KoolKam (Chris Greenwell)
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Just for the sake of curiosity...

Personality Disorder Test Results
Paranoid |||| 18%
Schizoid |||||||||||| 50%
Schizotypal |||||||||| 34%
Antisocial |||||||||||| 46%
Borderline |||| 14%
Histrionic |||||||||| 34%
Narcissistic |||||||||| 34%
Avoidant |||| 14%
Dependent |||||| 22%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||| 38%
Take Free Personality Disorder Test

What , me crazy...never *smirk*

Koolnew site...

Join it and add me as a friend search for
Chris Greenwell
http://www.tribe.net then join the Koolkam tribe http://koolkam.tribe.net
That is all for now :)

Peace and Creativity

Current Mood: interested
Current Music: Ravi Shankar - Bangla Dhun (Bangla Desh)

Seeming that I have a paid LJ account , how do I access my LJ mail? (sad I know had a paid account over a year and just getting around to figuring out the mail on it now hehe)

Thanks in advance
Chris :)

PS. Also please note that all my images and normal email aradtech@koolkam.com as well as KoolJournal.com and KoolKam.com are currently still down from the power outage , hope to have them up today.

Current Mood: curious curious
Current Music: Tool - Eulogy
Hehe this is pretty interesting :)

snowygirl 110%
sonia5 102%
kaylacam 102%
riot_grrl 98%
mymetamorphose 98%
narci 98%
sumichan 98%
atarikeiko 98%
quiet_faerie 98%
love_no_evil 98%
oolie 98%
xpull_my_hairx 98%
spr0cket 98%
blonnie 96%
kitten 96%
triphicus 96%
swiiss 95%
prncessothedawn 95%
princessblondie 95%
fauxhemia 95%
secretx 93%
secrativegirl 93%
ramblingwebgirl 93%
screaminbanshee 91%
gigipointis 91%
seeinglife 91%
larisa 90%
somecanuckchick 87%
webdiva 87%
maudlinmuse 87%
jesthestar 86%
melkbell 86%
enticingcharm 86%
corachaos 85%
visus 85%
irishlinc 84%
artumemodel 84%
moonsis 83%
jenniferbaughan 81%
pandydandycandy 81%
crazeespain 81%
sugarpuss 80%
wmhiccups 80%
xitsmylifex 80%
blondedoll 80%
hushdarling 80%
jenny 77%
sillymiss 77%
runs_in_circles 76%
inacrasiaseyes 76%
words_fail 76%
artvamp 76%
thebitingfaery 76%
amy 75%
rhcpgirl 72%
iulia 72%
vee 72%
emmyshimmy 72%
vendella 72%
razzberee 71%
ramblingwebgirl 71%
iulia 70%
demolitiondonna 69%
midknightbaby 69%
22 69%
prettyinpunk420 69%
brieanne 69%
How compatible with me are YOU?

Current Mood: amused amused
Current Music: Everclear - Santa Monica

So I though I would try out LJ's new S2 style system for my quick LJ look change. Seems pretty kool overall but I am unable to figure out how to customize the style further then what it allows as defaults. Perhaps someone if they have tried it out can give me some pointers :).

Ok so here are some new communities (well not really new just never bothered to advertise em)...

[info]kooleyes For all you eye lovers out there :)
[info]photography Most people know about this one already but for those of you that don't check it out
[info]flash For all you lovers of MacroMedia Flash
[info]artofkam New Journal I just created today for all you KoolKam 2d users that want a place to post your KoolKam2d images.

Also worthy of note is that KoolKam Industries Inc. now has a private messaging system and soon to have a Instant messaging system as well.

A couple of Kool new galleries from [info]blipvert and [info]pr3ttyfr3ak and of course the very Kool and sexy art from the beautiful and talented [info]somecanuckchick. And of course [info]redragon and her sister are always at the KoolKam Galleries

Also worthy of note is our new LJ based system KoolJournal will soon be ready for action, so come sign up for early permenant and paid accounts. But beware its in early beta and has a LOT of bugs in it so don't write and tell me that something is not workin , I know hehe :)

So thats up for this update , along with a pic of me from a couple of months ago :)

Peace and Creativity to all

Current Mood: creative creative
Current Music: Drowning Pool - Let the Bodies Hit the Flooor
It's been a long time...

