Seth Gordon - - almost as good as knowing me.

Dirty old woman 

Sunday, July 18, 2004
Tried my hand at scrabble again, but this time with a different group that's closer to Santa Monica.  Saturday Scrabble at the senior center meets in the room between pinochle and line dance.   Wasn't at the top of my game because I was ill prepared.  I was hung (ry) (0ver).    

I played against the sweetest older lady, but she shocked me with a suggestion she made.  We were just about at the end of the game.  There was an open T, so I added CU and spelled Cut.  Next turn, she went out.  I counted up my remaining tiles, which included an N.  Then she says with a straight face 'you could have played that N in there.  And proceeds to spell the word for me.  C-U-N-T'.  Of couse I knew that, but it just didn't seem like the right word to play.  And besides, CUT was actually worth more points.  In another blow to my ego, I got AX/OXed.   

Next up I'll be writing about my interview for Average Joe IV.  I didn't go looking for them, they contacted me.  Either way, I'm not going to be on the show. 

From Bukowski, Women. 

It was worth reading the book just to get to this quote.  
She was endearing, calmly intellectual, and best of all, there was that crazy mixture of red in the gold of her hair.  It was almost as if I had been looking for that color hair for decades. . .maybe longer

This quote says it all 

Thursday, July 15, 2004
I'm not one to get too biblical or political, but I read a very interesting statistic on The Blue Bus 105,000,000 people voted in the last presidential election, while 110,000,000 people voted for American Idol. Nice.

Seth, I'm not the only one. 

Monday, July 12, 2004
I like my name, it suits me well. How many Seths do you know? You probably don't keep track as closely as I do. Back in DC (circa 1998), I used to play ultimate frisbee with 2 other Seths. So, three of us total. That was kind of confusing for all of us. When I hear my name, I turn around because I think that people are talking to (or about) me. Same with the other two. I don't think I've met more than one or two Seths since then.

But that hardly compares to the four Seth sitings in the past two weeks. I met two _other_ Seths at a party a few weeks ago. Then, last monday, I did a user research interview (that's the work that I do) with a guy whose middle name is gordon, first name: Seth. Piece that together and let me know what you come up with. Something close to Seth Gordon. And, just this past week, I was talking to some people and they said 'Hey Seth', as another Seth walked by. So, cumulative Seth count for the week, myself included is 5.

And, for those of you that are curious, my name is _way old school_. I'm not trying to get biblical, but. . .according to the bible, Seth is Adam's third son - after Cain and Able. Lived from 130 to 1042. about 912 years. That was a very long time back then. If people lived to be over 900 years old today, the social security system would go bust much quicker than expected But, I'm pretty sure the original Seth predated taxes.

Serve and Get Served 

Thursday, July 08, 2004
I've been getting a lot of 'you sure look a lot like John machinery' comments this week. I just realized it's because I've been wearing contacts instead of my usual specs. I took it to heart and went to an 80s party this weekend as Johnny Mc. I really didn't even do much, just fluffed my hair, wore some tennis shorts and carried around a racquet, but that was enough. 7 people know who I was, and one joker asked me if I was Richard Simmons. I was tempted to spill my Bartles and James exotic Berry wine cooler on them.

And, speaking of serves, I got served at LA Scrabble Club #44. For as much trash as I talk about scrabble, I'm not much of a player. This was my first outing at club, and it showed. Two things were against me: I didn't play well, and the other players were much much better. I debut with a record of 0-3. But, I did manage to play a bingo (utilized). One woman in particular was not an especially good sport to the newbie (me). I'm going to have to study up a bit so I can come back and drop mad tiles on her azz!

But, way more exciting than scrabble was the trip to Vegas two weeks ago. Our man on the scene (who can't be mentioned by name, lest he show up in Google) had it all worked out, as we knew he would. We were so styled out the entire trip, I can't even tell ya. There is no better way to do Vegas. Aside from all the group fun, I won $10 in blackjack and negotiated a mostly full bottle of Dom at Drais for the bargain price of $20 (inquire within for story). Wish I could tell you more, but you know the rules. What Happens in Vegas, stay in Vegas!

