Bewilderbeast's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Bewilderbeast's LiveJournal:

    [ << Previous 20 ]
    Wednesday, July 18th, 2001
    10:34 pm
    fricking jobs are a pile o crap. ouch me hand.

    Current Mood: pissed off
    Current Music: greenday - time of your life
    Sunday, July 8th, 2001
    8:01 pm
    YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY! yay! yay! yay!......*falls asleep on the keyboard*
    'National Anthem'
    'Morning Bell'
    'Packt Like Sardines In A Crshed Tin Box'
    'My Iron Lung'
    'Exit Music (For A Film)'
    'Knives Out'
    'No Surprises'
    'Dollars & Cents'
    'Street Spirit (Fade Out) '
    'I Might Be Wrong'
    'Pyramid Song'
    'Paranoid Android'
    'Everything In Its Right Place'
    Encore One
    'Fake Plastic Trees'
    'Karma Police'
    'You and Whose Army'
    'How To Disappear Completely'
    Encore Two
    'Talk-show Host'
    'The Bends' Encore Three
    'Motion Picture Soundtrack' (Colin & Thom alone)

    well gosh darn if that wasnt the best thing i have ever been to in mees life. I even enjoyed sleeping for a total of three hours on the pavement outside the station. the whole thing was hella extreme.

    shite, im off on a week of biology in portsmouth tomorrow at 6:45. hmms and bees.

    only day-passes left for reading, bugger. might have to buy myself three.

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Current Music: supegrass - mansize rooster
    Friday, July 6th, 2001
    10:26 pm
    Mark your calendar or Palm V. You can expect to die on:
    October 6 2028 at the age of 44 years old.

    On that date you will most likely die from:

    Heart Attack (20%)
    Cancer (18%)
    Electrolysis (12%)
    Alien Abduction (7%)
    Alcoholism (7%)

    hehehehe, pesky sarah, gonna out-live me. *shakes fist*

    see you chickens at radiohead


    Current Mood: dying
    Current Music: placebo - teenage angst
    Monday, July 2nd, 2001
    7:04 pm
    fricking frick-wittage
    fricking bench on a fricking raised patio with fricking weak chains holding it up. fricking thing. almost broke my back the fricking thing, and it made me pour lager in my eye.

    remember kids.... stupid fricking suspended benches are NOT made for 4 people.

    Current Mood: sore
    Current Music: ash - jack names the planets
    Thursday, June 28th, 2001
    10:33 pm
    all better, big long wet walk sorted me out.

    hope all you chaps and chapesses have a damn fine time tomorrow at your ball. your suit is hellova spiffing baker old chap, sarah will be darn impressed. hope its hella special for yer both.

    night night now everybody.

    Current Mood: libricated (a groovy new mood)
    Current Music: snow patrol - velocity girl
    7:05 pm
    im hella pissed off today, im going to go out and buy some fags, then im going into the basement to smash stuff up, i might feel a tad better then. either that or ill end up slashing my arms up or summit, so back soon.

    Current Mood: fucking pissed off
    Current Music: marliyn manson - beautiful people
    6:14 pm
    cucking funts
    some people make me want to fucking cry. cant be bothered having faith in the goodness of people if they let me down so badly, sorry for getting at yer yesterday sarah, you got it right, slap the lot of them... dirty sluts. we are all going to die, the human race that is. basically because it is human nature to be a bunch of cocks and asses.


    Current Mood: enraged
    Current Music: Finlay Quaye - spiritualized
    Wednesday, June 27th, 2001
    10:17 pm
    ooooh, as well as my trip to the forested areas of britain tomorrow, im going to drop chemistry due to it being a bit on the complet and utter shite side of things. philosophy methinks, maybe summit else. not that any of you people care, i just thought if i wrote it down im not as likely to put it off and end up doing chemistry forever

    Current Mood: chemistry hating
    Current Music: graham coxon - fags and failure
    9:51 pm
    Brucking Bremmets
    had a job interview today, didnt get the job. owe about a £150, need a reading ticket, and need to support a soft drugs habit. frick. i think i may take some inspiration from midfield general and recruit woodland creatures and rebel against the larger african creatures, then i could get the elephants to donate a wee bit of ivory, until i have enough to make some piano keys, then the monkeys could pehaps get me some wood, and i could build a grand piano, i could then sell that, and have money to pay my depts, and get a reading ticket.
    damn fine idea if i do say so myself, now how to go about recruiting stoats.......

