Below is user information for Rick. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.
User: | medlir (5718) |
| moof. |
Name: | Rick |
Website: | |
Location: | Olivet, Michigan, United States |
Birthdate: | 1980-06-09 |
E-mail: | |
AOL IM: | Medlir (Add Buddy, Send Message) |
ICQ UIN: | 783549 (Add User, Send Message) |
Yahoo! ID: | Medlir (Add User, Send Message) |
MSN Username: | |
Jabber: | |
Bio: | Last Updated: 2004.01.26
Basics: 23, Male, Michigan Lifestyle: straightedge computer geek :D Yummy Beverages: Mountain Dew/Code Red/LiveWire, SoBe, Gatorade, Chocolate Milk, Tea, Water, Kool-Aid Good Music: Alternative, New Rock, Celtic, Classical, just about everything except most new country and rap. The Impact I like coding, surfing the web, working on my web site, messing with hardware, reading fantasy novels, going to Renaissance Festivals, collecting swords and other medieval arms and armaments, mountain biking, rollerblading, watching anime, talking to people online, my family, playing trivia, riding our quad, watching movies, listening to music, and untold numbers of other things. Feel free to browse around my various webspaces on the net that you may find linked to here in some way, usually, but sometimes through,,, etc. There's pictures, programs, sometimes songs, and various other pages and things online for your entertainment. :D Basically, if you add me as a friend on LJ, I'll probably add you back. I use my friends list mostly for the security purposes as I don't have time to actually read my friends page very often. I don't guarantee I'll read your journal if I add you, but by adding you, I can give you access to any friends-only posts I might make (which rarely happens though). The reverse is also true, if you remove me, I'll probably remove you too after a while... particularly if I wasn't actively reading your journal anyway, and also because if you don't want to see me on your friends page, why would you want access to my friends-only posts? :P Note: The preferred font for viewing my page is available here. Mmm, monospaced fonts. Courier New is also a favorite. Tahoma and Trebuchet MS come in a distant third and fourth. :P If my page looks absolutely horrible on your computer platform/browser, send me a screenshot please so I can determine why! If you want to know anything else, feel free to IM me. If I don't respond, I'm probably AFK and busy doing something else, but I'll get back to you when I am around, or the next time I notice that you are. :) -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GCM/CS/IT/P/O>AT d-(pu) s:@ a-->? C+++(++++)>$ UB++++ P++++ L+(-) E-(---) W+++ N++(+++) !o@ K w++() !O M-(--)@ V PS !PE Y+ PGP t+(++) 5(-) X+(++) R* tv(+) b++(++++) DI++++ D++(---) G++@ e* h!(++) r--(*) y+ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
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Memories: | 62 entries |
Interests: | 144: .hack//sign, 42, agnosticism, animania, anime, anti-normal, biking, books, cartoons, celtic, celtic knots, cheese, chocolate, computer science, computers, contentment, cooking, cows, cryptonomicon, css, cuddling, digital photography, douglas adams, dragonballz, dreaming, dreams, dvds, etc, eyes, fantasy, fantasy novels, flarp, food, friends, fun, geeks, google, green, h2g2, hackers, happiness, hard work, her, hhgttg, hiking, holy grail, honesty, html, idealism, indoor plants, intellectual intercourse, intelligence, internet, inuyasha, irc,, kisses, kissing, knowledge, learning, life, livejournal, logic, love, lucid dreaming, lucid dreams, magic, matrix, medieval, medlir, michigan, monkey, monkeys, monty python, moo, moof, mountain biking, mountain dew, movies, mp3s, mst3k, muds, music, mythology, nature, netbsd, networking, ni, nintendo, noise, novels, perl, pets, philosophy, pinkle, programming, quiet, rain, reading, renaissance festivals, robert jordan, rocks, rollerblading, sarcasm, sca, science fiction, simpsons, sleep, sleeping, snow, snuggling, sobe, software, solitude, soulmates, st:tng, star trek, stars, straightedge, swords, sxe, synchronicity, technology, the simpsons, thinking, thunderstorms, trail biking, trivia, true love, truth, video games, warpednet, washu, washuu, water, web design, web page design, webcams, website design, wheel of time, will, wot, x-files, ∞. [Modify yours] |