No bed 

Sunday, May 09, 2004
Thanks for all the input on the bed question. But, turns out that I'm gonna stick with the basic platform I have now. At least I'm not still on the aerobed. Even though it looks big because of the mirrors facing the bed, my bedroom really is too small for such a formidable bed. Bigger bedroom, bigger bed.

Checked out the LA Modernism show this weekend and saw some really amazing things, including a cocktail set (6 cups and a shaker) for $45,000. And, it had a sold tag on it. It was a beautiful set, and for about a fraction of a second, I thought that maybe it really could be worth that much. Then, I stopped being stoopid.

Oh, and my NADs are pumpin this week - bought a new stereo. The neighbors looked really excited when they saw me carry in 4 foot tall speakers last week. My apartment is too small for big speakers, but it don't bother me none. You'll have to come over one day and jam out. Did you read the story about Shrek the Sheep that went 6 years without a shearing? In unrelated news, I got a haircut today.

Launched in Santa Monica 

Thursday, April 08, 2004
I'll start off with some good news, really good news. I'm working at Yahoo! in Santa Monica. Not only is it a cool gig with cool people (who obsess over music), I can actually walk to the office from my house. Works out perfectly since I'm the kind that really enjoys living in a walking city.

So, still working on furnishing my place. I think I've been saying that for a few years now. This time around, the bed is the hangup. Maybe your opinion on style will help, maybe not. Vote anyway.
1) Island2) Classic 3) Fortified retreat

Revuelve a mi casa 

Sunday, March 14, 2004
So, I head back to LA in a few hours. Just finished up my last meal here. We lived large at the Grano Del Oro. Maybe that's Spanish for Golden Nugget, but I doubt it. It's one of the finest restaurants in the city. I won't go into specifics of what I ate, but it required the use of 4 forks, 2 knives, and 3 spoons. Not all at once, mind you. I practiced my table etiquette and used the utensils from the outside in.

And, an odd tale from the city center. I was standing around minding my own business and a little scrawny white dude comes up to me, probably about my age. He looks like he's tweakin' a bit, so I'll refer to him as tweaker. I wasn't really in the mood to be hassled, but I figured I'd hear him out. Seemed like a nice enough fellow.

Twe - "Do you speak English?"
Me - "Un Poquito" (not sure how convincing my response was)
Twe - "Do you know where the salvation army is?"
Me - "Que?" (still pretending I don't speak English)
Twe - "I'm from Santa Monica, LA and I know I look like hell, I've been up all night. . . .but if you'd buy me a hamburger, man, that'd be great" (I guess at this point he assumes I speak English)
My Mom - "Ah, Santa Monica, my son just moved there" (She blows my cover)
Me - "Here ya go dude, here's few bucks. Drinks on you when I see ya in Santa Monica, K?"

Odd that the only person that solicits me the whole trip is from Santa Monica. And, I wasn't wearing anything that'd give me away. Well, I was wearing my "Mojito?" Hobson's Choice shirt, but I doubt he noticed that.

Live, from Costa Rica 

Saturday, March 13, 2004
My mom and i have been having a great trip in Costa Rica. We've seen the sites, cracked lots of jokes, chowed on the food, and traveled the roads. By all accounts, it's been a great trip. The first few days were a bit wet and foggy, but that's not ucommon here. We went to the Arenal Volcano, which seemed more like a fog factory than a volcano. During our two days there, we saw about 10 seconds of red magma flow. But, it was great just to see that much. Really! A little lava goes a long way. .

During our hikes through the forests, we saw most of the crazy critters which are unique to this environment / sloths, monkeys, lizards, bats, poisonous frogs, and tropical butterflies and birds. My mom kept making monkey jokes about me. She cracks herself up. During one of the tours, the guide pointed out two sloths that were in the same tree and explained how they are very territorial and will fight to protect their space. One sloth is dislodged from the tree and falls to the ground. One of the other people on the tour asked if they had a rehabilitation program for these dislodged sloths. He must have been a Harbin goer from Marin.

