Abdominal Pain Nov 2 @ 09:26 pm
NP- starting at ~7:30pm and continuing through present.
Food prior to pain- two vegetarian corn dogs and shrimp pasta with garlic butter sauce
Fantasies and DelusionsFlawed Data |
November 2nd, 2004Abdominal Pain Nov 2 @ 09:26 pmNP- starting at ~7:30pm and continuing through present. Leave a comment November 1st, 2004Abdominal pain 11/1 @ 08:57 amCurrent Mood: loved 9:00am- NP Last Meal 3:00am- fried mushrooms, potatoes, pickles, and morning star farm buffalo wings 4:08pm- NP Notes: pain has stayed constant throughout day which is aberrant. There was some nausea when I tried to eat a tuna sandwich but I forced my way though it (though have not finished it yet). BM-+ September 30th, 2004Plays well with dead things @ 01:41 pmCurrent Mood: confused My interest in graduate school has finally been renewed by the zooarch. class I am taking. I suppose most people would find it incredibly dull, looking for hours at tiny fragments of bone and shell, but this is really keeping my interest in a way that ceramics never did. I do have to say that bone interests me far more then shell but this professors particular area of interest involves a lot of shell middens so that is what I have seen most of so far. Yesterday we did the mammal bone lab so I got to feel better about my knowledge in that class since I can already identify and side long bones fairly well. I am a little more apprehensive about birds and fish though. I know almost nothing about their skeletal anatomy. So now I have this sudden need to go to graduate school here so I can assist in developing the faunal comparative collection. I don’t even know if SMU will take former undergraduates into the graduate program. I have heard sometimes that is frowned upon, so I have been afraid to ask about it. I also worry about my intentions. Am I staying in Dallas because I like the program or is it because of Averil (which is a completely different topic all together). I also have to take the GRE soon, which I know I will do very poorly on if I don’t really study for it, and I just don’t have the time to take one of the courses right now. Eh, I wonder what the admission deadlines are here? I wonder if I could feasibly take a year off? What would I do? What will I do? September 20th, 2004pyshosis @ 07:26 pmGod these last few weeks have been horrible. However, really it has been less then a week. This time last week I was pretending to love Dean. That hurt but so does this. He hates me, then he loves me, then he hates me again. He’s really friendly, and then he writes nasty little notes to me and leaves them places where I will see them and then blasts angry breakup music throughout the apartment. I finally gave up on trying to sleep at the apartment. He woke me up at 7:00am several days in a row to either cry or yell. He has never acted so psychotic before! So I am sleeping at Averil’s, the guy I supposedly “left” Dean for. Of course we are not dating either. I can’t say that’s a bad thing. September 16th, 2004The End @ 02:13 pmCMIT 2:13PM September 13th, 2004(no subject) @ 11:00 amI have Averil now so writing is unnecessary. I can talk to him. I can not believe the insane situation I have gotten myself into. but it will all be OK, eventually. August 26th, 2004class all the time @ 02:59 pm…yawn… August 17th, 2004Amid Darkness and Debris, Hints of Normalcy @ 04:37 pmAmid Darkness and Debris, Hints of Normalcy Charley leaves massive damage in Lake Wales @ 01:42 amCharley leaves massive damage in Lake Wales August 14th, 2004Charley @ 04:25 pmMy mom called me in the afternoon and said that it was going to be bad but I really didn't believe her because of how far inland we are. Now I feel guilty that I wasn't more worried. My mom took the dog and the bird and went to stay with my grandmother. It was a smart move because our home is not in good shape. My grandmothers home weathered the storm well. Most of the trees are gone but they didn't land on the house though there were quite a few windows broken. the roof is damaged. they don'y have power water or phones and it is unlikely they will have power for a week. As Polk Awakes, Charley's Damage Becomes Clear @ 04:18 pmAs Polk Awakes, Charley's Damage Becomes Clear July 27th, 2004On Frightening Sexual Encounters With Sociobiologists et al @ 02:56 pmThis morning I purchased Understanding Human Sexuality, the text book for a class I am taking in the fall in an attempt to get a head start on the semester. The first chapter was interesting enough-I mean, its sex, it should be at least slightly interesting. However it was the first sentence of the second chapter that opened my mind to possibly the most frightening sexual situation imaginable: July 21st, 2004July 20th, 2004Quizes @ 02:11 am
