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Moovin' on up... [Nov. 18th, 2004|01:49 pm]
Yeah, so i'm in the process of setting up a new website and domain... I've neglected so many sites in the past i really don't think i should be allowed to make or setup things on the internet anymore. Sorta like an appropriate childhood punishment for something trivial like letting my fish die from starvation or something.. heh. But nope, the internet is always like...

"hey buddy, where ya been? Long time no see... Oh yeah sure, setup another site np problem, man. I'll just need your creditcard number and can you just fill out this little form. Yeah you know the drill, just fomalities. So, um.... Do you have any new Porn?"

Yes, internet, i do have new porn... but do you really need more nekkid pictures? I mean don't you think you have enough already? Can't you ever desire something else? something... i don't know... productive? helpful? honest? ...

nope. just Porn.

oh well.
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[Nov. 3rd, 2004|04:22 pm]
i knew this girl that used to give the best head.

She was athletic, with just the right proportions and she kept her body in near mint shape. im talking pristine. oh yeah, the best part was she was really REALLY flexable. i remember the fun we had together, the way we used to hit that shit, making each other cum, like ten times a day. i couldn't get enough of her and she was always down for the tumble.

i used to think i loved her or at least i know i loved the way she made me feel. it was one of those intense relationships, the kind that burn hard and hot. the kind where you know its not gonna last forever but you couldn't care less. the kind where sooner or later something always changes and fucks things up.


someone turns out to be psycho, threatens your buddies, attacks your best friend and then fucks around on you with two guys at once.


but she gave the best head.

so every once in a while i catch myself thinking about her. maybe i think about all that happened and how fucked up she left me. maybe i think about the damage i must have done when i rejected her outright or how i ignored on her attempts to contact me, even her last attempt, five years after. sometimes i think that she got just was she deserved.

and sometimes i end up thinking that i did love her..

that im the one who is fucked..



at least she gave the best head.
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[Nov. 2nd, 2004|04:54 pm]
sometimes i think about the people i went to highschool with.

well, not exactly.

i actually sorta wonder if they ever think about me.

if they think, "hey i wonder what the fuck Tory ever got up to?"... i kinda like that concept. the idea that they don't know a god damn thing about my life and even if i'm still alive at all. heck maybe they don't even remember me. i sure as hell don't remember everyone from 10 years ago. i guess thats why people so desperately need highschool reunions... they want to let the other know that they are still alive or making it big, sorta brag a bit.

That... yeah thats obvious... but they also, and i think this part is key, NEED to find out juist how badly everyone else has done compared to them. who had a kid right out of highschool and never got out of that small town... who was forced to drop out of college due to substance abuse... who spent the 2 years in jail for a BnE and is on a work release program with a halfway house.. which lucky bastards didn't make it because the bungie cord snapped or the bus didn't stop in time...

they want to see the failures.

it's the reality show syndrome all over again. the slowdown and stare as they creep by a car crash scene. they need to justify their own lives by highlighting and rehashing the misfortune of others. why does our society embrace this? its not about the winners and i'm not sure it ever was. even if you place the truth directly infront of them, they will continue to deny it.

yes. nothing changes. most people want to see the carnage. they desire it.


at least i hope to give them a good show.
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it does a body good... ;) [Aug. 18th, 2004|12:40 am]

What The Hell Happened Last Night?
LJ Username
What did you drink?
You wake up in the morning next to: tigertosser
...who is wearing: a Tron costume
...and rolls over to you to say: My God, you're supple!
...and then: nibbles your neck
This quiz by joneccleston - Taken 48843 Times.
New! Get Free Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

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diming [Jun. 24th, 2004|01:11 am]
that was alot to ask for
let alone hope for
even to factor into it
fuck it.

shes making plans
while planing to break
push to get the motion moving
end this
her less than bliss
in its
fragile form

before her
more than a few before that
question my motives

i'm broken
it is only a matter of time
till the goodness in me no longer shines
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C:\life>_ [Apr. 16th, 2004|05:41 pm]
scratch that
nix it rub it out
erase and format
start over

if only it was that simple.
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velcro of the soul [Apr. 15th, 2004|12:58 am]
is this that was
that should or might have been
with you
that needed to be

somewhere lost
the practicality
knowing it is no necessity of mine
it is that concious thought
the passion
for losing our time
and tvo

isn't it fitting
the night you slept over
real time
with no promises
did we know
that these simple things catch
and drag