News, Finally 

Saturday, March 06, 2004
I think most of you know, but for those that didn't see the ticker in Times Square, I've moved to Santa Monica, CA 90403. Don't worry, it's nothing that you did. People have been asking me two questions: "Why, and do you have a job"? I don't have a good answer to either. But, here's the short of it. . . I was down here a few weeks ago when I was between projects and had a realization of 'wow, I could live here and enjoy it." So, two days later I found a place (14th and Idaho) and signed the papers. Then, went back up to Palo Alto, packed up, found someone to assume my lease, and moved down here. From idea to move-in was probably only about 10 days. I kinda snuck outta dodge, no goodbye dinner, no happy hour, no ceremony. Poof, gone! But, I won't be a stranger, I'm good like that. And, don't be a LA Hater, there's lots of good down here and that's where I expect to spend most of my time.

I'm working on the job front and have a good lead that I'm really keeping my fingers crossed for. Common' now, cross with me. I've found that in certain situations, it's easier to make a decision and follow through, then sort it out later. Otherwise, there's the risk of getting stuck in a rut. You're welcome to come visit, I'll wipe down the aerobed for ya and fill it with that nice ocean fresh air. I've decided that this time around, I'm going to properly move in and invest in furniture and accessories. You may not see me on MTV cribs, but know that I'm doing well.

But, my official LA experience starts around 4/1. I have all my stuff down here now, but I'm outta town for the next little bit. I leave at midnight tomorrow for a trip to Costa Rica with my mom. That's gonna be big time fun - the trip of a lifetime for both of us. Catch ya on the flipside.

Chasing Hollywood 

Wednesday, February 11, 2004
It's quite a luxury to have the luxuries of time and transportation. Last week I headed south - spent a few days in LA, Drove SE to Joshua Tree NP and spent two days hiking around there. Beautiful and windy (and picked up a 2nd stamp for my national parks passport - my last visit to JT was in '95). Then spent a night in San Diego visiting a friend. We test drove the new 350zx convertible (for hiim). I took it for a little drive and glazed the clutch a bit. ooops, that's what demos are for.

But, the big action of course happened in LA under the auspicies of Klizza. If you're ever out in the evening and see a large reserved booth with a bunny pillow in the center, it's probably safe to assume it's for Hef and his bunnies. How do I know this? Because we were there. I'm not much of a star seeker, but I did enjoy that one. And, you'd be surprised at how much effort it takes to get within shooting (photo) of the Hollywood sign. We spent about 4 hours walking and 1.5 hours driving trying to get to that thing. Wouldn't surprise me if it was on the move as we tried to track it down. But, as the sun was setting, we finally caught it. Have some pictures to post up in the next few days.

Blogs will be right back 

Wednesday, February 04, 2004
Bloggin is going to be a bit behind for awhile. My contract project with Y! ended on the first and I had to return the laptop. So, now I'm not online as much. But, that's ok. I'm still keeping up with offline adventures. I'm heading to LA this weekend to visit our favorite Agent Trainee. There will be adventures and I'm sure I'll make abstract references to them here. ;-) I'll consider myself intentionally unemployed for now.

Spectacular Sundance 

Thursday, January 22, 2004
My first day here at Sundance was one of the most amazing days of my life. I should really go to sleep, but I'm so excited and thrilled with life, that I want to tell you about it.

A few days before flying out here, I had a very interesting conversation with London. She asked me if I had any particular life goals or if there was something that I really wanted to do. You'd think I'd have a list of things ready to rattle off, but I didn't, and I still don't. I said something to the affect that I leave myself open and welcome to opportunities and seize the ones that I believe will take me somewhere. Open yourself to life and the world, and things will happen.

Then, just a few days later I was talking to Beth about something similar and she was telling me how there was a time when her timing for everything was perfect. Nothing to over analyze, nothing to over think, her touch was just golden. She was in the zone. That's how I feel now - in the Zone! Remember, I moved to San Francisco on a whim. 10 days after I really started thinking about, I was out here. I don't view my life as a puzzle that I'm trying to piece together. That would require having a picture of a finished puzzle in mind. It's more of an amorphous blob that can assume any number of successful shapes. This philosophy has worked for me so far, and I plan to stick with it. Two quick stories of it in action at Sundance.

