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Tuesday, June 8th, 2004
12:54 pm
My kitty turned one, yesterday!!! I feel so old.

I'm bored )

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Monday, June 7th, 2004
11:36 pm
This amused me a lot. Sounds a lot like me except the whole "lose your virginity last, pretend you're pregnant first" thing. Wish there was a better way to link to it:;=2&o;=1&h;=157

And this:
Extroverted (E) 72.97% Introverted (I) 27.03%
Realistic (S) 62.5% Imaginative (N) 37.5%
Intellectual (T) 58.06% Emotional (F) 41.94%
Organized (J) 59.46% Easygoing (P) 40.54%
Your type is: ESTJ
You are an Administrator, possible professions include - government employee, pharmaceutical sales, auditor, computer analyst, technical trainer, project manager, officer manager, factory supervisor, credit analyst, electrical engineer, stockbroker, regulatory compliance officer, chief information officer, construction worker, general contractor, paralegal, industrial engineer, budget analyst, data base manager, funeral director, cook, security guard, dentist.
Take Free Career Inventory Personality Test
personality tests by

Well, I do want to be a THEATER ADMINISTRATOR. Good thing to know that I'd be good.

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Sunday, June 6th, 2004
12:07 pm - Pretty not surprising...
Where do you fall on the liberal - conservative political spectrum? (United States)

brought to you by Quizilla

I REALLY don't want to go to work tonight. I have enough money in my pockets from the last three days and I'm the number 6 tonight, which means I will get my ass completely kicked from Solid Rockers coming in for happy hour in large groups. *sigh* I better make some GOOD money.

I don't have a day off this upcoming week unless they don't need me for my on-call on Tuesday morning. (Oh, PLEASE don't need me!)

Work is taking over my life and I am TIRED. Yesterday I worked from 10:45-8:30 with no break. Woo hoo.

So, what else is going on in my life? Well, I should shower. I need to finish choreography for "America," but I have time tomorrow if I don't get it all done today. Okay, so that's really all that's going on. Friday night, I went with a big group to a pool hall in Tri-County that had karaoke going on. That was fun, and I did decently at pool, which was shocking. It was a really good night :)

Okay, I think I'll hop in the shower now, can't think of anything better to do.

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Friday, June 4th, 2004
6:03 pm - Amused.
Take the quiz: "Which American City Are You?"

New York
You're competative, you like to take it straight to the fight. You gotta have it all or die trying.

My sleeping is so messed up. Last night I got nine hours of sleep from midnight to 9 AM, and I STILL took a two hour nap from 3-5. Work today was AWESOME. Home by 2:30 with $50 in my pocket. On a lunch shift!! Now that's the kind of money I like to see. The funny thing was that I was wearing Zack's name tag all day because I never got to see him last night to switch back like we had planned. (Waylon fell asleep instead of calling or IMing me...I have a hard time believing it wasn't on purpose...) Oh well. Maybe the name tag's good luck and I'll keep it forever and ever.

Yesterday my family checked out the new Cheesecake Factory in Cincinnati. I love the Cheesecake Factory a whole lot, but the thing was way too big of an ordeal for me to want to do again. I mean, an hour drive there, hour wait, hour eating, and then the hour home...It seriously felt like a marathon dinner. Definitely not worth it, in my opinion. I prefer my relaxing trips to the Cheesecake Factory on the Jersey side of the George Washington Bridge with Patrick much better.

Oh, and anyone who knows me (as in, has met me in person on more than one occasion), has probably seen me in my snake earrings at some point. They're basically my favorite earrings, and I wear them all the time. Well, sometime last week, David, one of the hosts at Applebee's, made the statement that he thought my earrings looked like sperm. The idea has caught on in the store, and quite frankly, I am super amused. I've had these earrings since my sophomore year of high school when I bought them in Utah, and of course, it would take a summer at Applebee's to bring out the sexual side of them.

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Tuesday, June 1st, 2004
3:43 pm
Goodness, I've been so freakin' happy since I came home. It's so weird, I was dreading it so much before. I'm glad I'll be leaving with some truly happy memories.

Logan came home Sunday late night. I had already been in bed for 4 hours when he got home. Haven't seen too much of the kid because he wouldn't play with me and my friends last night, but that was so his loss. We worked out together this morning, though. And then I made him come to the car wash with me...which means MY CAR IS CLEAN!!! Heck yeah, FINALLY!!! It was so gross, too.