is this
but it is too weak a word

for how i feel
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press play on tape... [Apr. 5th, 2004|06:15 pm]
this is the sound track for a life
it's not exactly wrong
but far from being right
don't know the words, help me improvise
play it once again
this time without lies

this time
without lies.
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instructions not included [Mar. 7th, 2004|01:56 am]
how do i play this game
it's been a while, my memory is fuzzy
am i the one
who makes the wrong first move
some things used to be so simple
before i got here

or love
it always
started the same
how do i play this game

is it
the rules
or the players
have changed

my time will be up
and i haven't even rolled the dice

elected mayor,
pay each player 50 bucks
all i want is a chance
someone please
tell me

how do i play this game
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yuuuur tha deeeeevvvvviiiilll... [Mar. 3rd, 2004|04:49 pm]
The Devil Card
You are the Devil card. The Devil is based on the
figure Pan, Lord of the Dance. The earthy
physicality of the devil breeds lust. The
devil's call to return to primal instincts
often creates conflict in a society in which
many of these instincts must be kept under
control. Challenges posed by our physical
bodies can be overcome by strength in the
mental, emotional, and spiritual realms. Pan is
also a symbol of enjoyment and rules our
material creativity. The devil knows physical
pleasure and how to manipulate the physical
world. Material creativity finds its output in
such things as dance, pottery, gardening, and
sex. The self-actualized person is able to
accept the sensuality and usefulness of the
devil's gifts while remaining in control of any
darker urges. Image from The Stone Tarot deck.

Which Tarot Card Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
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FIREFLY Movie "Serenity" IS A GO!!! [Mar. 3rd, 2004|03:33 pm]
[mood | cheerful]

Universal Pictures has green-lighted Serenity, a feature film to be based on the short-lived Joss Whedon television series Firefly, according to Variety. Fox TV canceled Firefly in late 2002, after airing just 11 episodes of the futuristic western. The trade paper reported that Whedon is on board to write and direct the feature, and that the entire original cast of the series, among them Nathan Fillion, Gina Torres and Summer Glau, would reprise their characters.

This is sweet.... now if only they would make a series... maybe they could call it firefly...hmmm ;)

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say what... [Mar. 2nd, 2004|03:31 pm]
Say what! keep it goin, keep it goin
Say what, say what! keep it goin full steam

um... yeah.

Man this sucks ass.

Torn, bored, boring, blaming, laming, fliping, sleeping, hating, dreaming.


what is out there to look forward to?
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never give a tell [Feb. 20th, 2004|08:08 pm]
if the world were to end at midnight,
who would you end it with?
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all assurances [Feb. 12th, 2004|02:41 pm]
[mood | tired]

when did the way get lost
i've asked the same question, listen up
never got the answer

placed but ten years out
for still'd, nor safe, no where
emptied this echoing doubt
one flickering, faltering fair

you said to get ready
that this was sure to be something, hey kid
just you wait and see

fret naught this most finding
not still'd, nor safe, my care
betrayed but of this binding 
one soul of which we shared

attention please
the museum is closed to the public, leave now
we'll make it up to you


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resolve [Feb. 7th, 2004|03:05 am]
[mood |wanting]

there is this spot
a place
not forgotten
but loosed just far enough to drift
you know this
i'm sure

do you remember that place, those stars
when it felt right
didn't they shine bright,
for you alone
what if
i was there
and found a reason

yeah, i've twisted my words, my thoughts, my heart
it was easy in the begining
a sweet perversion
three years
in the making
but it's no longer right
it hasn't been for a while

i need
to tell her
that i've moved on

this is not for me
not anymore

little dipper by firelight
thornberry beach and 10 years old
last moment with meaning
soon to be

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oh shit... the canary died... [Feb. 5th, 2004|05:22 pm]
[mood | aggravated]

I'm working in a mutherfucking coal mine. Well it's not really a coal mine, but for all the shit i've got to put up with, it might as well be. The air in this building is teh fucked. Recycled garbage, a zillion microbes of human cold and influenza per millionth, all wrapped up in a dry baked nose cracking lung busting tepid airsupply. Fuck i think i've got black lung. I wake up fine, with no coughing or any sign throat irritation.. all engines go... But after five minutes in this building i am hacking up a lung... this is fucked. I need my own hazmat suit and o2 airpack. yeah. Virus ridden spittle coats everything here... keyboards, mice, screens, door handles... I'm not howard hughes, i don't wear klennex boxes on my feet, i'm not phobic... its just FUCKING UNHEALTHY, and not one of the supervisors, with their own little rooms and personal ventilation, not one of them seems to care. i should leave them a packet of fine white powder or two. i guess it doesn't matter, this is just a fucking tech support call center. we don't need our voices... we can be replaced.