Let the Church Say Amen - Oh, where to start. The first film that we saw, Let the Church Say Amen, was very good, but dragged in a few places. It was about the members of a congregation in DC and how their unyielding faith helped them through their darkest hours. Believe in the lord and he will deliver. But, the most amazing thing was that some of the main characters in the documentary were at the screening and stayed around to meet and greet the audience. So, while the film on its own was good, the experience of the film + people was incredible!

My friend and I were on our way to get a cup of tea, and passed a few members of the congregation. I went over and wanted to thank them for sharing their stories. Next thing I knew, 6 of us were standing around in an impromptu prayer circle in the lobby of the hotel, holding hands, and giving thanks. We made the moment last several minutes. It was a very powerful and moving experience for me.

Second Film - There was only one film that I decided in advance that I really really really wanted to see. But, I wasn't able to get advance tickets and all four shows were sold out. I was determined to get in, even if it meant milling around outside with my finger on my forhead asking for a 'miracle'. I got to the midnight showing about an hour early to try to get late release tickets. I was given a number - 47. Somebody told me that only about the first 30 people would get in and that 40+ was a real long shot. I was hanging out, shooting the breeze and somebody offered up their place in line. They were 15 or so. But, I wasn't the one that got it. So, 47 I remained. But, another person offered up their place, and I pounced it - 23. I was as good as in. It all worked out and I made it in. So, where do I sit? One seat over from the Director/Producer. I told him about my Halloween costume and we chatted for a few minutes. Once the film started, he fell asleep. For once, I watched attentively the entire time. Afterwards, shook his hand and thanked him taking on the subject matter that he did. He then went up and did some QA with the audience. And, he brought two of the stars of his documentary with him.

First person to figure out who these people are and let me know, Guinness, my treat! Here's a hint, I'm the smiley one in the glasses + sweatshirt. Tell me who the other guys are. The guy with the dreads is from Baltimore.

GI Marlon

I left the theatre with the biggest smile on my face. Shuttle was waiting outside, hoped on, hoped off at Mountain Resort stop. But oops, that's not where I was staying. We're at Treasure Mountain. Turns out to be over a mile away. I could have hoped a cab, but I was brimming with so much energy, I decided to walk it. I'm a trooper like that. Notice the weather conditions?

Thanks for listening. Time for me to warm my ears, drink some Gatorade, and have some roast beef and gouda on Carr's crackers. it's about 3:30 am. Can't wait to do it all again tomorrow.

Keeping it cool and Sundance 

Tuesday, January 20, 2004
I'm outta here, see ya next monday. Off to spend the rest of the week in Park City Utah at the Sundance Film Festival. And, just in time too. Had a very draining day in the test lab today. One of the highlights was an over-caffeinated respondent that said 'Can we stop now, my brain hurts'? This was about 45 minutes into the evaluation.

If that were all, it wouldn't have been a big deal. But, that was just one of about 14 comments that tested my ability to remain composed under duress. I held the fort though. Much better than when I was in elementary/middle school, when I'd lose my composure at just about anything. Even the thought of losing my composure would make me lose my composure. I've since stabilized.

Strangess in Palo Altoid 

Thursday, January 15, 2004
I was in the city for some conversation and dinner last evening, and ended up heading back to PA at a random time. Because of some detours on 101, I took a slightly different route home and missed my exit. As I was navigating back to my place via an unfamiliar route, I noticed somebody tanding on the corner and it looked liked he was trying to wave me down. I kind of zipped by without really seeing what was going on. But, I got the feeling that something was odd, especially given that I was in a very residential part of Palo Altoid. So, I circled back around.

There was an older man standing on the corner. He kind of looked like Luigi from Mario Brothers. I took one glance and knew things weren't right. He had a pretty serious bloody cut above his right eye and was using his shirt as a bandage. He was way disheveled and shoeless. I rolled down the window to check and see how he was doing. He told me he'd lost his cellphone and asked me to call him a cab - that's all he wanted. He kept saying that he wasn't a bad person. I did him one better than a cab, I called 911 (and was put on hold before I had a chance to speak). I told the dispatcher about the disoriented man, and in about 5 minutes, 3 cop cars and an ambulance arrived. A bit of overkill, but at least they were prompt. One of the officers had a Hillary Clinton hairdo, another looked like a Wookie.

