
Proboscis | SoMa | cultural snapshots

proboscisProboscis is pleased to announce the publication oftwo new essays in the Cultural Snapshot series.

Social Tapestries: public authoring and civil society by Giles Lane and Sensing the City and other stories by Katrina Jungnickel.

Proboscis was at the 2004 Psy.Geo.Conflux represented by Nick West.

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Divestudio.org // D. Jean Hester // Press: RES Magazine (July/August 2004 Issue)

res_mag_2004Conflux participant Jean Hester is featured in RES Magazine (July/August 2004 Issue).

Jean says, "I'm pleased to be the subject of a short article in the current issue of RES magazine (July/August 2004, the "Resistance/All the Rage" issue). This issue deals with artist strategies for negotiating the current political climate, and has articles about Michael Moore's Farenheit 9/11, Cory Arcangel, Danger Mouse, Mark Allen (of LA's own C-Level and Machine Project), Alexei Shulgin, The Yes Men and others."

The article is at newsstands and her website.

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Public Expedition . August 10

kanarinkaPlease join Glowlab on Tuesday, August 10th, for a Public Expedition to find infinitely small things, hosted by kanarinka...check the details here.

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100_0141_copyFor all of you who have not been checking out the PIPS site, there are some pretty awesome derives documented there. PIPS author Alob Switt was recently in Berlin and surrounding areas. PIPS most recent post includes a night with Club Real, and specifically Traumkombinat. The experience was a derive upon derive both mental and physical..."Maybe this is where the uneasiness comes from, an understanding that in the Alice's world we are the most exposed and the Mad Hatter can make fun of our inability to truly understand our collective existence."

You gotta check this out.

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Bio Mapping

logoBio Mapping by Christian Nold is the mapping of the self and place. "The current version of the Bio Mapping system allows people to measure their Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) as a simple indicator of emotional arousal in conjunction with their geographical location." Cool. (I found this through angermann.)

Posted by Gabe in cartography :: geo-data | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

The Private/Public Realm

minta-01PAA, a group in Hungary, raises the conscious awareness of the private/public boundary in art and media. A well thought out mission statement explains, "The general aim of PAA is to ensure that contemporary art should also reach large public besides the experts, thus, along with its function of environment formation it should obtain social, educational and economic significance as well."

Continue reading "The Private/Public Realm"

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July Glowlounge: Intel Research Berkeley

We recently visited Intel's research lab in Berkeley for a one-day conference called "Street Talk" [see our first post with photos]. For the July Glowlounge column, we present a detailed look at the day's events.

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