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Below is user information for Zinglebert Fistebuns. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:jrnlmnky (30904) jrnlmnky
Name:Zinglebert Fistebuns
Location:Rochester, New York, United States
Bio:I'm back in maine. Mel and I are moving in together very soon, and are presently searching apartments. I am only a few more months of co-op away from graduating. My new car rocks. I'm getting a kick-ass new computer. Your mom's a ho.
Memories:1 entry
Interests:53: 00index.txt, 9000cse, alternative, and stuff, artificial intelligence, atheism, being a computer nerd, boredom, c, c#, c++, capitalism, celtic designs, cheese, code, computers, cuddling, digital cameras, driving, eddy izzard, evil monkeys, food, free thought, fuck you., funk metal, going to hell, idiocity, java, m100, metal, mike's hard lemonade, money, monkey pants, monkeys, my car, my hunny bee, nookie, palm pilots, porn, programming, proper grammar, romance, saab, selling stuff on ebay, sex, stuff, stupid shit, unbridled rage, video games, walling, weight lifting, women, your mom. [Modify yours]
Friends:33: a_toon, atheism, atheist, becoming_jenn, checkoutmyband, cloud2sunshine, crappycarclub, crashnburn, etaca, evilcustomers, flirtykatiegurl, freakwan, gnatchaya, heresyoursign, hunnyb33, imamnky2, joolie, ljmaine, mysticrat, outofcontext, puttysan, rit, saab, sector_7g, secularhumanism, solukai, springfield, stannius, stupid_shit, t_h_mitchell, treyvana, truth_or_dare, zoraya
Friend of:15: becoming_jenn, chini, cloud2sunshine, crashnburn, flirtykatiegurl, gnatchaya, hunnyb33, imamnky2, joolie, mysticrat, puttysan, stannius, t_h_mitchell, treyvana, zoraya
Member of:24: a_toon, atheism, atheist, checkoutmyband, crappycarclub, evilcustomers, geeks, grammarpolice, heresyoursign, ljmaine, ljmass, massachusetts, newenglandlj, outofcontext, palm, questionofgod, rit, saab, sector_7g, secularhumanism, springfield, stupid_shit, truth_or_dare, worcester
Account type:Free Account

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