June 24, 2004

Moving again

This is the last post from this domain.
I'm moving again - this time to a more permanent solution, I hope, at this address:



Posted by Hilde at 08:53 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

June 23, 2004

Things change (and then they change again)

    Women were involved in all stages of the earliest computers, from funding the projects to designing and programming the machines. In fact, because of the war effort during World War II, the early programmers were almost all women. In those days, they were called either "calculators" or "computers." Women were often stereotyped as being good candidates for programming: ”Programming requires lots of patience, persistence and a capacity detail and those are traits that many girls have.”
From Pinoeering Women In Computer Science by Denise Gürer (2002)
Posted by Hilde at 03:37 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

June 22, 2004

Female board members

And while we are talking about female representation in top positions;
Norway has the highest representation of women as board members in Europe, with Sweden second with 20%, Finland third with 14%, and the European average on 8%.

dn.no - Flest kvinner i norske styrer

Posted by Hilde at 09:33 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Men only

There are no female prime ministers in Europe today. There are no female candidates for the job as president of the EU commission.
And there have been only two prominent female leaders elected by the people in Europe; Margaret Thatcher in Great Britain and Gro Harlem Brundtland in Norway, according to historian Jytte Larsen.

Larsen thinks that has to do with invisible barrieres which makes men recruit other men for higher positions, that men feel insecure around women and if they have the opportunity to get rid of them they do so, and that women avoid higher positions because of the pressure in such positions.

In bt.no.

Posted by Hilde at 09:18 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

June 14, 2004

Invandrerjenter og andre jenter

Computerworld - Innvandrerjenter oftere bak pc-en enn norske

Rapporten fra NOVA i PDF

Posted by Hilde at 12:13 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Feministisk forskning

Evas kamp for kunnskapens eple: betraktninger rundt feministisk forskning
Av Tone Bleie

I dette bidraget vil jeg forsøke å bidra til en diskusjon om hva vi skal forstå som feministisk forskning og i lys av dette antyde noen nye satsningsfelter som fremdeles blir ansett som høyst kontroversielle. For å belyse dette spørsmålet drøfter jeg innledningsvis noen mye anvendte, og til dels omstridte, kriterier på feministisk forskning. Jeg søker så kortfattet å anskueliggjøre hvorfor vi trenger å integrere en biologisk forståelse av kroppliggjorte personer, moderskap, fornuft og frihet for å komme videre med å realisere feministisk forsknings overordnede prosjekt

Fra Kvinneforskning 1. 2003

Posted by Hilde at 11:49 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)