the beginning of May, I thought I should probably get on that. Going in reverse chronological order, James' party was totally sweet. It is so nice to now be within reasonable travelling distance of most of my Bostonian friends. I'll be able to spend a lot more time hanging out with people, especially since I'll end up being a jobless bum this summer. Hopefully I'll at least do some martial arts, some contact improv (lookin' at you, Katy), and some pottery, even if I am painfully unemployed. Beyond that, the end of the school year was hellish. My future flatmates and I needed to furnish our apartment for our subletters, and my mother's station wagon was... uhm... in need of repairs, when it got to chicago. My finals took an unexpected turn, with me getting above the mean for developmental bio (which I thought I was going to fail) and possibly failing biochemistry instead (which I thought I'd do okay on). I really just want to know my grades -- especially whether I passed the Spanish competency exam or not -- so I can stop worrying about them. At least going to Cedar Point with Jay was excellent. In retrospect, it was probably not the smartest idea to take a couple days off in the middle of finals week for some intense fun. I hope that my biochem grade doesn't make me regret it, but I certainly felt at the time that doing something with a friend who's graduating was more important to me than academic excellency. Well, I think that's about it. I suppose I should mention that this past quarter of Sosc has given me a lot to mull over, and I will sorely miss Jeff's class. Also, my goal for this summer is to be really on the ball about actually doing stuff, but I just feel like lazing around and recovering the sleep deficit I accumulated over the past two weeks. I'm gonna stop this entry now before it turns into an autonomous entity and develops a hankering for brains. ~G Current Mood: groggy | Wednesday, May 5th, 2004 | 6:00 pm |
plague of doooom I haven't updated in approximately five billion years, so I figured I would now, since I'm too sick to do anything else. I stayed up all night sunday writing a wicked soc paper on Freud, which I then got to title "the Misinterpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud". It made me happy, even though I promptly got sick after lab on monday. I then proceeded to sleep through tuesday and do an abysmally poor job on my developmental midterm this morning, but whatever. I have only one midterm, one paper, two final exams, and the spanish competency test to make it through before this quarter draws to a close. As well as a bunch of minor assignments and four weeks of classes... but who's counting, really? But other than that, I have the coolest plan EVER for the next year. I don't know what I'm going to do for most of the summer, probably just find some form of employment in the Boston area, but after that it gets exciting. September I'll spend in Italy with the geosci dept looking at mountain building and volcanic activity and such. Then back to Chicago for autumn quarter, where I will live in a hypothetically swank three room cardboard box with Nick and Clara. Then comes the coolest part. I shall take a quarter off (Dec to Feb or March) to study frog ecology in Thailand with a grad student from UC Davis who did her undergrad at UofC. Depending on when I get back, I may even be able to go on the Florida Everglades spring break trip with the bio dept. Also, the people at the Division of Reptiles and Amphibians at the Field Museum are awesome, and I'm gonna start volunteering in their collection. So yeah. Go me and that whole actually doing science thing. ~G Current Mood: excitedCurrent Music: Janis Ian -- Davy | Wednesday, April 7th, 2004 | 12:14 am |
two things occur to me 1) I should be doing my spanish homework. I am a delinquent. 2) I haven't updated lj in quite a while Well... I don't think I said anything about vacation, which was awesome. Just went home, played with cats, did martial arts, and hung out with people. Very refreshing. The sum total of my productivity was reading three fantasy novels (The Subtle Knife, Eragon, and The Eye of the Heron -- all delightful), seeing Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and going down to NYC with my family to see The Boy from Oz. Hugh Jackman is an incredible stage presence, even if the music was mediocre. In the week and a half I've been back, I pretty much avoided doing work besides a little reading for Spanish and Soc, until today when I plowed through the dark mire of our first biochem problem set. I've discovered that