Since I updated my journal. I have been waiting for somethings to change in my life and I told myself that I was not gonna update till they happened. But alas it seems that time is marching on and things are no closer to happening so I guess its just time to get back into the swing of things and not wait for changes. Tonight I moved my pictures from the now defunct ARADTech server to the Koolkam.com server, so my journal is no longer full of the wonderful red x's that signify the content is not there. I feel better about posting in here now that I have most of them fixed, still a couple more to do though , like always it seems nothing is ever finished. So yeah... I guess its time to start posting again, thoughs and pics and other such stuff that is the content of my eixistance.

That is all for now...

Peace and Creativity to all


Current Mood: busy busy
Current Music: GNR-Civil War
In other news...

I just want to put this in PUBLIC for everyone to see so I don't have to hear anymore about it. Special thanks goes out to CharityCam who showed me Chillcam and gave me the idea to turn the cam software I was making into Special effects based cam software. Even though she never seen Koolkam it or had input on it at all after the initial hey you should make it do some stuff like this, she did inspire me to make it. And I have no problem admitting that in public :)

So Thanks Charity:)

Peace and all that Jazz

Current Mood: contemplative contemplative
Current Music: Jimmy Eats World - The Middle
Playing with a new effect in Koolkam :) Zoom!!


This is a couple of test shots I took with the new Zoom effect in Koolkam 2d RC5 :) I really like how they turned out , no post processing done on them except to put them into a single image and put a border around them.

New Splash screen for Koolkam 2d RC5. Much more colorful and interesting to look at then the old one I think, esp with the beautiful Sara in it :) Made with Koolkam and Fireworks.

So thats what I have been working on today along with getting RC5 finished asp, hope eveyone has been having a fantastic week.

Peace and Creativity


Current Mood: accomplished accomplished
Current Music: Everclear - White Men In Black Suits

Something changed in LJ and screwed up my styles , bastards. Anyways I had to go back to a default theme till I have time to do a new one.

Peace and Creativity

Current Mood: annoyed annoyed
Current Music: Roger Waters - Pro's and Con's of Hitch hiking - Full Cd
Playing with Koolkam today :)






Well thought I would post some new pics and icons I made today while playing around with Koolkam. These pics are right from the webcam (Kodak DVC325 btw) with slight alteration in Fireworks to give the background a better depth of field.

New LJ icon

Thats it for this creative burst :)

Peace and Creativity, Chris






Current Mood: creative creative
Current Music: Nickleback - This Is How You Remind Me (CD Version)
Well since I am in the posting mood :)

I have had a few images I have been wanting to post for sometime now but just not gotten around to it, please forgive me if it takes up your friends pages as I will be posting some in the faces and photography communities also.

The first is of my son Grey, its for sure one of my favorite images of him, and seems to show the intensity that he has at times as well as the pureness. I had previously posted a B/W but this time I didn't change his eye color to b/w and left it masked, yes that is the real color of his eyes.

Grey Blue Ice

Next is a image that I used the same technique on and rather liked the results so I though I would share :)

You Color My World

And here is one of my favorites that I took while in Sweden , no maniplulation was done on this image at all this is how it came out of the cam. It reminds me of ghost.

I speak, but they do not hear...

Hope you all enjoy :)) Now to go do some posting in the other communities !!

Peace and Creativity

Current Mood: artistic artistic
Current Music: Harvey Danger - Flagpole Sitta
Ummm , wtf am I?

Heheh woken up a couple of mornings lately and asked myself that. Not just in a physical location (which btw I have changed drastically moving 2000 miles from my family and everything I have ever known from Ontario to Calgary, Alberta) , but also in a general sense of life question. In another 4 days I will turn 34, and my only direction seems to be work. I'll be away from my kids and parents (whom are also my best friends) for 3 -6 months not really sure how I am going to handle that as I have never really been away from everything I know for any amount of time (well Sweden for a month but not the same circumstances). So my plan is to delve into my work and produce some of the Koolest software the world has ever seen and possibly find myself in the process as I seem to have lost it a few years back and I am still staggering around trying to grasp what it all means. Don't get me wrong , I am a very optimistic person and always believe that tomorrow holds the possibility of being better, not that today is really so bad in the first place. I just always seem to be waiting for something to happen, I know something is gonna happen someday one way or the other. Anyways... I am now living in what I consider one of the most beautiful places in the world, Calgary. If you don't know where it is, get a map and look it up, its the only major city right beside the mountains like it is. Stunning place, I am really looking forward to the spring and going into the mountains and taking pics :)) Clean and fun city, free transit in the main city area, a LRT with a great view. I'll post a couple of pics I have taken , nothing great but they will give you a idea of the area :)

This is a image of the actual city of Calgary - the tower on the left is where I took the second pic

This is a shot from the top of the tower you see in the first pic.

