perilous and looming |
[06 Nov 2005|10:01pm] |
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punchy |
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Songvids that should exist but don't seem to:
- A Daniel/Sha're vid to Waltz #2 by Elliot Smith. It fits perfectly.
- A multi-fandom vid to Holding Out For a Hero. There is no reason that this shouldn't exist, especially now that Frou Frou has done a much more vidable version.
- An Atlantis vid to Dangerous and Moving by Tatu. Shut up, I know. It works! Really! You could make it Wraith-y, or Atlantis-folk centric, either one would work!
Note to self: |
[26 Oct 2005|06:04pm] |
If you're feeling brain dead enough that you call in to work, it might not be the best idea to redistribute your characters' skills in X-Men Legends 2.
[17 Oct 2005|12:39pm] |
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really fucking grossed out |
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Oh my fucking god I hate cats.
Right now Arvee is on the porch with a chipmunk (quite possibly injured, but very much alive) cornered in a place she can't get into and it can't get out of and I have no idea what to do. This, mind you, is after she yowled at the door with it in her mouth, with one of it's little back legs trying to claw her eye out.
Okay, it got off the porch somehow, 'cause now it's in the rhododendron in the yard and she's circling it and yowling.
Aaaand now she's at the door with it in her mouth again. I really hope it's dead.
I hate outdoor cats. Two 'presents' in less than a day, yay.
ETA: Oh god, and now Oshi's gotten in on the act. I hate cats, I hate cats, I hate cats.
[07 Oct 2005|10:21am] |
The cover to the tenth issue of LSH is pretty. Finally, a cover that actually has a little relevance to what's happening in the issue! Barely, but I can forgive it 'cause it's pretty.
( A few spoilers. )
And I think something is wrong with me, because I kind of want to read some Brainy/Dream fic.
When you see this meme, post a quote from Firefly in your journal. |
[27 Sep 2005|07:41pm] |
Kaylee: Wash, tell me I'm pretty. Wash: Were I unwed, I would take you in a manly fashion. Kaylee: 'Cause I'm pretty? Wash: 'Cause you're pretty.
who's the guy who had to die? |
[22 Sep 2005|09:28am] |
I have We ♥ Katamari in my grubby little paws and I am officially on vacation. Woo!
I played a bit last night and it's making me waaaay too happy. It's fun to not know what the hell I'm doing (I played the last one so much that I could find my way around all those locations blindfolded). I just love it. Lots. Lots and lots and lots. I'm playing through everything as quickly as I can and then I'm gonna go back and get crazy. Are there shooting stars on this one? Or eternals to unlock? 'Cause I wants them.
In other news, we have a new not!stray. Her name is either New Cat or Oshikuru, it has yet to be decided. Something's weird with her back legs, and it seems like she has to have broken her tail at some point in her life. And she's crazy, just flat out crazy. This isn't me exaggerating, either. This cat is not all there. She's very very sweet, though, and loves having her belly petted, and makes the cutest little purr-meow noises.
Arvee hates her. They don't fight, exactly. Arvee'll get growly at her sometimes, which causes New Cat to flop over and show her belly, which just seems to piss Arvee off more. And, I swear, New Cat doesn't have an ounce of common sense - when Arvee gets really fed up and leaves New Cat follows her, purr-meowing the whole time.
They're both currently on the porch. Arvee's in her box and New Cat's on a railing and they're very pointedly ignoring each other. It's cute.
It's quite possible I screwed up the alphabetizing. Forgive me, I am sleepy. |
[25 Aug 2005|11:50pm] |
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amused as heck |
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( That icon meme )
Today, on Crossovers I Would Kill to See Theater |
[22 Aug 2005|08:36am] |
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awake |
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I want a Legion/SGA crossover. Tell me that would not be awesome. I mean, Brainy and Rodney in the same room? That would be a sight to see.
'cause she knows that it'd be tragic if those evil robots win |
[14 Aug 2005|08:21am] |
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dorky |
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I've been playing Star Ocean like the world's gonna end lately. I got Roger this time and love him. He's adorable and a smart ass, and there is something really satisfying about watching the itty bitty kid bash the hell out of things twenty times his size with an axe.
I'm loving MP kills this time, too. Fayt and Cliff both have Increase MP Damage as their short X attack which, combined with Blazing Sword, can kill almost everything in like ten seconds. It's nice.