Last night, was yet another blast. The group expanded to include not just Zack, Waylon, and me, but also Emily (Zack's girlfriend), Leah Mathis (Zack's cousin and one of my good friends from church way back when), and her boyfriend. It was awesome to catch up with Leah a little bit, because we haven't seen each other in forever. I was so shocked when I found out she was Zack's cousin. Anyway, we all hung out, talked, ate junk food, talked more, and then we broke out the Nintendo 64. I played Mario Kart with the three boys and didn't do so hot. But really, it's because Waylon is just awesome at the game and won first place EVERY SINGLE TIME. Zack is right on my level, though, but I ended up with a better record than him :) But my true skills showed through when I played Zack and Waylon in Tetris and went absolutely undefeated. This was in Marathon, Ultra, and Sprint play. I couldn't lose!

All in all, an awesome night followed by an awesome day off. I'm in such a good mood right now...and it looks like my family will be going to the Cheesecake Factory tonight. Rock on!

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Saturday, May 29th, 2004
10:04 am
I just single-handedly broke the handle straight off the faucet in my bathroom. I don't even know my own strength sometimes.

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12:26 am - YAY for spontenaity!
Tonight was hilarious. It was just my good friend from high school, Reina, and me because no one else is in town anymore. Blah. But anyway, we started so traditionally by meeting at Amar India for dinner. It was yummy. But after dinner and a lot of gossiping, we couldn't decide what to do next. The typical answer is Starbucks for more talking and besides, it's right next door. But alas, we were not in the mood. So then Reina mentions going to David's Bridal and trying on wedding gowns. And of course, I'm all for it!!! So the place is actually a lot more intimidating than we thought, and it turns out that one needs to register first before getting to try anything on. Fortunately for us, Reina has been dating Kyle for 6 or so years now and are planning on getting married next summer before he goes off to law school. So she went ahead and registered, we looked at dresses, and she got to try on three dresses before they closed. So things I learned:

-wedding dresses make you feel fat because they run small. And we're not talking, you're-usually-a-size-8-so-you-should-pick-out-a-10. No, it was more, you-are-usually-a-size-8-so-you-should-pick-a-size-16-and-still-hold-your-breath-and-pray.

-David's Bridal has pretty ugly dresses. And on a related note, my wedding is going to be beyond expensive.

-No matter that when Reina gets married, she will be 22, she still looks like my best friend from middle school playing dress up.

After the dresses (I was very sad I didn't get to try any, so we've decided that next time I'll either try on brides maids dresses OR we're going to go to another store with a made up wedding date for me), we needed someplace else. As we're pulling out of the parking lot, I look up and inspiration hits me: Chuck E. Cheeses!!!

So Reina and I hopped on over, crossed the red velvet rope with no problems or shame, bought 50 tokens between the 2 of us, and started our Skee-ball wars. It was amazing and hilarious. We had so much fun, but we were SO out of place...hahahahah. We played other games, too, but we kept going back to the Skee-ball. Eventually, we each had 120 tickets each and no more tokens and went to pick out our prizes. I got a thing of watermelon lip gloss and a thing of body glitter (that I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to open). Reina got the same lip gloss as me and a little toy thing for Kyle. On a side note, Reina and I both agreed that Chuck E. Cheeses was a lot bigger when we were younger. The place must have shrunk, there were almost no rides and there was NO ball pit. Rip off if you ask me.

But we were still not done with hanging out, even after an hour with the great Chuck E. Cheese's (which by the way, it was Beatles night, so I got to hear animatronic animals sing such classics as "Eight Days A Week" and "All You Need is Love"). Keeping in touch with the white trash roots we had just discovered, we decided to head on over to the Danberry Cinema (that's the $2 one, for you non-Ohioans) to see what was playing at that particular time. To our great fortune(????), The Prince and Me, that classic Julia Stiles film, was starting in five minutes. (I should note now that it was the ONLY thing playing that we didn't have to wait an hour for) We bought our tickets and enjoyed the two hours of cliched crap that was presented to us. The movie was SO BAD. We were seriously cracking up the whole time. But it was perfect for our evening, and how can you hate a movie that you paid $2 for??

So anyway, now I'm home, unable to get ahold of Patrick, and not wanting to go to sleep or work tomorrow. I mean, work today SUCKED. It was finally busy, but no one was tipping. Grrrr. I hope everyone who reads this is a nice tipper because it seriously sucks to only get paid $2.13 and hour. End of that rant. Can everyone tell how extremely hyper I am right now? I seriously feel like I'm in middle school again. Alright, I have got to end this. Laters.