I didn't stick around to get the story of exactly what had happened, but I'm sure there was one, probably alcohol related. If I hadn't detoured, it could have been a long long time before anybody drove by. It was just strange. I'm sure this was a sign of some sort, but it's going to take me a day or two to put it into context.

As the officer was taking down my contact info, one of his colleagues said 'nice setup' as he eyed my radar detector.

We have a winner 

Tuesday, January 13, 2004
Vegas was very good to me this time around. I left feeling like a champ, rather than the chump last time. Inquire within. Aside from some VIP treatment, one of the highlights was winning $20 at the slots. Not that that figure is so impressive on its own, but I won on the nickel slots. I hit a 360 coin payout and then some. So, if were playing the $100 slots, that would have been a $36k win. But, I only play da nickels.

Vegas, baby! Redemption. 

Friday, January 09, 2004
Like a boxer back in the ring after defeat, I'm going back to Vegas. Partially for CES and partly to hang out with international space pioneer Evan B. I wrote all about my June experience in _very_ vague terms. I won't go into details (because I've told the story 100 times), but I have a theme for this trip - REDEMPTION.

Mary Ellen, you and your snaggle toof better stay back. The short version of the story is this. . .last time I was in Vegas, I met a very nice woman my age and her much older mother (about 55 years old) with a tattoo of her name on her neck, a tongue piercing, and not so many teeth. Umm, she had a few too many drinks (before we all met). The story culminates in her make a very much unsolicited and unappreciated advance towards me. After that, I left the bar and ran back to the safety of my room.

And this is my favorite song Now sing along when the DJ throws it on
And if I leave here tonight and I fall asleep
And wake up, hopefully she got some teeth

Obie Trice - Got Some Teeth

Back to the brain 

Wednesday, January 07, 2004
One of my resolutions for the year was to expand my mind. No, not that way! By taking classes, silly. So, I enrolled in an intro to Neuroscience class at Stanford (I didn't have to apply to get in, or nuthing like that). Dude brought a brain to class. How cool is that? And, everything he talked about had a cool sounding name; medulla oblongata, corpus callosum, pons, perineum, etc. You should check out the story on Phineas Gage. Basically, a 13 pound metal bar shot through this guy's face, but he survived with only minimal brain damage.

Happy New Years and Happy 2 Years! 

Monday, January 05, 2004

Today is the two year anniversary of my arrival in SF. Looking back, I have to give myself a little pat on the back. I ventured out here on a whim, jumped right in and never looked back. It's been good, very good! And, it just keeps getting better. I'm hard pressed to overstate the quality of life I enjoy out here. I've chosen a theme for this year's set of resolutions - More!. And, that's not necessarily more in the capitalist/consumptive sort of way.

So, New Years! Thank goodness that holiday isn't coming around again for another 360 days. I'm usually a low key kind of guy, I certainly don't stand out in a crowd. But, this NYE/D was a little different. A shiny silver skintight singlet with matching cape and disco hat has a way of drawing attention. 4 inch moonboots complete the look. Like I always say, 'shoes make the man'. There is something very liberating in being ridiculous.

You can only know yourself once you go beyond yourself. that sounded kind of philosophical, right?

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells. . . 

Monday, December 22, 2003
What a great weekend! Cable Car caroling was amazing and we had a great turnout - everybody was there. My voice won't get me invited onto any talent tv shows, but I think I did alright. You'll be happy to know that I kept all my appendages inside the car while it was in motion - it's dangerous to flail around when cruising up and down the hills. Drinking out of a flask is a lot more fun that I remember - thanks Wild Man.

After sleeping in the next day, I woke up and took a fantastic weekend drive. The road conditions were great, and I was able to drive without anybody in front of me for most of the outing - perfect. 84 West is probably my favorite curvy scenic road in the area. Rivals some of my favorites in Shenandoah, VA. By good fortune, I pulled into a great ol' time market in Gregorio. They had some ol' timers playing holiday music, blue grass style. I stopped in for a listen and a single Irish coffee - bringing my weekend total for Irish coffee consumption up to, oh. . ., about 8 or so. That's way too many, but I was in the holiday spirit. Happy Chrismukkah!

