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For I am now--The voices in my head are-- > bored

Rules is an icky word, but it has to be said...

If you take an icon, or a header, or anything else at all, I would love it for you to comment. I won't hunt you down if you don't, but it's still nice to know if someone is taking your things. You can also leave comments if you just like the icons. I'm a comment whore.

Please, please credit me in the keywords. Once again, I won't hunt you down and use teen-speak (a curse I use only in the worst of times), but it's just nice. However, if I find that you are claiming my icons as your own, I do know where you live. Only not, but it's a nice threat.

Just don't, ok. Enough said. If you can't upload to your own server, you might just find the icon being replaced with something not so nice some day...

Unless I say an icon is a base, it is not a base. And only bases may be altered, alright? If you want a textless icon to have text on it, just ask and you shalt receive. But there may be a reason it doesn't have text...

If you have any questions at all (what program I use, how I made a certain effect, if i'll bare your firstborn), ask them in this post. I'll get back to you faster, probably.

And I don't know how many firstborns i'll be able to handle, so start lining up now, folks!

color me

Quite honestly, a little bit of everything


For I am now--The voices in my head are-- > creative
For I am now--The voices in my head are-- > Black Balloon - Goo Goo Dolls

|x| 6 Lost
|x| 2 Phantom of the Opera
|x| 2 Kill Bill
|x| 3 Queen of the Damned
|x| 3 Horst Photographs
|x| 4 Quotes

WARNING! Some spoilers for Kill Bill, and for Lost in 'Solitary'... Just thought you'd like to know.


5. 9. 16.

cut a piece of sky for your pocket )

7 hold me        color me

12 New Icons


For I am now--The voices in my head are-- > creative
For I am now--The voices in my head are-- > Nightwish - FantasMic

Well, is a new batch, possibly the last batch for awhile, at least... busy with school, and The Crucible (I'm Abigail... mwaha...), and... yeah. But I'll work on some now and again. Anyone have suggestions for icon topics?

|x| 4 Audrey Tautou
|x| 6 Jake Gyllenhaal
|x| 2 Moulin Rouge

1. 8. 11.

gone is gone is gone )

12 hold me        color me

Naked Time!


For I am now--The voices in my head are-- > amused
For I am now--The voices in my head are-- > They Might Be Giants - They Might Be Giants

It's completely random and experimentation week here at [info]something_gone. We have:

|x| 5 Kill Bill
|x| 3 Harry Potter
|x| 1 Princess Bride
|x| 1 Fight Club
|x| 1 [info]_hdcomic

1. 6. 9.

i know youve got everybody fooled )

Trying out some new styles, and new brushes. Also, have almost completely updated the resources, but still if you see something of yours on one of my icons, please be sure to tell me. Also, I am now taking affiliates, so if you wish to affiliate with this icon journal, go here.

On an unrelated note, I have 2 gmail invites, if anyone would like one.

17 hold me        color me



For I am now--The voices in my head are-- > satisfied

If you want to be an affiliate with this icon journal, just post your journal to this post, and I'll add you. You must link back to me, or no go. I'll only affiliate with icon communities or journals, not personal journals.

color me

12 Olympics Icons


For I am now--The voices in my head are-- > naughty
For I am now--The voices in my head are-- > Weezer - Hash Pipe

I told myself that I wasn't going to make Olympic icons, because everyone else and their mothers would be. Consider me bandwagoned.

And I said I wouldn't do swimming, because damn, everyone does.


So here are 8 Ian Thorpe, 2 Michael Phelps, and one each of the Hamm twins. My boyfriend does not approve of the overwhelming about of Ian, but what does he know, anyway?

1. 2. 3.

mmm... swimming... )

7 hold me        color me

35 More Doodle Pairings!


For I am now--The voices in my head are-- > hyper
For I am now--The voices in my head are-- > Harem - Sarah Brightman

Here are the latest 35 doodle pairings from [info]_hdcomic. And if you can't find what you're looking for here, chances are it's been done in the previous post. If not, it hasn't been doodled yet, so I can't really icon it. Sorry.

Credit in keywords to [info]_hdcomic, and me if you have room for it.

1. 2. 3.

history repeats itself )

And, again, an edit to add 6 new doodles! *grin*

Onward and overward! )

87 hold me        color me

*bounce bounce*


For I am now--The voices in my head are-- > grateful
For I am now--The voices in my head are-- > Phantom of the Opera - Overture

At the moment, I am so loving me some Anonymous. Whoever you are, thank you so much for the two months of paid journaling! And today of all days! EEE! I am so in your debt, and I'm poor, so want icons? Or a layout? Or anything at all?

Everyone like my journal? I've been working on the style for about two hours, and while there are still some bugs to work out, it's looking pretty good. AND MY MOOD THEME! SWOON!

So, just because I can, what fandoms would everyone like to see? You give me one, I'll give you at least two icons. *grin*

2 hold me        color me

12 Icons


For I am now--The voices in my head are-- > drained

Very mixed batch. Go me. Trying out some new stuff in PS still. Also have a Donnie Darko set in the works (the Chapter Titles), so expect that soon. Way too sleepy to be doing things like this. Also crying too hard, but that's another story.

