City Journal Home.

City Journal is the best magazine in America.”
Peggy Noonan


Eye on the News. 

William J. Stern
Questionable Authorities | State Comptroller Hevesi needs to clean up New York’s corrupt public authorities
22 July 2004

Charles Sahm
Bush and Blacks | The message—both in words and action—is clear, consistent, and stirring.
21 July 2004

Theodore Dalrymple
Leftist of Privilege | How the press loves a moneyed radical!
20 July 2004

Steven Malanga
Let Them Eat Minimum Wage | How a group of Gotham business leaders plans to help the poor.
16 July 2004

Theodore Dalrymple
Curing the Soul | Alcoholism is a vice, not a fate.
15 July 2004

Theodore Dalrymple
Selective Memory | For British elites, the distant past excuses the bad behavior of the present.
6 July 2004

Theodore Dalrymple
Addicted to Self | What would illegal drug users give up to fight terror?
28 June 2004

Steven Malanga
The Tort Plague Hits Wal-Mart | A federal judge dignifies a flimsy claim.
24 June 2004

Theodore Dalrymple
London’s Bonfire of the Vanities | Much of the Saatchi Collection goes up in smoke.
28 May 2004

Steven Malanga
Albany’s Medical Monkey Business | State solons are making New York’s already expensive health-care system pricier still.
19 May 2004

Heather Mac Donald
How New York Evades Welfare Reform | Governor Pataki’s push to close loopholes in New York’s welfare system roils the advocates.
29 March 2004

Denis Boyles
Garlic Press | It stinks when it takes blogsites and papers named after ducks to keep the French press somewhat honest.
23 February 2004

Howard Husock
Hope on Housing Policy | President Bush’s new housing voucher plan aims to move families up and out of assisted housing.
11 February 2004

Heather Mac Donald
When Cops Err | It wasn’t racism that killed Timothy Stansbury.
29 January 2004

William J. Stern
Spitzer’s Next Target | New York’s attorney general takes a first step toward attacking political corruption.
28 January 2004

Sol Stern
The Iron Chancellor | Joel Klein starts sounding Orwellian.
23 January 2004

Theodore Dalrymple
Lo, the Poor Terrorist | For some on the Left, purported bigotry against Muslims explains Islamist terror.
20 January 2004

Steven Malanga
Deadly Medicine | A new health-insurance plan threatens New York’s small business.
14 January 2004

Sol Stern
Joel Klein’s Figleaf | Chancellor Klein’s begrudging nod to phonics
9 January 2004

Theodore Dalrymple
A Right to Trashy TV | A new proposal threatens to sink British social policy to another new low.
8 January 2004

Theodore Dalrymple
The Case for Cannibalism | If everything is permissible between consenting adults, why not?
5 January 2004

New and Newsworthy Archive.

City Journal Summer 2004.
Summer 2004.

A quarterly magazine of urban affairs, published by The Manhattan Institute, edited by Myron Magnet.

Kay S. Hymowitz
Gay Marriage vs. American Marriage
The gay advocates’ civil rights argument forgets what the Founders thought marriage is for.

Robert P. George & David L. Tubbs
Redefining Marriage Away

What would be left of marriage if we adopt the gay advocates’ proposal?

Heather Mac Donald
The Immigrant Gang Plague
Hispanic gang violence is spreading across the country, the sign of a new underclass in the making.

Steven Malanga
Why Queens Matters
This untrendy middle-class haven, throbbing with ambition again, is an economic and political boon to New York City.

Sol Stern
Yes, the Education President
Though attacked and belittled, George W. Bush’s education reforms represent real progress.

Michael Knox Beran
In Defense of Memorization
Progressive educators call it “drill and kill,” but learning poetry by heart empowers kids.

Howard Husock
The Housing Reform That Backfired
“Section 8” vouchers were supposed to revolutionize subsidized housing—but only expanded it.

E. J. McMahon
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
City Journal’s Quality-of-Life Index shows only partial success for the Bloomberg mayoralty.