Don't forget 

Friday, December 19, 2003
Don't let the holiday season slip by without enjoying some of the delicious seasonal beers. I'm not as compulsive about beer drinking, and brewing, as I used to be, but it's an important time of year to drink up. Anchor, Sierra, Anderson Valley, and Sam Smith all put out seasonals. Speaking of seasonals (and drinking up), tonight is the 28th Annual Dusel Cable Car Caroling extravaganza. Yup, on a real San Francisco cable car.

.0577034% Guinness world record holder and new contact info 

Monday, December 08, 2003
Good to see ya! You must be dropping by because you that e-mail I sent out with my new contact new contact info (e-mail, address, and phone #). It's been three years since I've lived in Bethesda (301). I finally got around to getting a 415 cell number. If you need the digits, contact me at my previous e-mail.

Even though my name is not explicitly listed, I am a contributor to a group record that goes into The Book. 1773 Yahoo Yodelers set the world record by Yodeling for over a minute. I was one of them. If you are able to get ahold of the sound clip and listen closely, you might be able to hear the bassline that my grumbling monotone helped reinforce. Feel free to yodel along - it's contagious.

So, I am .057% contributor! Please treat me with the respect and reverance due a world record holder! I am hoping they send me some sort of membership card that's good for something - like discounts on Guinness at the bar.

Remember when you were a kid and would read the Guinness Book of World records looking for records you might be able to break? I knew I was never going to get in for any of the sporting events or physical triumps. And, I lacked the genetics and strength of mind to set records in the freak of nature categories (longest ear hair, polydactylism, or affixing 153 clothes pins). There were a few areas which I always thought were accessible, like pogo sticking, tree house sitting, even the sleep depravation category. But, now I can stop looking - I'm IN. Dreams can come true.

Deal 'em up, Shady! 

Thursday, November 20, 2003
Have you ever been to 'ladies poker night'. I hadn't until last weekend. No, I wasn't one of the ladies, I was a guest card dealer operating under the stage name of Shady Seth. There were some serious shenanigans going on there. Boobage, lap dances, trash talking, tons o' booze, and just general mayhem. it was way way wilder than I could have imagined. cops even came by. ;-) Vegas, watch out, these 23 ladies are the real deal, especially Granny Loves Loose Slots!

Lots of good times coming up this week. Going for a soak tomorrow, then Brunch and a Boogie at the EndUp. Monday it's off to Thunderhill Raceway for my first outting on the track. Not going to be racing, just getting some basic chalk talk on theory and some hands on laps with an instructor. Gotta work on my flow. Giddyup, I won't be needing the radar detector for this one!

In and Out of touch 

Friday, November 14, 2003
My cellphone has been deteriorating for some time. But, not any more. Why? Because I fixed it. How you ask? By breaking the cover, playing with the speaker until it broke off, cracking the circuit board, and dropping it repeatedly. Now you know why I don't do my own car maintenance. I took it to the Verizon store in PA and with a straight face, asked the desk guy if he could exchange it under warranty. Never hurts to ask.

I've worked out an interim temporary solution, so I'm back in touch. I'm trying to hold out for the upcoming WNLP (Wireless Number Local Portability) to take affect. "Hello wireless carrier customer service, It's time to play let's make a deal."

Tuna Pop! 

Tuesday, November 11, 2003
Lunchtime in the Yahoo cafeteria can be kind of noisy. As I was checking out at the register, the lunch lady asked me what I was having. Either I mumbled, she wasn't listening, or the background din drowned out my reply. Just to double check, she repeats back what she heard "Tuna Pop"? Umm, that would be "Tuna Melt". But, after I visualized what that might look like, I wasn't really hungry. Tomorrow I'll get a salad.

My Friendstership is up for auction. Bid what you think it's worth.
Obviously, no shipping charges apply. that's an ebay glitch.

And, speaking of social networking, here's an article by Ethan Watters that I frequently reference. It certainly goes a long way to describe the life I live and love in SF. I Can't find the original, but here's a reprint of In My Tribe. It begins. . .

