Smelly People's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Smelly People's LiveJournal:

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    Sunday, May 23rd, 2004
    4:26 pm
    Well im a virgin to reading festival which is pretty sad being i don't live all that far but anyhow im meant to be going this year, i've been asked to go to both readin and leeds yet i heard the line up was the same and reading is closer so reading it is, im hoping reading will make up for me missing homelands next weekend for the first time in the last few years, i shall post again soon.


    Current Mood: drained
    Current Music: Green Day
    Saturday, April 24th, 2004
    11:15 pm
    as a reading festival attendee or 'smelly' i thought i would say hi, how is everyone?

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: poisonblack
    Saturday, April 3rd, 2004
    4:59 pm
    whos going to go to Reading this year? bit of a disappointing line up so far, heard rumours that beastie boys were supposed to be playing...

    ne one else hear some crazy rumours?

    peace love and all that jazz

    Current Mood: anxious
    Current Music: eve 6/when i think about you i touch myself
    Tuesday, August 26th, 2003
    8:20 am
    118 118

    GOT YOUR NUMBER!!!!!!!!


    Current Mood: nostalgic
    Current Music: Metallica/Enter Sandman
    Tuesday, August 12th, 2003
    9:46 pm
    Is this community alive?

    I'm looking forward to Reading this year (although my ticket hasn't yet arrived), which will be my first... It's going to have to go some to beat Glastonbury though (also my first, and that was terrific).

    Current Mood: curious
    Current Music: !!! - Me and Giuliani Down by the Schoolyard
    Sunday, April 6th, 2003
    6:47 pm
    does anyone know if metallica have actually pulled out of doing Reading this year??

    Current Mood: curious
    Friday, March 14th, 2003
    3:05 pm
    Metallica are the first band to confirm for this year!

    You know who I wish would appear (and have a psychic hunch that they will) is Tenacious D. There are so many other bands that I think would be great this year, electric-six for example (as I'm sure Nai will agree) but I can just imagine a cool summer's evening, a little bit mashed, listning to the D!

    Anyways I can't wait to finally see the full line up and heres to hoping that Reading will add a few more new names to it's history!

    Current Mood: excited
    Current Music: Tenacious D - Malibu Nights
    Wednesday, January 8th, 2003
    11:30 am

    My name is Brett
    Im from Atlanta
    Please support my community
    My journal username is religiousinfamy

    Current Music: evergreen terrace - sweet nothings gone forever
    Saturday, December 14th, 2002
    1:15 am
    A New Member; A New Story from WHI!
    Happy Christmas (almost)... Here's another present from my perpetual bag of questionable goodies... "Santa Claus Resigns After Mounting Allegations of Sexual Abuse"
    Wednesday, August 21st, 2002
    5:59 pm
    oooh yeh baby!!

    everyone have a wicked time at Reading. if u see a girl with boy like pink hair and not to mention short that would be me. u'll probably catch me in the concrete jungle stage on saturday skanking my little heart out or stoned sunday evening.



    vicki x

    Current Mood: excited
    Monday, August 19th, 2002
    2:32 pm
    I AM SAD
    I don't mean in the Billy-no-mates sense but come to think of it...nevermind!

    I'm upset because I can't get to Reading this weekend despite all the promises of half-price tickets and special access the bastards sold out.

    So I'm now having to call on all you soon to be smelly people to fill me in with all ur Reading stories.

    Will they still be shouting bollocks at 3 o'clock in the morning? Will the portaloos be once again set on fire? (OK I know that was in 2000 but it was quite a special moment for me.) And finally who were the best bands? PLEEEEEEEEEEASE let me know because I'm starting to have withdrawal symptoms already!




    Current Mood: nostalgic
    Current Music: QOTSA - Feelgood Hit Of The Summer
    Thursday, July 25th, 2002
    6:25 pm
    28 days and just under 18 hours till READING FESTIVAL

    Yesterday my wristband from last year finally gave up and broke, my wrist feels naked after wearing it for 11 months. I made a bet last year with some lads i became good mates with that i could keep my wristband on the longest. Now ive lost the bet as they've still got theirs on and i have to buy the weed for our reunion at this years festival!

    Current Mood: drunk
    Current Music: mad caddies
    Sunday, July 7th, 2002
    7:08 pm
    Excellent. Yesterday i discovered that Saves the Day are actually playing Reading. I think i kinda subconciously knew. But I did the compulsory celebratory dance around my room :)

    All i fear know tho...are clashes. We can only hope there wont be any that are too severe or that cannot be sorted out by simply be organised...or possibly dare i say it slightly more sober than usual. Obviously that being the last resort :)

    la la.

    Current Mood: excited
    Current Music: Soulwax - Proverbial Pants
    9:25 am
    An absolute shot in the dark
    But does anybody know of anybody who has any tickets for sale? Any variety (day or three day)

    The ticket I was sposed to get got sold the evil person.

    Current Mood: determined
    Sunday, June 30th, 2002
    2:52 pm
    Where are ym Reading tickets? It seems everyoen has them but me :( and i'm the person that bought them first!
    Tuesday, June 18th, 2002
    2:16 pm
    Hey all, just joined so thought I'd post.

    Got my Reading tix this morning! Yay!

    I am sadly a Reading virgin, but have been to V the past 3 years so have some festival experience!

    Anyway, this was my hello! =)

    Current Mood: excited
    Current Music: NOFX - Linolium
    Monday, June 3rd, 2002
    2:05 pm

    Current Mood: high
    Current Music: wu tang - shaolin world wide
    Thursday, May 30th, 2002
    1:47 pm
    didnt i say capdown wud play instead of britney or somthing??

    Current Mood: awake
    Current Music: Jimmy Eat World/Sweetness
    Tuesday, May 28th, 2002
    1:22 pm
    got my reading ticket this morning people!



    Current Mood: ecstatic
    Wednesday, May 22nd, 2002
    1:46 am
    Arrgh I can't sleep ...
    Its exam stress nonsense not to mention the prospect of Half price tickets to Reading!

    My mate's got this disable sticker thing and it means she gets 2 tickets for the price of 1 AND a 'Special access' wristband for each of us. I'm not sure what this entitles us to, (I was hoping for a free shag with the Strokes, but never-mind!). Actually I think it means is we can go in those platform thingys (if we want to), and we also have slightly better toilets, possibly, even showers?!

    If you think about it that's luxury in Reading terms!

    Naomi: Just think all this just for walking with a limp!!!!!!

    Current Mood: excited
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