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TheSlowBlade's LiveJournal:
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Sunday, January 7th, 2001 | 5:11 pm |
such is my lot mmmmmm fish and chips. i felt bad that i had enuf money for food but not for a tip. i hope that wont go on my tip karma record. no one saw me this week, i dont know if i actually expect someone to see me but i always check none the less. my roomate is at home right now making my life miserable with hidious paintings, rearranging and gettin god all down on my ass. i like it when he gets all exentricly crafty and decorates the joint, but its a double edged sword that tends to stab my peace of mind in the ass.
last night was out of control, my upstairs neihbors band "wizards" was playing thier first show at the coffee mesiah. i aranged it with dispatch to let me go, but they gave me three runs to do after. when i got there, the last dude wasnt even done with his set. so i helped axel 'n adam move the drums in and cruized the three runs, almost killing myself and pedestrians in the proccess. got back just in time to see the set begin. axel tunes his guitar alot, no really, before every song. otherwise they rocked the house. the best thing was i that i was getting paid the whole time, mabey techinicly i could call it a lunch break.
just before i went home, a co worker treated me to a shot of ghp, stuff did the trick. you feel like your drunk without the whole "drinking" ordeal. after that, i headed over to axels for a kind of post show get together. i think the highlight of the evening would have to be listening to bill (our other neihbor) talk enthusiasticly about his experiences with fat chicks an hookers. the man is a true example of what frat boys become as they age, drug addict sex fiends. and then we finished off the night in traditional axels house fashion with shots and arm wresteling. rock. | Saturday, January 6th, 2001 | 6:25 pm |
eat bum, they might as well serve some purpous i dont think i have updated my lj since last year, that might be from the massive amounts of alcohol i have been cosuming over the past week. my new years resolution was to quit smoking pot for two months. this is day six, it doesnt seem like much of a big deal. i would have to say it is rather pleasant being as i have been high for a year straight. but everything does seem a bit drab. on the up side, i have more dreams than i ever have had before. on the down side, my sex drive is coming back with a vengance. i am ho-nay, so if any atractive ladies out there are interested....
another slow night at work, to fill the void we play bike polo like mad men. the jackasses ruined our second bike polo room, aparently they need to use it for a wharehouse, whatever. so we spent about an hour moving chairs and bikes and put pieces of wood and metal along the lockers so the ball wouldnt get stuck under there. we will overcooooooome. | Monday, January 1st, 2001 | 5:04 pm |
ahem... this is what happens when Elias logs in at work.'re lucky I found this, ya goof, and not someone like Todd Welter..he probably would have posted pictures of himself on your journal... | Sunday, December 31st, 2000 | 9:24 pm |
happy fawkin new year. today started out like the past few days, hacking coughs and generaly miserable. then went uptown for no particular reason but to hang out. then got really depressed by some lame shit. i think my living situation is deteriorating, im sick of my room being a living room, its really grating on me. I WANT A HOUSE!!!
things are slow for me here at kozmo. just as i predicted, most of the orders have alcohol in them so i get to just sit around. ive only gone on two runs since five, and i go home in an hour and a half. rock
my 21st birthday is coming up in two months, its all i can think about lately. but its probably going to be anticlimactic, just like the rest of my life. | Saturday, December 30th, 2000 | 11:48 pm |
kids make crappy crafts i think im going to wake up and see my lungs lying on the bed next to me. ive spent the last couple of nights falling in and out of consiousness every half hour or so from coughing. i keep checking to make sure im not coughing up blood cause it sure feels like i am. i feel like everything is moving in slow motion, i cant seem to put the energy into my pedals. reminds me of the last fify miles of the seattle to portland ride. all my energy is being used to fight this bloody cold.
i got to take a long nap in the bike room, the dreams you have when you are sick and taking short naps. reality blend with the sub consious, your dreams bleed into the real world, you dont know what really happened and what was a figment of your immagingation. almost like an acid trip. | Monday, December 25th, 2000 | 9:16 pm |
chesnuts roasting on an open fire yay for christmas!!! but as happy as i am that its finaly here, and as fantastic as today has gone so far, i still dont see that magic. oh well, i got the loot.
