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Below is information about the "The Killbaby Party" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:killbaby_party (519988) killbaby_party
Name:The Killbaby Party
About:Wreaking havoc on the general Binghamton University area. And vicinity.


And remember: Brush your teeth, or the wolfman will have sex with you.
Interests:67: activism, anarchy, anime, bacchus, being evil, bicurious george, binghamton, caffeine, canada, cannibalism, chaos, college, cool words, creativity, dancing spastically, discordianism, discussion, duct tape, fliers, hair dye, hat!, humour, indian pop music, insanity, internet, invader zim, iron maiden, irrational exuberance, jebus, killing babies, loud noise, meat hats, merriment, mirth, misanthropy, mischief, mistkaes, mockery, monkeys, morbid fred, mp3s, nine inch nails, pissing people off, politics, procrastination, punk, random classes, randomness, reality?, religion, sci-fi, secret societies, sleep, snow walrus, stealing people's mail, subversion, suny, the simpsons, traumatizing children, truth, tunak tunak tun, weekly world news, weird music, weird shit, wolfman!, word games, yatta!. [Modify yours]
Members:7: asilvahalo, c_phoenix, crackcityrocker, ellf, faboo, mostlyarmless, tookymunster
Watched by:4: c_phoenix, faboo, mostlyarmless, tookymunster
Account type:Free Account

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