An e-mail from my fine Israeli friend: @ 12:22 amSubject: no scohooling July 12th, 2004Horses and Tony Head @ 11:58 pmCurrent Mood: awake Current Music: Kathleen Wilhoite - Wish We Never Met Courses For Horses At Tilley Farm Sarah Fisher and Anthony Head explain that working with disturbed and abandoned animals really is the good life We're in the TTEAM training hall at Tilley Farm, trying to decide where to photograph Sarah Fisher and Anthony Head. How about a nice shot with a horse between them? "Horses have come between us for 20 years," mutters Tony, but we aren't taken in for a moment, and nor are we meant to be. Tilley Farm may have started life as Sarah's project, but he's become increasingly involved, and spends much of his spare time helping local animal charities. ( Read more... ) July 11th, 2004I'm an Atheist, so Bite Me @ 12:15 pmCurrent Mood: no mood Current Music: Aimee Mann - Pavlov's Bell Yesterday Averill and I went to see the film Saved! at the Angelica. For me it was a frightening revisit to what my high school experience could have been like if I had gone to any other Christian prep school. Episcopalians, not so end to the conversions. More into the alcohol. But there were some similarities. I did have the experience of people saying "Rock on Jesus" and the like and people have attempted to save me many a time though not always in the high school setting. I kept making friends who seemed nice enough at the time but would later trick me in to coming with them to one of the Baptist churches in polk county, usually under the guise of something fun like going to a water park. The only catch was you had to get saved before water park fun. It was never a pleasant experience and gave a very poor few of Christians in general. I just felt so betrayed by these kids that I actually though wanted to be my friend when really they just wanted to check my off the list of heathens they had written in youth group. In high school I became very anti-Christian to the point I considered changing my name. It was lucky I was too shy to be obnoxious about it because I bet I would have been nasty to people. But now I am not so bad. I try to be open minded to the good points of Christianity but all in all want to have nothing to do with it. I go to church at Christmas where I pray and sing as devoutly as anyone but that is only to make my grandmother happy. She had to put up with four years of me sulking in the pu(sp?), militantly refusing to say or do anything that might be construed as taking part in the service. I was a pretty big hypocrite back then, preaching open mindedness but hating all Christians. Oh well, we can't all be perfect. July 9th, 2004Someone Else in a Me Suit @ 11:34 pmCurrent Mood: dorky Current Music: Fastball - Fire Escape Cat Update: Meow The kitties are now living the fully integrated lifestyle. Last night I didn't separate them and found them curled up together under my futon in the morning. Yea! I can put up the Jurassic Park gate before Dean returns. I believe Charm is officially a success. He is now a litter box expert and keeps Jinx extremely occupied which is his main job. Jinx is now tired at night with out two hours of vigorous play on my part. I can sleep through the night and he is a happy cat. It's a win/win situation. On Laziness It was a banner day for me because I washed about half the dishes in the sink prior to them growing a furry coating and ultimately scurrying away. I wasn't so lucky with the coffee maker for it seems that coffee was made at somepoint in May and the filter con used coffee grounds was never removed. Mmmm, moldy goodness. The apartment is still piled with objects (clothes, boxes, books, ect.) that are not in there proper places. Each room as at least one large section of cardboard box that I have to using to heighten the Jurassic Park gate. My desk has journal articles piled several inches high as well as an assortment of soda cans. I was motivated to clean to clean this mooring, but by the time I had gotten through the first load of dishes, laundry, and trash (five bags worth) I had lost said motivation. What did I do instead? You guessed it, sat my ass down on the couch and watched Buffy with an occasional hiatus to enter my current fantasy world in which I am asked by Joss Whedon to become an equestrian advisor in a new Buffy movie. I teach certain cast members basic riding skills and train the horses for the complicated film sequences. Of course the whole fantasy centers around a sordid romance with James Marsters and I'll stop there before I embarrass myself further. I'm just not in the mood to be me right now. Well, in my fantasy I am me, but I am a super cool me who can play an instrument and am extremely clever and outgoing in social situations. Okay maybe I am not me but someone else in a me suit. There is a reason my journal is called Fantasies and Delusions and well, that is pretty much it. |
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