i really want to go home and watch the prisoner with my roomates, but i am getting paid $21 an hour to play video games and eat cookies. i've only gone on one run since five cause all the orders have alcohol in them, and once again i say YAY!
boarding was awsome today, it was seriously foggy but there wernt that many people out. found some sick trails and bombed down the hill like i had rockets on my board. screw going to the movies on christmas, go do something! | Sunday, December 24th, 2000 | 11:26 pm |
what could be finer than snowboarding on the birthday of christ? i sure dont know, so thats why im hitting the slopes first thing tomorow.
me and courtney are watching battlestar galactica, joy. the 80's at its finest. feathered hair o plenty. nothing like monkeys in robot suits to bring the holiday cheer. Current Mood: deviousCurrent Music: redhotchillipeppers | 7:19 pm |
for breakfast lunch and dinner when i got home last night, keehnan was gone to oregon and courtney had gone to bed already. but i was in the mood for a big fat joint, and i had never had one all to myself. i used to think i could never roll a decent J, but the one i rolled up last night was the fattest, easy hitting thing i ever did have the pleasure to drag off of. i got about two thirds of the way through it before i reallized i had reached the apex, which was nice because the other third made a nice starter to get me through working on christmas eve.
its dead here at kozmo, ive been on the top of the list for about an hour without a run. but i dont care cause its time and a half baby!
the city seems dead of spirit, i keep waiting for carollers to sing and for tiny time to walk again, and for the big bad corprate boss to realize the real meaning of christmas and let us take the day off....paid of course. but the mirth and joy are gone and the gap left behind filled with over-comercialization and people trying to get a dollar from you everywhere you go. i think i will go visit family next year.
being scrooge would be fun, he got to see all sorts of tripy shit. | Saturday, December 23rd, 2000 | 11:13 pm |
grinding bone to bone i think i will change my schedual so that i work four long shifts and have three days off. is it worth it, i dont know. but i need a change again and since i have had the same lame ass schedual for over a year, i think some re-arranging is in order.
boss' suck ass
i feel bad cause i forgot to get my friends mom a present. i knew i was missing someone, the little voice in the back of my head told me i was forgeting someone. i am a bad sons friend.
fingerless gloves rock the house! i wish i would have discovered these a long time ago. warm as all hell and you can still pick up a pen without taking them off, can you say "best of both worlds"? parents, dont get your kids those retarded razor scooters for christmas. get them some wool fingerless gloves, that way they wont break thier little faces on the cold concrete with something thats ten times as lame as rollerblades. seriously folks, if i was im middle school again i would kick any kid i saw riding one of those in the head. for christ's sake, they sell the fawking things in every seven eleven.
Current Mood: full of piss and vinegar Current Music: walks like an egyptian | Friday, December 22nd, 2000 | 3:14 pm |
everywhere i go, empty. had a fun morning, got up slowly in a vacant apartment and watched comedy central to put me in the right mood. it also helped that it was the station that was on and i had no remote. checked my empty email inbox, then looked in the fridge barren of anything but rot and condiments. after some mood elevation i took a shower and rejoiced as i listened to "just what i needed" by the cars. courtney stopped by a few times as usual, i like that our apartment is just a big pit stop.
my paycheck was decent, but half of it went to fees and overdrafts......uhgggggggg. but on the upside, i got a whole bunch of film developed. can you belive rite aid stopped the "rite-rewards" program of giving you a cheap roll of film everytime you got film proccessed? now they give you a free developement for every ten rolls you get developed, LAME ASS!!!
ezo noodles is the the best fucking noodle house in seattle, its a whole lotta food for not that much money, and its really clean too. no rats 'n shit running around the place.
i dont think anyone really likes working at kozmo anymore. they cut hours, screwed up scheduals, cut wages, added fees, and generaly messed up everything about a once perfect job. i understand wanting to make more money, but things are getting out of hand here or this place is doomed. | Saturday, December 16th, 2000 | 7:23 pm |
but i got my tiger stripes the world seems like a bowl of frosted flakes that has been sitting in milk for half an hour, i wish it would snow. it got so damn close last night, it was sleeting at about 12:30am, i figured it would get colder.
im all stressed out by frantic roomates, i need a naked scandanavian girl with rosy cheecks and big breasts to give me a back massage.