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Friday, May 28th, 2004
9:42 am
I cannot find my spykids watch. This depresses me.

Also depressing is having to work every single day shift at Applebee's and my poor friend Zack's day yesterday.

I try to be a good friend, but I get frustrated when I feel helpless. Then again, who doesn't?

I really want to get tan this summer, at least tan for me. I hope I'll actually get some time off from Applebee's to do so. I've been pasty really since I was 15 and worked at the pool for the summer. Also, the next summer was when I started at Applebee's. This is my fifth summer at that place. Geez.

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Thursday, May 27th, 2004
2:22 am - Ooh, I like this!

Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

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Tuesday, May 25th, 2004
10:43 pm - Stealing from Chris Vance!!!
Recommend to me:
1. a movie
2. a book
3. a musical artist, song, or album
4. a LiveJournal user
5. what I should have for dinner
6. a website

Put it in a comment and stick this in your journal.

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Friday, May 21st, 2004
12:56 pm
Man, I've started cleaning my room and I spent all morning getting my millions of photos in one box. Of course, when one is dealing with photos, one cannot help looking at every single one in the process. So that is exactly what I did. It is truly amazing to me how I can look at photos of me in elementary/middle school and already see, just see, how every piece was in place for me to become what I am today. I guess you would have to look at them to understand, but even in photos that looked nothing like me, there was some quality to them that just screamed me. Looking back, nothing is surprising, I guess.

Last night was awesome. Didn't have to work, talked to Patrick for a while, and then hung out with Zack and Waylon again. We ate pizza, watched a movie, and just talked a lot. Such a good feeling that I haven't had in the longest time. Today I have the day off, and I'm thrilled!!! And tonight I'm seeing the likes of Katie Spearman and Pete Weber in Baby. I'm very much looking forward to it.

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Tuesday, May 18th, 2004
9:41 am
Oh my god, I am sooooo tired AND mad at my mother. First of all, she would not let me go to sleep last night until 3 AM because she wanted to know every detail of the cast, inside and out. That's not so bad...I'm very used to 3 AM BUT then this morning she decides to wake me up at 6:30 AM to tell me Patrick S. is not on the cast list like he should be. Yes, that's a problem, but NOT MY PROBLEM. WHY ARE YOU WAKING ME UP SO F-ING EARLY??????????????????????????????????? Keep in mind I danced for 3 hours yesterday (after 6 hours the day before) and then I went to cast the show for an additional 3 hours. So despite my obvious exhaustion, I still was not able to fall asleep for an additional half hour to an hour. And then I had to be up at 9ish for work. Stupid mother. I'm going to be in great shape for my double today.

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Sunday, May 16th, 2004
11:34 am
Well, well.

Last night was the Pepsi Jammin' on Main concert that the Offspring headlined, and groups like Blondie were also there. I got to go with Waylon and Zack from Applebee's and it was such a blast!!! A crazy blast, however. The Offspring was naturally a rowdy concert and not wanting to miss any action, the three of us got there early enough to be only about 20 feet from the stage and fairly centered. Yeah, definitely mosh pit territory. So Zack and Waylon promised to take care of me, which really was a more difficult job than any of us were expected. But they were wonderful, kept me on my feet, warned me if anyone was crowd surfing near us, and kept the crowd surfers away from my head (fortunately Zack is 6'4" and Waylon is also tall, but not that tall). It's very funny being a little girl (and I was definitely the shortest girl anywhere near where we were) and having all these people after a song turn to you and ask if you're alright. It was also fun making eye contact with all the other girls in the area and just smiling at them with that "I know exactly how you're feeling right now" look.

But the real points are the concert ROCKED (although too short in everyone's opinion). The Offspring played every song I wanted to hear and then some. I tried to call Patrick during "Why don't you get a job?" because we like to sing that song together on the street, but apparently, it didn't work :(

I also owe Waylon and Zack big time for driving me, babysitting me, putting up with me, and for showing me a really good time. It's so nice to have a social life in Ohio especially before anyone else gets home from MVS.

Alright, gotta go get ready for SYT auditions now.

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Thursday, May 13th, 2004
8:10 pm
I love unexpected surprises. Like when I have a "final grade meeting" with my Interview professor and she tells me I'm going to have an A- for the term...something I was very happy about. And then I go to check my final grades for the semester and she has given me a solid A. Rock on! I love Professor Newkirk...she single-handedly redeemed the journalism department for me.

