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Below is information about the "disney_critterz" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:disney_critterz (1563034) disney_critterz
The Community for Lovers of Disney's Animals
About:title or description

Here's the community all about...Disney animals! The official community for Disney dogs, cats, horses, fishes...any animal of the sort. Jump in the kennel and we won't be disappointed. ;-)


1) Please don't go off-topic, just post about yourself, and your love for Disney's animals (duh)

2) No spamming. If you don't like Disney animals, then why the heck join here?

3) You're always welcome to post icons. But please, only Disney and animal-related icons.

4) Have fun! Don't be sore, shy, or lonely...this group was made to appreciate our favorite critters and to enjoy!

Yep, those are the rules. Wow, that was easy. Now click the JOIN link and get ready to let the dogs out!
Memories:1 entry
Interests:35: 101 dalmatians, animals, apes, bambi, brother bear, cats, critters, daisy, dewey, disney, dogs, dolphins, donald, dumbo, finding nemo, fishes, fox and the hound, goofy, horses, huey, lady and the tramp, louie, mickey mouse, minnie mouse, monkeys, oliver and company, pets, pluto, robin hood, the aristocats, the great mouse detective, the jungle book, the lion king, the rescuers, the rescuers down under. [Modify yours]
Members:23: cartoondoggy, colettespaz, cutesingergirl, harmonicasylum, jasanni, jillnbob, kalakay73, kings_hand, kitkatklubber, klutzybrit, kubo, lilmisscris, mistryl, misz_booqy, mykaelus, odiedragon, puplvrmae, ratgrrl, singmearainbow, smart_ass, snowysmt, x_riveroflife_x, xdruidessx
Watched by:19: bandgeekerin, cartoondoggy, cutesingergirl, harmonicasylum, jasanni, jillnbob, kings_hand, kitkatklubber, klutzybrit, kubo, lilmisscris, mistryl, mykaelus, odiedragon, puplvrmae, ratgrrl, singmearainbow, snowysmt, xdruidessx
Account type:Free Account

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