(Actually, I've been kind of ignoring Cliff. Roger's mostly taken his spot - just not in the mines, 'cause he's too little to actually hit flying dragons.)
I've been inventing a lot, but I suck at it and don't quite understand it. It can get a bit frustrating.
And I was getting a bit pissy by the end of my playing yesterday. The save points are so freakin' few and far between, and I had been playing forever and just wanted to stop but couldn't find a save point and there was no way in hell I was doing the entire Bequerel Mine again. Also? I'm getting a bit sick of Peterny. Arias, to Peterny, to that forest, to Peterny, to Surferio, to Peterny, to Aquios, to Peterny, to Bequerel Mine. That's a bit too much Peterny for me, even if it's the only place I ever invent.
Guess what I'm playing? |
[11 Aug 2005|01:56pm] |
Fayt + Blazing Sword for a long O attack = OTP! Two hit MP kills!
Seriously, I've been poking at the GameFAQs boards and I do not understand why people take him out of their party. I love him! The only time I ever switch off of him is when I'm trying to level up Cliff's Standby Healing. Granted, this might change once I get Nel back and get Flying Guillotine, but I'd never kick him out of my party!
[10 Aug 2005|08:11am] |
New Sentinel, yay!
My nose is going crazy and there are no tissues to be found in the living room.
[04 Aug 2005|02:49pm] |
New on my list of things I would pay good money to see: Kevin Pereira/Seanbaby slash. Seriously, it would make me so happy. All they do is flirt.
I got a Nintendo DS and WarioWare Touched! for my birthday yesterday (I love my family's tendency to chip in together to get fun big presents) and Touched! is the shortest WarioWare ever. I've finished everything except for beating each game in the grid. I love it (new Pyoro, yay!) but they really needed more games in it.
I start my vacation Sunday. Whoo! No more training!
[04 Aug 2005|12:09pm] |
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*wibble* |
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I was just browsing my friendsfriends and clicking on anything that looked interesting and managed to see a huge Serenity spoiler.
Take it back, internet! Take it back!
[01 Aug 2005|12:20pm] |
I come bearing gifts!
I found this Firefly song a few days ago, Mal's Song by Escape Key, and I'm in love with it so I'm sharing. I've thrown up two different versions, one with Joss talking at the end, and one I trimmed a bit so there's no talking. I hate talking on songs when I want to put them on a CD but figured I'd put 'em both up, just 'cause.
Escape Key - Mal's Song, all Joss-like.
Escape Key - Mal's Song, Joss-less.
ETA: Immediately after I posted this I made a CD and put the wrong version on it. I rock.
[27 Jul 2005|11:08am] |
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rushed |
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Crap crap crap I don't want to go to the doctor.
The worst part is finding a book I want to read that'll fit in my purse. The book I'm currently reading is waaaay too big, and I need to leave in ten minutes, and I'm not even dressed.
ETA: Sewer, Gas & Electric, it is! ::bolts::
I really hate the chick who hosts this show. |
[22 Jul 2005|05:05pm] |
I'm watching the Cheat episode for Psychonauts and in the first five minutes the captions have spelled it "Pyscho knots" and Bobby Zilch was referred to as "Billy."
Way to go G4!
I am the Verizon tech support queen! |
[21 Jul 2005|01:42pm] |
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accomplished |
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Our wireless is working again. Oh yeah, who's awesome? That'd be me, thanks. hands smell like modem.
[11 Jul 2005|05:32pm] |
The Fantastic Four video game blows hard. It makes me sad. I was really looking forward to it but I think I'm going to send it back without finishing it. It makes me so angry every time I sit down to play.
I've been playing Psychonauts like there's no tomorrow lately. (I finally got that fish scene, tyraarane! I love this game dearly.) I just finished the Milkman level and have cleaned out everything you can get at the camp. I finished the Scavenger Hunt! I didn't manage to do that my last game!
I've been wandering around camp now seeing how everyone sees me with Clairvoyance. Maloof's hiding on me but everyone else has got me giggling. I can't decide if my favorite is the seagulls, the squirrels, or the firestarter cats. I like Ford too. Oh! And I'm going to be jumping back a save point next time I play; apparently the way the Den Mother sees you if you're holding the agent disguises is pretty funny but I never thought to do it.
I should be getting Lego Star Wars soon, yay. Looks like lots of fun.
[06 Jul 2005|06:44am] |
I just woke up. I was supposed to be at work at six. Whee!