Still waiting on two grades...the two I have no idea how I did in :(

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Wednesday, May 12th, 2004
12:14 am
So Applebee's wasn't horrible. Made good money, was out by 8:15, AND I didn't mess anything up. Yay. My feet and legs hurt like nothing else, though.

To reward myself for my good work, I bought myself a t-shirt that says "Natural Blonde" on it. It makes me happy. I am so tired! Goodnight world...but first:

Cutest Kitten Photo EVER )

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Tuesday, May 11th, 2004
12:22 pm - Bleh.
So here I am in Ohio. It's been less than 24 hours, so I can't say it's so bad. Except my house has NOTHING to eat. I get home last night looking for a small little meal to enjoy that I can prepare relatively quickly. After searching the fridge, freezer, pantry, and cabinets I realize this will not be possible. So for dinner last night I ended up having a thing of string cheese and some pickles. (I sound pregnant don't I?)

So this morning I realize there is no good cereal, no waffles, nothing! Then I spy the bread...aha, I think...toast! Until I open the bread and it is super, super moldy. Finally I settle on the most wholesome breakfast a girl can get, ice cream. My parents gave me permission to go to the grocery store tonight to pick out what I want and charge it to them. I hate wasting my time at the grocery store here, but I think it's going to be necessary for my well-being.

So guess who has her first shift at Applebee's tonight??? That's right! ME!!! I can't believe my first shift is a night shift...I'm going to have to go in early to learn about all the fun new menu stuff. Not to mention I stopped in last night to get my schedule and a lot of things have changed. I just don't want to deal with it :(

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Friday, May 7th, 2004
9:22 pm
Computer's packed. Don't expect to hear from me or see me on IM until Monday.

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Thursday, May 6th, 2004
7:10 pm
Before I throw it out, I just want to record my favorite fortune ever from a fortune cookie:

"You are never bitter, deceptive or petty."

That's right people. NEVER.

So I just cut open my thumb with my packaging tape AND then I run out of tape with hardly anything packed. Gah, I don't want to go out and buy more!

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5:56 pm
Just got home from the Ambassador party...I actually got a superlative this year!!! Nothing too excited, though. Most likely to become a waitress. Really cute when you consider I AM a waitress. Haha.

Speaking of waitressing, I don't believe I've outlined my summer plans yet. Let me do that now:

Monday, May 11- Go home.
Tuesday, May 12- Start working again at Applebee's. Work at Applebee's until I return back to NYC.
From June 7-July 25 (and two dates before for auditions)- Choreograph SYT's production of "West Side Story" for PAY. WOO HOO!!!!
July 26- Return to NYC with Patrick.
July 29-Start of Fall Semester- Work full time at Admissions Office
July 30-August 1- Summer intensive class on Managing the Arts

Okay, so that's my summer at this point.

I've started room looks too bare :(

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Wednesday, May 5th, 2004
2:19 pm - Sooooooo...
It's officially summer break for me!!!! Now to get packing. At least I've already started making it easier for me. Oh, by the way, I'm currently taking quarter donations so I can do laundry before I leave. If you have any quarters to give me, let me know and we'll make arrangements.

So let's recap today...History of Drama final...not bad. Especially not bad considering we got our papers back today and I got a solid A on 10 pages of crap that I pulled out of my ass the night before. Wait hold on, the comments are priceless--"A very good reading and analysis." Hahahahahaha. Fooled him!

So after the final I went to the library to sell my books back. Out of eleven books, they would only take three for a grand total of $5.50. Woo-fricken-hoo. So now I have a ton of books that I'm not sure what to do with. I don't want to bring them home, leave them in storage, or throw them out if I don't have to. Maybe I'll just ship them home, at least that way I don't have to carry them.

Then I did a lot of errands including buying stamps and sending out my applications for the first internship I'm applying for. Now I'm back here, fighting sleep and attempting to clean up/pack. Tonight is Indian food. Tomorrow is all sorts of busy including a voice lesson, my Ambassador party, a SHMUTZ meeting, and the cast party! Friday is the party at John Sexton's penthouse. This weekend will definitely involve moving stuff to storage and I will probably meet up with Ms. Whittemore.

Alright, I think that's plenty long of an update. I can't believe it's still on 2:15 in my day!

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