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The guitarist who didn't know Jimi Hendrix [19 Aug 2004|10:04pm]

Hi! I'm new in this community. My name's Roxane, I'm 18, and my first language is french, so I don't speak english really well. I love doing comics, so I was searching for a community where there were other people that share this "passion" with me. I think I've found the one! Here's one of my comics, I've translated it from french, so you may find it quite strange... Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy and won't deleted my message. If that's the case, there are other comics - in french - on my Livejournal.

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[18 Aug 2004|05:19pm]


consider it a meager/unprompted storyboard study.
Noticeably, this isn’t something I am familiar with.
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[10 Aug 2004|07:10pm]

hello im just about done with my first issue of my book it should be done by early sept. is there any one who would like to trade minis with me?
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sorry for xposting [08 Aug 2004|09:43pm]

im starting a comp zine called ITS MY BODY, and i want to get a really diverse look at so many different aspects of our bodies, our choices, actions, etc. there are quite a few zines about sizeism, eating disorders, body image and such, but i want to have something that brings in all sorts of other viewpoints and topics as well. things that have to do with yr body, things like self-mutilation, medicine, clothing, sex work, physical labor, positive views, mortality, how yr body works, and more.

i would really LOVE to get anyone and everyone to send in whatever they want. anything from poetry, writing, media, art, comics, self portraits, prose, drawings, doodles, rants...everything! i really hope to get it to be a little more diverse than the regular zine, so that we see the sides that we dont even necessarily agree with, that dont apply to us, that we never thought about, that we need to understand...anything that can be photocopied is encouraged, even the tiniest haiku. please email or comment (savethepirate AT hotmail DOT com), or send to elle destroy! 5723 indigo houston, tx usa, and anyone who sends in a contribution, whether it gets used or not (although im pretty sure ill be using all of them) will get a free copy.

some examples of possible topics )

no word limits, as far as deadlines go...just try to get it in the next couple of months, the sooner the better!
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[05 Aug 2004|10:35am]

what do you use for covering up inking mistakes?
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Interesting request [04 Aug 2004|01:43pm]

[ mood | lucky ]
[ music | Dirty Harry-Lalo Schifrin-Soundtrack! ]

Independant Arts Festival looking for Small Press (news at SBC Small Press)

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?" [30 Jul 2004|02:14pm]

hello i have a question im broke and im looking for a place that does a good job with printing. where can i go to get my book printed when i finnaly finish it?
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[30 Jul 2004|02:39am]

Wrote a new "Colors (1981)" excerpt. Enjoy... click'a da' Smiley for the read.

Hopefully, ya'll like it.
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Looking for small press links [24 Jul 2004|09:22pm]

[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | Life On Mars?-David Bowie-Hunky Dory ]


Silver Bullet Comics now has a Links Database:

I've set up a Small Press section and added a few general links, but need all you creators to add your links so we can fly the small press flag.

Small Press Editor
Silver Bullet Comic Books

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Colors [19 Jul 2004|11:57pm]

Hi ya'll,

I've been writing something, over the last year, that I think would make a really great comic... of course, I would /have/ to find an artist better than myself (I'm digitally alright, but that can only take you so far). Hopefully it isn't the height of rudeness to post about it here, but the stories are located here
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Alternative Comics needs your help! [13 Jul 2004|06:33pm]

Alternative Comics needs your help!

Please buy our books from your local comic book store to help Alternative Comics survive!

Dear Comics Fans:

I’m Jeff Mason making a direct appeal to you, our faithful readers, in a time of serious financial difficulty. If you could find a way to buy some of our books listed below, you would greatly help in our time of financial crisis. Please check off the books you want below and then buy these books from your favorite retailer. You can also use the checklist in the back of your copy of Alternative Comics #2 that was given out by your local comic book store on Free Comic Book Day. If your retailer does not stock our comics and books, they can use this form below as a way to order our in-stock titles form any of our distributors.
Read more... )
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[10 Jul 2004|12:39am]

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Support Indie Comics, You Dope! [07 Jul 2004|03:33pm]

[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Jimmy Eat World - Lucky Denver Mint ]

Hey there! We've got seven flat rate envelopes, each containing a huge collection of zines, underground press and independent comics gathered from all over the country, up for bid on ebay. Check 'em out!

Young American Comics travels to several comic conventions, zine fests and small press expos every year. We always come home with a box chock full of comics and zines that we bought, traded for, or were given. To say the least, our comic and zine library is full to the gills. We’ve sorted through and thinned out our collection, and now they must go! We have seven, count ‘em, seven flat rate envelope full of some of independent press from the last 3 years of conventions and festivals.

pictures behind the cut... )

Thanks for looking!
heart, corey and tod

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Mox Nix! [06 Jul 2004|11:10pm]

I printed a new comic today. Anybody up for a trade?

12pp., pocket-sized. You can buy them on my website but if you have a mini to trade, more groovy.
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Free Comic Book Day is today!! [03 Jul 2004|10:06am]

Today is Free Comic Book Day!!!!! Go to your local comic shop to get a whole mess of free comics!! Make sure you ask for Alternative Comics #2 for FREE!!!

Click below to find your local participating comic book store:
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