[30 Aug 2004|07:49pm] |
Events of the day...
-I felt water drip on me while I was going down the sidewalk, and it was definitely not raining. I looked up and saw window-washers above me. Ew! They had dripped dirty window water on me! And then they whistled at me. I wasn't even wearing anything whistle-worthy, just a t-shirt that totally covered me and jeans... you'd think they'd save the whistles for girls in short shorts or something.
-I went to go find the trash chute, and went out a door that is clearly not the trash chute, and accidentally got locked out on the fire escape on the other side of the building. I was one story up and there were no stairs or ladders down! It was hot outside and I was trapped on this tiny landing, and none of my keys fit inside the lock on the door-- it was this weird lock requiring some weird key I didn't have. Once you go out that door, there is no way back. I started yelling for help and kicking at the door to make noise, hoping someone would come see what the commotion was about. After about a minute, the girl who lives in the apartment next to the fire escape appeared and opened the door, and said it had happened to her too.
-I discovered that cashews make me sick. I never cease to be surprised by the foods that make me so ill I end up curled in a ball on the floor, despite my thinking they were safe because I used to eat them all the time.
-I received an amusing catalog, one of those things addressed to "Current Resident or..." with the prior resident's name scratched out. This catalog was for a company that makes blade weaponry-- fantasy swords and military replicas and whatnot-- only it seems to want to cater to the lowest possible price range, with huge announcements of "Why Pay More-- Only $19.95!" all over it. I find weaponry interesting, mostly for writing/rping purposes, so I looked through it. This one was especially amusing, though-- the items had names like "Dark Demon Dagger," and there were some really funny typoes. The ad copy was also hilarious, with phrases like: "Enter a World of Dungeons and Dragons with the Silver Dragon Sword," "Now the Royal British Commando can be your Ally," "Only Bud K (the catalog) Has This Perilous Skull Sword," "Slashing Into a Solar System Near You!" and the probably-unintentional "Historic Viking Sword- Last Chance!" On the back was a really cheesy fantasy painting including a dragon and a scantily-clad woman, titled "Sonja's Revenge." I'd like to think my Sonya has a little more class than that. XP
(Hm, interesting. An internet search brings up the fact that there's an old Schwarzenegger movie called Red Sonja which is basically about Sonja getting revenge. I remember having heard OF this movie, seeing the tape on my dad's video shelf when I was little, but I know I've never seen it and I had no idea that it was a revenge story. Well, that's kind of amusing... I didn't intend that reference; my Sonya is named for the Suikoden character.)