    Current Mood: mischievous
    Current Music: bluetones - if
    Tuesday, June 26th, 2001
    9:59 pm
    Shuddup or im gonna get political on your ass!
    does anyone if bolivia still needs liberating from a tyranical govornment? im a bit bored and think i may pick up where Ché Guevara left off in 1967, thought i dont intend to get killed. i want to change the world, go on, someone let me, i want to wear spangly camo clothes without being a nonce. i want to be a fricking guerrilla.

    Current Mood: Rebellious
    Current Music: Tom Petty - learning to fly
    Sunday, June 24th, 2001
    6:55 pm
    painted a hall today, waste of time.
    2:41 pm
    anarchy in the uk
    fricking racist, homophobic fuckers. should all bee severely slapped round the head. make me mad the bastards, and i dont like getting mad, it makes me mad. all round bad karma.

    im going to join the anarchist movement, and if you think that its all about smashing the state, then you have been mis-led by the wankiy capitalists. that is just the fun part, its a serious political movement that will end in the world being united as one.

    have a peek and join me;

    we will prevail against the might of the capitalist state! or sell-out and become drugged-up hobo's, either way sounds like a larf.

    Current Mood: uncomfortable
    Current Music: rage against the machine - sleep now with the fire
    Saturday, June 23rd, 2001
    10:24 pm
    feeling as fit as a fish in a pond of anabolic steroids. could run to the moon and back was it not for my pathetic withered body and the fact i cant be arsed.
    i wish i could be bothered to get a job, i need money for reading ticket, for clothes, for music, and of course for vast amounts of drugs and alcohol.
    i want to work in a lil indie record shop, like the one to the side of plymouth market. that is my dream job, all i want in life is a job in a record shop. sit around all day listening to music, and meeting people into all different genres of music, twould be great.
    grrs, i dont want mutch out of life, but im still too lazy to achive that.
    monkey monkey monkey yay *waves hands in air*

    Current Mood: aggravated
    Current Music: incubus - turning japanese
    Thursday, June 21st, 2001
    8:35 pm
    i am feeling quite sad, but it isnt a bad thing. im rather enjoying this flavour of sadness, it is rather refreshing.

    Current Mood: sad
    Current Music: mighty mighty bosstones - the impression that i get
    6:57 pm
    hehehehe, the badgers, theyre tickling my feet again, those pesky beggars. gotta love em though, them and their fuzzy lil noses. to be honest i prefer badgers to any other woodland creature, done tell the squirrels though, you know how vindictive they can be.

    Current Mood: spankadelic
    Current Music: alfie - bookends
    Monday, June 11th, 2001
    10:02 pm
    im a friend of sweet- cheeks, its official
    im one of sweet-cheeks new friends, i told her i love her, Peej and Louvain gave her a bracelet each, and she has invited us to come to Reading with her and her boyfriend, yay! we are all one happy sweet-cheeked family :-)

    Current Mood: cheeky
    Current Music: placebo - every me every you
    Saturday, June 9th, 2001
    11:02 pm
    spend three days with the bestest lady int world. i love her i do, poor girl is sad though, i feel all helpless and crap that i cant sort her problems out. anyone close to her keep her safe will you. thanky

    Current Mood: groggy
    Current Music: white stripes - the big three killed my baby
    Sunday, June 3rd, 2001
    1:57 pm
    yum, back from dublin. bleh, tired. grr, exams. hmm, badgers?

    Current Mood: sleepy
    Current Music: bach - air on a g-string
    Tuesday, May 29th, 2001
    7:54 pm
    hmmms, going to dublin tomorrow morning. Bit of a larf, like. Certain people i shall miss lots.
    Filled in a job application today, take it in on monday i suppose. Hopefully some money for Reading and going to London, pity about the working part of it all.
    Shit, chemistry exam on monday, then two biology exams on tuesday. Arse, buggery, bollocks.

    Current Mood: drained
    Current Music: placebo - teenage angst
    Wednesday, May 16th, 2001
    6:32 pm
    im a mean old geezer. i shouted at a loved one because they ran off with my tabacco. there was no need, im just nasty. im very sorry to that person.
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