Welcome to The News Bizarre, HoustonChronicle.com's repository for strange, funny, unusual or even outlandish news stories. We created this page because there are many of these quirky stories that readers of the print and online editions don't get to see. Our editors will hunt them down and post them here for your enlightenment and amusement. Enjoy!
Associated Press
I'm leaning, on a jet plane
A member of the Air Force One flight crew makes an odd sight as he inspects one of the jet's engines after landing July 16 in Tampa, Fla.
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Spring 2004
June 2004
Bizarre 2004
Fashion 2004
The Fated Forest: A steady onslaught of clearing in North America's largest rain forest likely will lead to its demise.
Rebel Held: A close-up look at Colombia's FARC, Latin America's oldest, most powerful guerrilla army.
The Great Flood of 2001:
See our special section for photos, stories and information on how to get help or donate to recovery efforts.
Our First 100 Years: Follow our city's changes over the past 100 years in stories taken verbatim from the pages of the Houston Chronicle.
Out of Bounds:
We trust our kids to them every day. But a Chronicle investigation reveals the relationship
between secondary school coaches and students
is rife with abuse.
A Deadly Distinction:
When it comes to
executions, Texas
leads the nation, and
Harris County is a
pipeline to Texas'
death row. Learn why,
and decide for yourself
whether justice is
being served.
Democracy dawns for Mexico:
Millions of Mexicans are hoping the election of Vicente Fox as president will end 71 years of authoritarian and often venal one-party rule. But can
prosperity, democracy and trust really replace poverty, injustice and doubt?