Freud is actually quite enjoyable to read; maybe I should drop bio and become a psych major (not really). Instead of work, I've done various and sundry craziness like wandering from the north loop to the watertower with Emily, going party hopping with Evelina and Thea, attending the very tasty dorm Seder yesterday, et cetera. All in all, a good time, though happiness tends to come from the places I least expect, and those I think to rely on tend to disappoint. Someday I'll figure it out. Despite my recent period of general apathy, I'm feeling much better now than I was even a week ago. It's probably mostly due to being rested and the weather taking a turn for the better, but still. I'm back to feeling content some the time, and hopefully I'll even find some work motivation somewhere in there. We'll see. ~G Current Mood: curious | Thursday, March 18th, 2004 | 5:17 pm |
dear chemistry department, You are so allowed to go screw yourself now. I am finished with ochem, and it tastes like victory. I had this great plan to jump up in the middle of the exam and lunge at my TA's jugular, then proceed to rip it out with my teeth... unfortunately, he wasn't proctoring in the room I took the exam in. Oh well. I'll have to settle for doing (what I hope was) relatively well on the exam itself. And being DONE, did I mention that already? 'cuz I'm done with ochem and all. Finals week countdown: --totally rocked plants midterm --soc paper done, late, but pretty good --ochem DONE hahahahah --genetics tomorrow --PACK and GO! I'm soooooo excited to be outta here for a while. ~G ps-- Ryan Rubin wins the award for Fashion Faux Pas of the Day! Congradulations, Ryan! Current Mood: bouncyCurrent Music: Moloko -- Familiar Feeling | Tuesday, March 16th, 2004 | 1:45 am |
you know that phrase... "this paper is gonna write itself"? If only it were true! It's already what, 2 in the morning and I've only written one page of a maximum 7-page paper that was technically due yesterday, though now I need to turn it in before 5pm. And it needs to not only exist, but preferably also be really good to make up for the lateness. Every time I finish writing a sentence it's like "whew, glad that's over" except it's not over because I still have the rest of the paper to write!!! GAH! I shouldn't complain too much though, since I am burnt out from the plants exam. And my plants exam went well, so it was totally worth it. I mean, obviously I don't know the grade yet, but I feel proud of the quality of thought I put into it. That may have been the best test-taking (and was easily the best test preparation) I've ever done. Whether it was good enough to pull a respectable grade in the class or not is almost inconsequential compared to the personal accomplishment. Alright, time for the Count Down: --one soc paper on Foucault, max 7 pages, already a day late --one ochem final (reaction mechanisms will kick my ass, even though I am the spectroscopy master) --one genetics final, of indeterminate difficulty BRING IT, BIATCH!... by which I actually mean, 'can I run home to my mommy now? pweease?' ~G ps -- why is no one online right now? it's finals week, for godssake, am I the only person who still has work left to do?! Current Mood: tiredCurrent Music: Peter Mulvey -- Tender Blindspot | Friday, March 12th, 2004 | 11:04 pm |
so screwed... so very screwed I asked for an extension on my soc paper, but was denied. So now I have to decide whether I want to attempt to finish the paper AND study for the final that I absolutely must do well on (even though it's going to kick my ass) or I could just hand it in late anyway. Argh. At least I made really yummy mushroom risotto yesterday, and did a kitchen cleaning today. I'm so healthy and socially responsible. Gaming was fun this afternoon, except that it ate up FIVE HOURS of time that I did not even know I needed to be writing a fucking paper in. Jesus Christ I am so stupid, why do I do this to myself? I should just stop taking classes and schmooze around the dorm all the time, 'cuz apparently that's all I'm good at doing. And now, for more plants studying, and perhaps some work on the paper, and then... death. Or sleep. One or t'other. ~G Current Mood: stressed | Sunday, March 7th, 2004 | 6:23 pm |