Friends: | | 188: | actual_i, aelana, agent_kirasawa, alceria, alicorn, arashiryu, arienna, arithon, artifice_x, ashleydillo, atrax_narcissus, b_r0ck, baron_smitty, beeble, belladonna, binkiegirl, bishounengirl, bruk, butrbiscut, cabezon_raven, calvin42, cedwyn, chaoticasylum, charna, chirstyn, chrisg, chrit, crimsonstorm, cryo, dawl, dazey0306, dirtypairkei, dodgeman25, dontgetplowed, dorkgirl, dorkgirl_, dossier, dragonlynn, dwaggie, earthquake, ectv, eternalflamage, evan, evilgoddess, exitboot, eyeslikesugar, fdpiech, fishy5, frannyzooey, fuckingwretched, gabbymoe, genki, ghostgrrl, gigabitch, gigglecam, giovecozza, glassshine, gutterfayrie, haloedone, hannybannany, happyhardcore, hateful_stares, heavensmile, hellybelly, hoggwild, infexiousphyne, integral, izabethiajnet, jaebird, jamijo, jeroen, jerronimo, jessdev, jexia, johnath, josephine76, juniper, kashiegurl, katernater, katstrudel, keelion, keep_swimming, kiarrh, kind_nepenthe, krazyk_007, krzy, ladyshay, laughinatu, leisurebeing, lelerz, len, lenchik, leora, lesinge, lethie, listener, lookintomyeyes, lostraven, luminosity, maes, maralita, medlir, mendel, meponcho, merisa, miserere, missdivakitty, mod, mongoosey, morganofthefay, morganwebb, mtffm, mystra, myxreflection, nameless, nekobawt, nekocutie, nelltwin, notacollectible, opiate21, opportunitygrrl, pabiatch, pallida, paradox35, parkinglotgirl, pea, peculiaire, perse_aria, photolover, piman, pink_inkettes, powerrad, preciousone4x4, prinsage, prophyt, puddingbunnie, punkvixen, quislibet, radprincess, remia, residualfear, rettiger, ridingonacloud, rvrndmngrie, rx_queen, s0ur_times, sara_beth_03, sasami, satyrweb, serennig, shabiek, shoogles, shooter_g, sidlessnancy, silhouettegirl, sillyerne, sjones79, sleepsleep, slut_for_sale, smileydee, sombrehippie, somebodies, spiritrover, staceyb, survivinglove, syns, taybar19, teferi, tenessa, theheathen, thesemoments, tolben, tontumani, trntyvnll, tumbleforkisses, unsung, varac, veracious_mind, vitriolicpunk, waltjabsco, weirdkarma, wickedmouse, wmsdadspacecade, xtremesaints, yutaka731, zebra, zhixel, zuma | | 84: | abstractthought, adultswimfans, anime, anime_trade, anime_unleashed, animetrade, anipike, any_cam, bibliophily, bondagefaeries, bookish, cowboybebop, cyberpunk, dailylj, damngirl, developers, dorksofmichigan, dreams, epicfantasy, everyone, faces, familyguy, featureannounce, flcl, found_objects, fucklist, futurama, g_w_g, geeks, girlsinboycuts, girlsplusboys, htmlwhores, inuyasha, inuyashafreaks, lansing, lansingmetro, lj_clients, lj_dev, lj_nifty, lj_research, ljfoaf, ljfucksluts, ljvoices, marvelous3fans, mich_ren_fest, michigan, michigan_anime, montypython, morganfans, msualumni, nakedwarped, nenaicon, neohuman, neopetcommunity, netbsd, olivet, orkut, paidmembers, quirkyalone, quotes, randland, rodmud, sca, sensuousart, singlexedge, smarter_child, souls, swordoftruth, sxchotness, sxe, sxe_geeks, sxemods, terrianovel, thefamilyguy, thought_club, tngfans, top40, trailbiking, trigunfans, warpednet, warpedradio, warpedsouls, welovegeeks, wordoftheday | | 10: | apod, justhungry_feed, kottke, leoblog, maki_feed, morgan_webb, officialgaiman, stonetable_feed, theburningedge, wilwheaton2 |
Account type: | Permanent Account, previously an Early Adopter |