Richard Brookhiser
Hamilton, Our Founder

Stefan Kanfer
The Czarinas of Beauty


In Prospect

The War on Poverty at 40
Just the Highlights
Budget Spin
Consultant Humbug
Clinton Psychobabble
The Tort Plague Hits Wal-Mart

Theodore Dalrymple
Oh, to be in England
Multiculturalism Starts Losing Its Luster



Howard Husock
Tuscan Diarist
Discontent in Paradise

“I’ve read it for years, since it first came out. It has sparked a lot of the reanalysis, reinvention, reinvigoration of government.”
Rudolph Giuliani

“The journal that saved the city.”
The Public Interest

“Even when I disagree with City Journal, I dare not ignore it.”
Bill Moyers

City Journal is rapidly becoming the indispensable magazine in America today.”
Mona Charen




CJ in the news. 

Myron Magnet
Freedom vs. Dependency
Wall Street Journal | 20 July 2004

Steven Malanga
Wage-Hike Hooey
New York Post | 19 July 2004

Steven Malanga
Consultant Humbug
New York Sun | 15 July 2004

Kay S. Hymowitz
James K. Glassman: ‘Greatest Generation’ may be the newest
Naples Daily News | 6 July 2004

Steven Malanga
Waging War On Wal-Mart
MSNBC | July 2004

Steven Malanga
The Creative Clash
Governing Magazine | 2004 June

Myron Magnet
U.S. Set To Honor Five New Yorkers at White House: Podhoretz, Wriston on List
New York Sun | 22 June 2004

Heather Mac Donald
NU Profiling Study Really Proves Nothing
Boston Globe | 19 May 2004

Heather Mac Donald
The Un-PATRIOT-ic Left
Front Page Magazine | 18 May 2004

Heather Mac Donald
Privocrats vs. National Security
National Review | 18 May 2004

Theodore Dalrymple
Compassionate Conservative
New York Sun | 17 May 2004

Kay S. Hymowitz
Dude, Where’s the Truth?
St. Louis Post-Dispatch | 14 May 2004

Kay S. Hymowitz
If It’s Moore, It’s Less Than Honest
Los Angeles Times | 11 May 2004

Victor Davis Hanson
The Wages of Appeasement
OpinionJournal | 10 May 2004

Steven Malanga
Here is what’s uncool about ‘cool cities’
The Detroit News | 28 April 2004

Theodore Dalrymple
Islam cannot adapt, and I have seen the results
The Times | 15 April 2004

Sol Stern
A School Reformer's Journey: From Parent to Journalist to Policy Analyst: An Interview with Sol Stern
School Reform News | May 2004

Steven Malanga
Heinz-Kerry funds radical pals
Boston Herald | 14 April 2004

Heather Mac Donald
What We Don’t Know Can Hurt Us | 20 April 2004

Kay S. Hymowitz
Silly Laws Are No Way To Fight Bullying
Los Angeles Times | 18 April 2004

Sol Stern
The Cash Excuse
New York Post | 13 April 2004

Brian C. Anderson
The Rise & Rise of Fox News
New York Sun | 12 April 2004

Theodore Dalrymple
Monumental Folly
Wall Street Journal | 9 April 2004

Steven Malanga
The War on Wal-Mart
Wall Street Journal | 7 April 2004

Steven Malanga
Carroll: Mayor, Mayor, quite contrary...
Rocky Mountain News | 3 April 2004

Heather Mac Donald
The ‘Privacy’ Jihad
Wall Street Journal |1 April 2004

Steven Malanga
A White Elephant for the West Side
New York Times | 31 March 2004

Sol Stern
Teach Before You Test, Mike
New York Post | 29 March 2004

Steven Malanga
A Flawed Analysis
Calgary Herald | 28 March 2004

Howard Husock
Working Poor: Housing Hope
New York Post | 2 March 2004

Brian C. Anderson
The Absolute Intellectual
Policy Review | February-March 2004

Howard Husock
Credit Where It’s Not Due
Wall Street Journal | 10 February 2004

Harry Stein
Dumb and Dumber
Wall Street Journal | 30 January 2004

Heather Mac Donald
The High Price of Cheap Labor
National Review Online | 22 Jan. 2004

E. Fuller Torrey
Bird Brains
Wall Street Journal | 20 January 2004

Heather Mac Donald
‘Sanctuary’ Laws Stand In Justice’s Way
Los Angeles Times | 19 January 2004

Steven Malanga
The Curse of the Creative Class
Opinion Journal | 19 January 2004

New and Newsworthy Archive.

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