GOD DAMNIT. there are pieces of my throat on my computer screen. yum.

yay. i love this place. go fucking team.

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the quiet [Jan. 29th, 2004|05:53 pm]
of the patience
which i have no more
and the place i was

you came
expecting nothing
not needing more
than being
four pockets full of empty

so typical and cynical
is this hypothetical

long for something silent
shattered to a right
a protected place to close our eyes
your presence by my side

it's been said
the simple things are never that

they are all that matters
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"She was smiling to the end." -Cloud, FFVII [Jan. 19th, 2004|11:49 pm]
[mood | disappointed]

this is where i stand
and i've got this
feeling (lacking)
asking myself if i lost it
or perhaps
in the taking

do you wanna come
back (here)
with me
don't worry
you don't have to


i have some tea.

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are you laughing at me boy? [Jan. 16th, 2004|12:52 pm]
And now a quick summary of floorpirates' misadventures in autoland, written by none other than the steiner...

Part 1: How to buy a used car From a person and Avoiding a Dealership
Will It save time and money Read on might found out the True Story
of James Wismer and avoiding the Sales man at a dealer Ship
October 2003

-James Goes to test drive and see the car Comment Runs Good
-James accepts the $600 price tag for the car
-Stein spends lots of time driving james around for multiple visits to his car
-James finds out the under the table mechanic takes off for some killing fun
-3 months down the road James pays the under the table mechanic around
$1000 for extra repairs and maybe a safety
-Few weeks down the road James hands the mechanic a few more bills $$$
for a new door hatch Blue door hatch with Red spoiler (Its a Gatienau Car now)

Part 2: Car is Ready, But is the insurance Ready before Christmas We will find out
-(James Happily)-"Rare moment there" goes to the insurance company to get insurance
-James is pissed off now finding out he was accused of the little accident down south and it
cost James $3200 a year for insurance. (Pissed off james now)-"Back to his old self"
-James starts and bitches at the old insurance company and finds out his broker no longer there
they need to pull a new broker out of the box for him more waiting
-James asl Stein again to rent him car because he to lazy to get CC from the bank
-We rent a 2004 Olds Alero with no unlimited KM
-James some what happily goes off to see family and other family up north
-10 days pass James comes home has some News years cheer.
-James pays Stein $874 in car rental payments
(should have bought from a Dealer like stein did hassle free)
-James deals with the insurance company and gets the insurance for around $800 a year
-Buck calls and there still more repairs and such little bit more $$$ spent and some bottle O booze
for the shifty mechanic MMMMmmm Canadian Club.
-Car is Ready for pickup now
-James get 10 day tempory license from the MTO
-Stein one again Drives James to the elusive car and drops him and takes off

Part 3: Squeaks and Groans, and the problems discovered by the owner
-James finds out his new baby was a little squealer at first but she has calmed down after some tender care and driving
-Other issue car wouldn't turn over after a nice fresh drink of gas no one knows what happened there but james
managed to get his baby started again and off to work
-James finds out he can't bumps to well looks like some shocks need a good replaced more money tobe spent $$$
also no windshield fluid is coming through the pipe likely more $$ will be spent on that. James also hears a grinding
sound coming from one of that back wheels sound like a wheel bearing will need a tab more $$$ to fix that

Part4: Emissions Test Day
-James takes his car into a REAL Mechanic shop for emissions Testing
-James gets call "Sorry Sir it failed emissions tests and we are not sure why"
-Mechanic on the phone tells james for $130 we can run -Expensive Diagnostic
to see that the problem is all james would have to is goto crappy tire and get a
mini diagnostic computer for his car really cheap around $50 and it tell him whats wrong.
-James suppose to get his car back and passing emissions by 2pm January 16 2004
- its going to cost james about $600 to pass emissions now

More as the news breaks....
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burnt toast [Jan. 15th, 2004|08:51 pm]
[mood | contemplative]

i've got this friend who has this friend
who knows this guy
whos' brain is fucking on fire
all the time
people laugh and point when he walks down the street
a crazy man with the flaming head
its funny

what if all he ever wanted in life was to wear a hat

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