ready for an ending Well, this weekend was fun, though kind of painful because now I still have to deal with the end of the quarter. Spent a lot of time hanging out with Emily and her friend from home; we walked around Hyde Park a lot and went to the crazy Euphony party and travelled up north to the botanical conservatory. I also had a good talk with Evelina and then went to doc with her and Yotam to see Love Actually (though remind me not to see a serious movie with them, because they do loud running commentary and it's kind of embarrassing). I am so very ready for a week off. I need some time to figure myself out... I feel like I'm at one of those turning points but the superficial schedule of college life is holding me back from making the transition. Well, at least I've thought of an awesome graduation present for Joe, and that makes me happy. Also, Brian Eno makes me happy -- but in an eternal rest kind of way. I have always taken comfort in the transience of material things, the overwhelming inconsequentiality of most things. Unfortunately, such comfort is kind of de-motivating; I suppose comfort is a luxury I cannot afford just yet. ~G Current Mood: calmCurrent Music: Brian Eno -- An Ending (Ascent) | Friday, March 5th, 2004 | 5:32 pm |
I just made off like a bandit Today was the last day of ochem lab, and apparently the end of the quarter also brings the chemistry dept's glassware giveaway! They have a whole bunch of stuff that is too large or too small or improperly manufactured or just plain used up in the basement, which my TA told me was up for grabs. So I grabbed. Among the various and sundry cute little pieces I pocketed, I also took away a 4000 mL flask as a surprise for Dudzik. I love glassware. ~G Current Mood: enthralledCurrent Music: my neighbor's reggae | Thursday, February 26th, 2004 | 9:19 pm |
longest name ever I have to cite this biologist for my research paper who is from the Netherlands and has the most ridiculously cool name: J.H.A. Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert I really want to know what the J, H, and A stand for. I think I should include in my conclusion that the Dutch should not give their childen hyphenated last names. ~G Current Mood: tiredCurrent Music: Peter Mulvey -- bright idea | Tuesday, February 24th, 2004 | 6:02 pm |
sigh I feel like I'm walking in circles. The more I do to change things, the more frequently I end up at exactly the same place I used to be. I guess old habits -- and old feelings -- really do die hard. Ah, well. Another day mostly wasted, another late assignment that I'll get a bad grade on. Someone remind me why I even try? I think I need a mantra: I will get over the second-year slump, I will get over the second-year slump... At least my REU applications went out in the mail this morning, so whatever I fuck up during the rest of the school year will have no consequence on my chances of having a not-shitty-ass-boring summer. ~G Current Mood: frustrated | Monday, February 23rd, 2004 | 7:30 pm |
guess who just failed a plants midterm! I mean really. Can YOU describe the pros and cons of the homologous and antithetic hypotheses of alternating generations (not to be confused with isomorphism and heteromorphism)? 'Cuz I sure as hell couldn't. I don't even have anything about that in my notes. We talked about it for maybe 5 or 10 minutes... WHY WAS IT ON THE TEST?! It's not mentioned in either of our texts, and the test lacked any mention of such significant topics as photoperiodism/vernalization and gymnosperms! AAAAAH! Alright, that was awful, now I'm over it. Not really, but I'm working on it. ~G Current Mood: distressed | Sunday, February 22nd, 2004 | 1:18 pm |
Jane Austen and Hooverphonic are dangerous things Against all notions of sense, I joined a bunch of other people to watch all six hours or so of Pride and Prejudice yesterday. For the love of god, you could read the actual book in less time, but the actual book has no Colin Firth to swoon over (and yes, there was much swooning). Occasionally, I think it's healthy to indulge one's sentimental side... I may even break out the Sense and Sensibility next weekend for a repeat incident, because Emma Thompson is my hero. When I woke up this morning, I was surpised to find that I had actually succeeded in doing my bio practice test thingy during the movie. I hadn't written in the answers, but I had thought about it enough that I knew all of them. This is an exceedingly good sign because I won't have much time to study for genetics today, since I have a shitload of plants material to study. Oooooh jesus. But at least my applications stuff is pretty much ready to be mailed tomorrow, which will feel awesome. ~G Current Mood: anxiousCurrent Music: Hooverphonic -- Battersea | Wednesday, February 18th, 2004 | 1:51 am |