Current Mood: soggy Current Music: morcheba | Friday, December 15th, 2000 | 11:09 pm |
a bunch of hot air just got blasted up my ass the big meeting was mega retarded, everyone bantered around the same subject for half an hour. there was free food there, nothing really good, mostly a bunch of crap exept for the apples. they did say that we dont have to wear the big blue pants anymore, that made me very very happy. SCREW BLUE!!!
why hype stupid shit?
my bike loves me for giving it a new fender. i wish i had the money to treat it right, but the holidays are killing my bank account. | 11:04 pm |
hit the slopes i just keep getting better and better every time i go up, i think by the end of the season i will do a flip. its great to hang with a group that is in a whole better skilled than you are, it keeps you motivated to get better.
what does a guy gotta do to meet a cool shredder-betty around here? i dont think there is anything cooler than a chick who boards, can that be called a "fetish"? | 10:56 pm |
i dont know, its paper in your brain. i spent a few days in vancouver with my dad, i had a really good time even though i couldnt take advantage of the herb surplus there. everything was cheap there and i got to go to bars and stuff. there were so many cool stores there, with friendly people working there, and there were more delicious beauties than i could feast my eyes on. vancouver is said to be just like a big seattle, i think they are kinda similar but i think vancouver has a whole different vibe to it. the city seemed like it had an old soul, there were many people leading hard lives there and i showed. there was a very dark side of poverty and dispair, but was more than balanced out by the niceties of the city.
im glad i dont hate my dad, he can be pretty cool sometimes. do most guys hate thier fathers? | Saturday, December 9th, 2000 | 1:10 am |
he has the wierding way i shall be known as usul!!! i bombed home from work like a mutha fucka. i couldnt believe how fast i was traveling without an enjine, i was going as fast as i would on the general lee. thats part of whats been missing lately in my life and thats the general lee. so i think i will fix up that mountain bike i got from john mead and paint it like the general lee was painted. that means i have to finish my roomates bike really quick so i can get started. motivation, its a good thing, as martha stuart might say.
came home and thought my grass was lost on the way home, but as i went outside to get my bike and look for it i found it in a unexplored part of my new pants. damn new clothing!!! it takes time to find out all the places shit can hide in. so i went back in and smoked some with axel and the roomies as we watched the end of a movie that fucked my shit up. i went to the store against my roomates and my own better judgement, but i was craving some fun and adventure so i did it anyways. the trip to the store was rather uneventfull exept for good conversation with the good folk at "shitty market", the trip home was fun, i find that i like to ride my bicycle just for fun now instead of just work. one thing is for sure, it doesnt hurt nearly as much anymore. when i got home, the worried keehnan was asleep and courtney was watching tv as usual, so i loaded up some pinapple in a bowl and packed some kippers up to axels to accompany a beer.
axels house was more exiteing than usual, mike was there with his girlfriend (who axel and i are convinced that he is completely pussywhiped by). somewhere in the conversation between me mike and axel, we decided it would be a good idea to tie an extension cord to the back of my bike and tow axel down the street on his skateboard.....well....we thought we were not ampely prepared for a venture as dangerous as that so we had a couple more shots of gin to loosen us up a bit more -see 'drunken field of protection' . i got on the seventies coat/sabotage coat on and my straw hat and got ready for battle. i had pictures in my head of three bikes together pulling one skateboard, like a chariot of death streaking through the city. we were almost to the park when i heard a heavy thump and the sound of somones wind getting knocked out and looked back to see axel rolling accross the pavement. i could tell he was gettin the hurt put on a bit and he limped over to the curb. after a short rest we went back the same way, without the fall this time.
now im back in the empty apartment, eating my steak and potato soup with "gilligans island" playing on. i find the more i try to delve into my dreams while im asleep, the more my dreams start messing with reality while im awake. i hope i end up in a state where im no longer dreaming or awake, niether consious or subconsious. then i will become fully aware of myself. the more i find out about my dreams, the more i feel that they are pieces of me that are missing, a missing half that holds all my own secrets. all my true motives become apartent in my dreams, i dont thing i have ever learned more about myself any other way. time to dream.
