July 27, 2004
the best laid plans...

i meant to watch the first day of the dem's convention. really, i did. i even know what channel c-span is on my cable lineup. but then...

dead like me happened. i read a short blurb about jasmine guy's character -- kicking off the new season that started on sunday -- and thought, "hmmm. i wonder if it's any good?" so i went downstairs to the tv room, and watched the pilot episode (on demand is a nice thing).

it was hysterical. i watched a few more episodes, and then my husband came home. he, the guy who hates television, got completely sucked in. we watched another episode. and then another. and by midnight, we'd watched the first nine episodes.


but it's really good. honest. and i can always watch the speeches on c-span.org

Posted by laloca at 07:31 AM | Comments (0)
July 26, 2004
circumstantial evidence

well, that does it. yesterday as i was checking out the plants in the back, i noticed the gnawed remnants of a bright red tomato atop the brick wall overlooking the garden. right where the cheeky squirrel sits to chatter at me. grrrrrrrrr. squirrel soup. where's the NRA? i want to learn how to hunt!

Posted by laloca at 07:40 AM | Comments (0)
July 25, 2004
blogging from boston

a whole selection of bloggers at the democratic convention!

Posted by laloca at 04:57 PM | Comments (0)
July 20, 2004
if wishes were fishes...
"After four years more in this office I want people to look back and say, 'The world is a more peaceful place,"' Bush told supporters at a community college in Iowa. "Four more years and America will be safe and the world will be at peace."

forget alcohol. the president of the united states must be smoking crack.

Posted by laloca at 03:54 PM | Comments (2)
a random thought

driving into work this morning, we passed, as we always do, the fenced-off end of pennsylvania avenue at 17th street. behind the screens, what used to be a broad avenue proceeding grandly past the white house is now a gigantic mucky mud puddle, ostensibly to one day to become a pedestrian promenade to protect the building at 1600 from vehicular threats.

"you know," i mused to my husband, who was driving, "i think that the more security measures this country takes, the more insecure we all become."

it's hard to believe that once upon a time, members of the public could simply stroll into the white house as they pleased.

Posted by laloca at 09:58 AM | Comments (2)
July 19, 2004
i. overwrought

i'd love to read this guy's review of westworld....

Posted by laloca at 03:41 PM | Comments (1)
damn squirrels

one of those adorable rats-with-fluffy-tails has been raiding my tomato plants. first it took a beautiful, nearly-ripe one. then it nabbed two green ones. the stems are gnawed, and the trunk of the tomato plants has itty-bitty claw marks on it. i tell you, this squirrel is cruising for a bruising.

okay, maybe it isn't a squirrel. but every time i go outside to check on the tomatoes, i'm greeted by an angry, chattering furball perched on the wall overlooking the garden. it eyes me suspicously, and just chatters more loudly when i approach.

fooker. i may have to make me some squirrel stew. with whatever tomatoes it doesn't nab.

Posted by laloca at 02:45 PM | Comments (4)
July 16, 2004

carpal tunnel - or at least repetitive stress injury seems to have settled in to my right wrist. So, in an effort to keep it from getting worse, I decided to invest in an employee's recognition software.

As you can see, it is less than perfect. For one think, I did not say " and employees " but rather " a voice. " it also still has trouble distinguishing certain words such as think from thing from the pink. It also has an annoying habit of adding words that I don't say. Not to mention its quirky capitalization and and punctuation had it since. That should be added no not added, "habit." (on that one i actually had to break down and type it in myself.)

hopefully its software will be able to improve as I continue to use it. Right now it's much more difficult and frustrating to talk to the computer that is to suffer the typing the. Especially when it on needless the. Add, not on.

C what I mean?

Posted by laloca at 09:35 PM | Comments (5)
July 15, 2004
damn, this is the south

old dominion citizens have taken to exercising their right to open carry. oddly enough, i don't find this troublesome. despite having lived in both maryland and DC, and having a pretty deep aversion to guns, i'm actually amused at this. the idea of a bunch of gun-totin' dudes in starbucks....

in other local news i've got to say, i love this country. not twenty miles from where the guys were freely toting their guns in public, the takoma park city council voted to support gay marriage. unsurprising, since tacky park is to lesbians what dupont circle is to gay men, and it's overall very progressive (it's a nuclear-free zone, too). *sigh* let's hear it for those independent laboratories!

Posted by laloca at 11:10 AM | Comments (1)
sounds familiar?

in iraq, the political rhetoric has taken on a familiar tone. once again, the ruling powers are promising to annhilate their opposition.

hmmm. this is what "coalition" forces are dying for? a new "intelligence" service (i'm not taking bets on how much it will actually look like secret police) to go after the bad guys?

Posted by laloca at 10:37 AM | Comments (1)
July 14, 2004
the whole mindlessness of the thing

i've listened to conservative senator after senator accuse "activist judges" in massachussets of amending the constitution. "we need to protect the institution of marriage as the bedrock of our society" they say.

marriage rates have been dropping steadily in this country since at least 1990, something that apparently scares conservatives tremendously. but they can't possibly think that constitutionally defining marriage as between a man and a woman will do anything to increase marriage rates. what's next? constitutionally mandating marriage for all individuals upon reaching the age of majority?

it's pure politics. the conservatives are going to fail on their cloture vote, but they're going to run around all fall yelling about how the liberals want to destroy the bedrock of american society.

UPDATE: yup, the vote on cloture failed, 48 to 50

UPDATE UPDATE: oh, wait. i've got it all wrong. we need to protect marriage because of the children. so the next proposed amendment to the constitution should be to require unmarried pregnant women to either get abortions or to get married. wait, no, no abortions. force pregnant women to marry?

Posted by laloca at 12:25 PM | Comments (1)
so why is he supporting bush?

mccain on bush, in a campaign ad:

He deserves not only our support but our admiration

mccain on the federal marriage amendment:

The constitutional amendment we're debating today strikes me as antithetical in every way to the core philosophy of Republicans

gee, john, where's your support and admiration for your president?

Posted by laloca at 08:44 AM | Comments (3)
July 13, 2004
who says knitting is boring?

knitting. it's the new trend. my grandmother was an avid knitter; she kept all her knitting supplies in a giant basketweave frog. and i bet she never thought of making anything like this.

Posted by laloca at 08:10 AM | Comments (1)
george allen is an ass

in reply to an e-mail urging him not to vote for a constitutional amendment on marriage, i get this from allen's staff:

Dear Ms. ******:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the issue of marriage and a Federal Marriage Amendment. I appreciate your concerns and want my position to be very clear.

As a United States Senator, I will support and protect the traditional, common sense definition of marriage in law as only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife. While it was my hope that the existing Defense of Marriage Act could accomplish this goal, I believe that recent events and future court decisions indicate that a constitutional amendment is needed to protect the rights of the people in the States to define the institution of marriage.

Posted by laloca at 07:48 AM | Comments (1)
wiley knows his jumping


those were the days...

Posted by laloca at 07:33 AM | Comments (1)