Also, much thanks to my boyfriend, [info]ghent_the_cynic for buying my way out of bandwith crisis. Let's just say it was up to about 95% gone for the month on the 17th... yeah... Now all I need is a paid account here and I'm good

5 Harry Potter
3 Moulin Rouge
4 Spiderman 2

1. 2. 3.

let the dream begin )

22 hold me        color me


For I am now--The voices in my head are-- > drained

I just got a copy of PS7 (yea!) and have been making headers, because I don't really like it for icons quite as much. But I'm so happy that I have it! *bounce bounce*

So, three headers that you can use. Generic subjects.

seven trees outside my window, the silence kills me )

3 hold me        color me

_hdcomic drabbles pairings


For I am now--The voices in my head are-- > cold

58 (and counting!) pairing icons using the drabbles from [info]_hdcomic. Hopefully Semagic doesn't forget that important '_' this time... *cough*

So, here you go. Credit [info]_hdcomic, and me if you have room. Thanks!


1. 2. 3.

does this comic make me look fat? )

ETA: Here are nine more of them, almost all that were requested plus some just because they were there. I can't do a Lavender/Parvati one yet, as there is no Lavender drawing yet. See, there were no drawings for some of these, so I spliced a little bit. Hope [info]_hdcomic doesn't mind too much! *blush*

i thought you said there would be no more fainting )

120 hold me        color me

12 Harry Potter


For I am now--The voices in my head are-- > flirty
For I am now--The voices in my head are-- > Something Vague - Bright Eyes

A lot of these are dark and faded looking... trying out new styles again, because I'm never happy with anything. Ever. This is also, for some reason, mostly Hermione. Didn't mean to, but Emma Watson is so pretty that it hurts is starting to grow on me...


1. 2. 3.

this is a song to pass the time )

26 hold me        color me

20 _hdcomic icons


For I am now--The voices in my head are-- > busy

So, these 20 are not to be credited to me, but instead to [info]_hdcomic, because they rock. You could credit me if you really wish, but it's so not needed.

WARNING: Some language ahead. Meh.


1. 2. 3.

this is just generic text to go with the generic ravenclaw )

43 hold me        color me

11 Icons


For I am now--The voices in my head are-- > frustrated

In this batch we have:

|x| 4 Donnie Darko
|x| 6 Harry Potter
|x| 1 Moulin Rouge


1. 2. 3.

seventy seven will never help her )

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Just Ten Icons


I know, I know... I'm a liar... Oh well. Ten Harry Potter icons, though in my defense, this all did take an exceptional amount of time. Yes. A lot of the text on these is really random. You'll know those when you see them. Hehe.


1. 2. 3.

my icons bring all the boys to the yard )

And my bandwidth is almost half gone for the month. My jaw dropped when I checked. Not that it has anything to do with anything at all... just saying.
56 hold me        color me

16 Mix


For I am now--The voices in my head are-- > bouncy

13 Harry Potter, 2 Donnie Darko, 1 Spiderman. I'm so crazy like that, you know.

1. 2. 3.

Its really hoooooot out... )

Expect many more Spiderman, as I now have about 900 caps of it in my possesion. *cackle*

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15 More Harry Potter


For I am now--The voices in my head are-- > content

Another Set of 15 Harry Potter... I think next I'll make some more Donnie Darko, or maybe Lord of the Rings... *shrug*

1. 2. 3.

shes blinded by the glory of herself )

19 hold me        color me

15 Harry Potter Icons


For I am now--The voices in my head are-- > tired
For I am now--The voices in my head are-- > I am the Starlight - Lon Satton & Ray Shell

15 more Icons from me... I'm on an Andrew Lloyd Webber Kick right now, so excuse the random song titles/lyrics inserted into the icons... *g*

1. 2. 3.

Amigos Para Siempre )

31 hold me        color me



For I am now--The voices in my head are-- > uncomfortable

I... I come begging on hands and knees. Would someone, anyone, who reads this, buy me paid access? Doesn't matter how long, but I want to have more icon slots... of course, having icon slots themselves bought after the paid access...

I will make you any graphic you want. Design your layout, to the best of my ability. Dance around in an Oompa Loompa suit and take pictures for you. I'm sure I know of a hooker in your area, if you'd like! Anything you desire, it's yours.

I hate to do this, but I have no actual way of buying one myself... no credit card/paypal/parent who wants to get me things like this.

So... please?

color me

17 Harry Potter


Tried out some new styles, and also made some monogram Harry Potter icons. 17 of them.

1. 2. 3.

No matter how much she cries, she knows how pretty she is )
21 hold me        color me


The Girl
The Dream
The People
The Days

Name: Paige

Age: 16

Hobbies: Writing, reading, graphics.

Likes: Summer, old books,
foreign movies, rain, daffodils,
the idea of love.

Dislikes: Livejournal coding.

Important Links


Links to Me

Personal Journal:
One Day Iris

Writing Journal:
Hidden Features

Sample Icons:

currently: the present