recommendations! I now officially have two faculty members who've agreed to write recommendations for me. Whew. I am so glad that I don't have to ask Fred Ruddat for a rec, on top of the term paper extension he's already given me. This is a great weight lifted off my shoulders. Now all I have to do is a lab report for bio, prelab for ochem, study for two midterms on monday, write the aforementioned term paper, and write a soc paper on Saussure and Sahlins. This all will entail much reading, and hopefully only a minimal quantity of death. I also need to figure out how to summarize my career aspirations, interest in biology, and desire to do an REU in 250 words. Ehm, quoi? ~G Current Mood: relievedCurrent Music: Peter Mulvey -- The Trouble With Poets | Monday, February 16th, 2004 | 1:23 pm |
Lisy is the best boyfriend ever At Dark Jesse's urging, I shall update in full regarding this weekend. The weekend, for me at least, started out thursday night (well, friday morning, technically) when I finished up my ochem lab report and decided to just stay up instead of sleeping for three hours until class. So I read Watchmen and watched dawn break over this beautiful campus, then went to breakfast and to class. All was good. I then slept for five hours in the afternoon before going to a special Neo-Futurists showing with Evelina, followed by Jesse's party. We had a lot of fun, especially in the morning when Clara and I made rockin' smoothies and Jesse flipped tasty heart-shaped, chocolate-chip pancakes. I went straight to rehearsal from there, and when I got back, Lisy had taped a carnation to my door with a card that was signed "Love, your really real boyfriend, because I exist." It was truly awesome. Then I did wonderful things that I've been putting off for weeks, like buying groceries and decanting wine. And I stopped by Lauren and Alyssa's T&P; party, which was fun despite the creepy Max Palevsky boys who were hitting on me. Yesterday and today lacked awesomeness, because they are too busy being filled with work. But my mother sent me a package containing chocolate and cooking products (chantarelles!), and that is yummy. ~G Current Mood: tiredCurrent Music: Jesse's Girl (playing in Jim's room) | Sunday, February 15th, 2004 | 5:30 pm |
whee This is the best pop-style song ever. More to come about this weekend... when I'm not working. But it was awesome. ~G Current Mood: weirdCurrent Music: Moloko -- Fun For Me | Thursday, February 12th, 2004 | 10:19 pm |
this week is crap for crap I feel like I really botched my ochem midterm this morning, which is quite frustrating 'cuz I actually understand spectroscopy really well. I also studied my ass off the memorize the stuff that needed memorization (I even made flashcards! baby flashcards in fact, each 1/4 of a normal flashcard, handcut by yours truly), but I couldn't fall asleep last night and I woke up feeling sick. I hope I have not caught the Bavarian Death Flu. I tried to spend last weekend in a relaxed but productive fashion, and thought I was doing quite well, but apparently much more stressing out is necessary to actually accomplish anything in time. I feel so drained already this quarter, I just don't got it in me to freak out about work anymore. This is particularly a problem since I need to crack down and write my application essays for summer internships... and I need to ask Prof. Ruddat for a recommendation, which I'm really scared about because I haven't been performing well in his class but he's the only bio prof who actually knows my name, let alone knows me well enough to write a good recommendation. Ah, run-on sentences. On a completely related note, there are a lot of people making fusses over the whole Valentine's day thing, particularly single people. To this I say, "bah!" and would like to propose my own goal for the month. I want to find a guy who will take me on a date to see Kill Bill Vol. 1 when it plays at Doc on February 20th. Super bonus points if this person can obtain tickets to see Kill Bill Vol. 2, as well. There's nothing quite so romantic as excessive violence. ~G Current Mood: apatheticCurrent Music: Lori McKenna -- This Fire | Monday, February 9th, 2004 | 8:55 pm |
my o-chem TA, otherwise known as Jackass I e-mailed him a question about mass spec, and this phrase was part of his response: "remember you are shoot a crap load of electrons at this thing everything goes nuts so just rationalize it the best you can" And yes, he is a native speaker of American English. He just doesn't believe in punctuation or grammar, apparently. Yet another reason for me to NOT take third quarter o-chem. ~G Current Mood: annoyedCurrent Music: Moloko -- Sing It Back |
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