You may be like me: between the ages of 25 and 39, single, a college-educated city dweller. If so, you may have also had the unpleasant experience of discovering that you have been identified (by the U.S. Census Bureau, no less) as one of the fastest-growing groups in America -- the ''never marrieds.'' (continue)

Scrabble guy rides again 

Saturday, November 01, 2003
So, as expected scrabble guy was a big hit, just like last year. I know it's a repeat, but I do it for the kids. They really love it. The rules are very simple. Spell anything you want, say the word, give it a meaning. It's a real exercise in creativity. For some, it seemed almost theraputic.

You'd be surprised at the responses. One of my favorite was the girl who told me that moving the tiles made her feel naughty. I had to explain to her that scrabble guy was my contribution to restoring family values to a holiday gone out of control. With all the vinyl clad women and thong bearing guys around, I wanted to wear something that was appropriate for the whole family. I think she was just looking for an excuse to say the word naughty and I happened to be standing there. If the guy dressed as a piece of toast was standing there, she probably would have said the same thing to him.

This picture? Shaz and I pole dancing - trying our best to restore family values.

Here are some of the highlights

Outting 1 - Opel

Saxathong - just sounds good
Qheylenetious - When the meaning of a word is on the tip of your tongue, but you can't verbalize it. This word spaned the entire width of the board - 13 characters.
Gipaf - a costume so obscure that nobody can guess what it is
Facetious - I always thought this word was spelled differently. You'd think for all the times that my 3rd grade teacher (Mrs. Garnes), asked me if I was being facetious, I would have learned how to spell it. Turns out she just didn't understand the difference between facetiousness and Wry.

Outting 2- Space Cowboys

Quapsadry - a team of people that can resolve a quandry
Feeva - for the flava of a Pringles
Poonzasa - sorry, can't help ya with this one, you should know
Weepyhead - somebody that's been out too late and is starting to wind down.


Friday, October 31, 2003
Happy Halloween. If you're thinking of going as Siegfried, don't. Every 7th guy with vinyl pants and a codpiece will be wearing the same thing - promise.

I'll be out and about in SF this weekend in my scrabble guy gittup. I know you may have seen it last year, but Scrabble Guy II has more playable area, more letters, more blanks, Higher Scores!

Mummy - '82Mommy w/eye patch (her eye is all better now)

Kiss Fan - '79Freak - '95

Don't even ask. . . 

Monday, October 27, 2003
Kory and I, in a cage, at 4am in LA. If you gotta know, ask. Too bad there aren't pictures of the "twister sisters" - the 6'3 professional volleyball players that we played Twister with.

Photo by Lisa Browning

Live, from 90210 

Saturday, October 25, 2003
Just rolled into LA and will be hitting the town for some good times with Kory. I wanted to be one of the first to wish him well in LA. And, I know he rolls out the red carpet. It'll be nice to be back in civilization.

Wondering how I'm doing on the road trip? I know it's the same perspective as the last photo, but I didn't have many options. I'm not gonna trapse out into the middle of the interstate where people are cruising 75+ mph to get an interesting shot. You should see all the exotic road kill in TX/NM/AZ - I didn't want to be part of it.

Last night, I stayed in Carlsbad San Diego with Mike and his cool as can be son, Nick. We had a nice boys night out on town - Mike and I had a beer, and Nick had 'kids milk'. 3 year old Nick has more charm than Mike and I put together. Don't know how he does it, but I should be taking notes.

I fear that I am underdelivering on my bold claims about taco bell consumption. In reality, I've probably only had 4-5 servings. But, I have exceed expectations on Dr. Pepper. The first night on the road, I drank a one liter bottle and a sugar free redbull. I didn't realize how much i was tweaking 'til I got out of the car and my hands were shaking. But, that didn't keep me from falling asleep 5 minutes after putting my head on the pillow.

Take a peek. 

Thursday, October 23, 2003
Here's the first picture . . .What do you think the sign means? I'll be brief with my description of the car - it's super sweet, even nicer and cleaner than I expected. And, as fast as I want it to be. 26 hours and 1100 miles later, I'm in Tucson, AZ. If you still haven't driven through western texas, don't rush. Gotta get to sleep.

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