Current Mood: high as hell Current Music: elton john song at the end of "the muse" | 12:10 am |
well kids..... i dont know what to tell you, i know ive been away a while.....but...that doesnt mean daddy doesnt love mommy anymore. ! uh, oh... i dont know where that came from. im sorry i didnt write for a while, i was snowboarding and fucking up my hair. i was negligent of my duties to my journal.
safety brakes after a long runs and rain and bad vibes a safety brake has cured my ills and warmed my body. i feel refreshed and full of vigor. why is this stuff illegal? | Monday, December 4th, 2000 | 10:15 pm |
fawkin college kids did some short runs to kids at seattle university, fuckers wernt even home! why the hell would you order something and then not be there to get it? you only have to be there an hour, so whats the deal?
people with english as a second language dont tip!
i saw that they turned the st. james cathedral lights on again for the holidays, that violet is like none other. i was so pissed that i didnt get my lomo in time last year to take a picture of it so i circled around it a couple of times looking for a good shot but there was none, the side with the best view had to many street lamps shining bad light all over the place. i went around back and found a fire escape ladder and i climbed up a water pipe trying to get to it but i had all my gear on and my hands were sweaty from the ride. i almost fell to my doom trying to get up there, so after work chuck is gonna let me use his truck to jump off of to get to the roof. | Friday, December 1st, 2000 | 11:07 pm |
damn you, damn you all to hell !!! with idiocy that would be hard to match by the mentally retarded initiated its two dollar delivery fee for any order under thirty dollars. now the numbers say that the average order is $25, the reason that is so high is because we do get a good number of orders for electronics and stuff, orders for like that are usually in the three hundred dollar range affecting the average for the vast number of orders that are just ice cream and movies which usually about ten dollars. that means that the majority of kozmos customers will be affected by this price increase. the delivery fee combined with with the recent addition of the five dollar minimum order bring the actual minimum order to around seven dollars, the fee is more than an increase in the minimum order, it is making customers pay two dollars for absolutely nothing! so, now that has successfully alienated its employees it has moved on to do the same thing with its customers. i do not only criticize the companies methods, but also its timing. they could not have picked a worse time to do this, they are attempting to go public, i emphasize "public", and the market is showing without a doubt that the days of luxury dot-coms are over. also, kozmo has a big image problem. the two reasons became popular in seattle are; 1-its a convenient free service. 2- it was a likeable company, it was "hip". kozmo has neither of these things going for it anymore. the new york office has decided that the seattle way of doing things had to go, even though seattle is the most successful spoke in the country. the ceo said that we have to do things the east coast way now, fortunately this is now the east coast. what new york fails to realize is the fact that this is not new york, and that shit is not going to fly here, this is the west coast and things should be done the west coast way. | 2:50 am |
you can levitate trains, plastic, water, spiders and strawberries. ah, home from work, spent the morning moving in the new couches and rearanging furniture. work was a big downer cause they are making us wear crapy new uniforms. the pants are bright blue and they make funny noises like "whoosh" and "crumple" sounds. i was the first unlucky character to get jumped by the uniform nazis, i had never felt so broken down and humiliated than that moment when i came out of the stock room and everyone saw me looking like a fucking blue and orange clown. today, my kozmo spirit was competly and finaly extinguished.
but thats all over for tonight, i came home and smoked a bowl, ate star-fruit and sat in the new couch. i also sat on top of the stump in the park down the street with mike and axel. the people who cut up the tree must have purpously carved the top to be like seats because it is completely perfect for sitting. it was fun to sit up high and talk about meaningless things under the stars.
im glad delores came over to hang out, even though we work together, i still never see her for more than five minutes at a time. i like the couches cause it encourages couch crashing. its comforting to have people sleeping over.
i want a parafin wax spa, but the size of a hot-tub so i can put my whole body in it! | Sunday, November 26th, 2000 | 7:41 pm |
world craps i went into world wraps today trying to pick up a quick bite. not only were they out of almost everything, it took them fifteen minutes to make my wrap!!!! it wasnt even busy there. fifteen minutes for a glorified burrito and they didnt even say anything like "sorry for the wait" or "thanks for your patience". i am so sorry i tiped them! |
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