So there it is then, a update, 1 in 6 months hehe pathetic I know. I have had much to say and really just not felt like saying it I guess.

Hope this finds you all in good spirits and health :)

Miss you guys and love ya lots.

Peace and Creativity

Current Mood: awake
Current Music: Puddle of Mudd - Blurry
On a roll today :)

Kids and I were at the lake yesterday and got these shots that I rather liked :)

"A time for reflection"

"Lakeside Looking"

Peace and Creativity

Current Mood: Reflective
Current Music: Kinks - Come Dancing
Feeling a bit more active and creative today- multiple posts WHEE!!

Hehehe , Forest really digs losing her teeth...she don't complain about it she happily grabs a hold of that sucker and yanks it out. I think she gets a buzz from the pain or something. Anyway the point of this post is how the time passes, I can still remember when she was first getting her teeth in, now she is losing her first set and will be 6 in 5 days *shakes head* amazing. Happy birthday angel, here's to you tackling the rest of your life with the same vitality and awe as your first 6 years !

"2 for 6"

Peace and Creativity - Teach your children well.

Current Mood: reflective
Current Music: Naked Eyes - Always Something There
A set of 3 pics done with Koolkam 2d

Hi everyone :)
Here is a set of 3 pics I took with KoolKam 2d

Peace and Creativity

Current Mood: creative creative
Current Music: Crosby Stills Nash & Young - Helplessly Hoping
Todays thought(spelled correctly) of the day hehe!

Live life to the fullest and make the best of what today has to offer
without worry and fear of what tomorrow might bring.

That's all I have to say :)

Peace and Creativity

Current Mood: Happy
Current Music: Joni Mitchell - Court and Spark
Today's thought of the day :)

Without a vision a person ceases to be. Each of us must provide our own vision.

ARADTech Koolkam 2d is active today , drop in have a chat check out the software :)

Peace and Creativity

Current Mood: creative creative
Current Music: Payola's - Eyes of a Stranger
Long time no type!!

Hello all , long time no type :) Been really busy and have some great stuff to show you all soon, till then I leave you with this fantastic new tool I found that is MUCH better then napster. Aimster , go get it now and have a downloading spree like no other :)

Peace and Creativity

Current Mood: happy happy
Current Music: Nickelback - Worthy To Say
Well another weekend down , where does the time go.

Cannot believe that another weekend is gone already, seems like it just starts and it is over. Kids all weekend had a great time with them as always. Saturday , my mom and Forest went to a baby shower , so dad and I took Grey sledding . There is nothing more fun then sending your 4 year old boy down a hill at high speed into a big pile of snow MUAHUAHAH!! The look of panic and terror/excitement all into one is just too much fun hehe. Here's a couple of pics from z weekend.

The first is Forest. No she is not sad , she is just posing as she is so good at doing...the poser hehe. And even I must say , she is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, she takes my breath away many times a day when I catch a certain glimpse of her or when she wakes me up in the morning with a kiss and she is the first thing I see. MUAH!! Love you daughter!!

"Radiant Beauty"

This second pic/animation was taken by my dad and its one of Greys first trips of the day hehe. MUAH!!! Love you too son!

"Grey Snow Day"

Well that's it for now, I hope you all had a fantastic weekend and a great day tomorrow to start your weeks :)

Though for the Day...

When something doesn't make sense the odds are good that you have not
thought about it in the right way yet!

Peace and Creativity

Current Mood: amused amused
Current Music: Me - Brian Wilson
Working, working, working....

Just when you are ready to go...something changes and you are not ready. So its another week. On with the show !!!

Another 100% KoolKam 2d rendering (no post at all) I made while playing around with it :)

I don't really know what to say about this one except it is my visual representation of people all the sudden feeling evil or doing evil things that are out of character, or for many in character. Myself included of course.

"The D Evil Inside"

Peace and Creativity

Current Mood: D Evil
Current Music: Inxs- The Devil Inside
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