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[05 Jan 2005|01:26am]
Has anyone else ever noticed how much Lil John looks like Junior?

Because it's a lot.
Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You

[02 Jan 2005|10:54pm]
Well I just found out that the Eagles are coming to town (well, not exactly here, but Wilkes Barre). Yes, the mother fuckin EAGLES!, and my parents don't want to go!!! Don't want to go, as in DO NOT want to go!!!! I can't believe it...

This is probably gonna sound like a really stupid question, but does anyone wanna go with me?...please? I'll buy your ticket if I have to!

the end.
Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You

[31 Dec 2004|10:24pm]
It was on this day 30 years ago that Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks joined Fleetwood Mac.

aahhhh, it gives me the warm fuzzies <33
Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You

[31 Dec 2004|10:01pm]
I was gonna go to my first real New Year's party, and I got sick =(

It felt like there was a demon in my stomach shoving knives through from the inside out.

Happy friggin' new year.
Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You

strange are the ways of a very complicated world...and there you are [23 Dec 2004|02:45am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | buckingham nicks- without you ]

I always end up wanting the things that are too good to ever come true. This is one of those things...

No, I can't help the way I feel. And no matter how much I try to fight and resist it, the feeling just grows stronger everyday. It kinda hurts cuz I know the feeling probably won't ever grow into anything more, but (cliche alert!) I guess that's why they call it a crush...bleh

How do I always end up liking the guys I have absolutely no chance with? I mean, a challenge is good every once in a while, but this is getting ridiculous. My heart is playing games with my brain, and more often than not the ol' brain suffers a devastating loss.

I think it's time for me to start being more open and matter-of-fact. Bitches.

And I also think I cut my fingernails too short.

I have to wake up for work in 6 hours and I'm not even asleep yet.

(if this whole thing didn't make sense, it's not my fault).

To wrap everything up in a neat little package:
I'm so, so sick of being alone, and I want the perfect guy to come and sweep me off my feet. I want him to steal me away and never let me look back and all that junk. Weak people do not fare well on their own, and I'm tired of trying to convince myself I'm strong when I know it's far from the truth.
I'm also so, so sick of trying to convince myself that the wrong guy is "Mr. Right."

Lastly, I have no patience. I told myself a while ago that I would stop trying to make things happen, and just let fate take its course. But fate is fuckin slow, and I'm really starting to get antsy.

This may sound conceited, but it's's just coming from someone who is completely insecure that needs a little reassuring every once in a while. I need someone to tell me that I'm beautiful, and that I'm smart, and that I'm creative, and that I'm talented...and to really mean it. Not just to be saying it for the sake of saying, it truly, honestly mean it.

I hate liars.

What I do not need is someone who will put off making decisions, someone who just wants to "hook up" and won't come around again until they want to hook up again, someone who takes me for granted, or someone who doesn't appreciate me for who I am and the things that I do and the dreams that I hope someday will become reality.

I'm wacky, I realize that. I have an undying love for Al Gore, for God's sake. I need someone who will love me even more because of my wackiness. Maybe even someone who I can love for his own wackiness.

I need someone who likes to be cuddly and cute, and romanitc, and someone who likes to be dumb sometimes just because it's fun. But also someone I can have a serious, intense conversation with every once in a while just to make sure my brain is still working.

I'm the sissy version of a guy. Guys think with their dicks instead of their brains.
I think with my heart instead of my brain.


I'm too tired.

"You know I've always been a dreamer
Spent my life runnin around
And it's so hard to change
Can't seem to settle down..."

Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You

[22 Dec 2004|11:37pm]
GPA for first semester = 3.55

booya!!! =)
Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You

The bridge will bring us back together [16 Dec 2004|03:06am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | aquateen hunger force ]

My last paper is completed. Now all I have to do is hand it in tomorrow morning and I am DONE! *does happy dance*...haha, at least my happy dance doesn't have anything to do with my penis being boys who have lots of sex and then share every detail are funny.

i can start my book tomorrow night =)

time for bed.

2 Have |Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You

[15 Dec 2004|01:39am]
oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god

there's snow on the street =)

it looks like powdered sugar

i feel like im 5

time for bed

Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You

one of my favorite songs eveeeerr [15 Dec 2004|12:58am]
[ music | fleetwood mac- i know im not wrong ]

Her lips were waiting
Her eyes looked sad
The dreams of a lifetime
A year gone bad

The dreams of a lifetime
Told me wrong
Everything was alright
And now it's gone

Don't blame me
Please be strong
I know I'm not wrong

Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You

I think I have met my match...he was singin [15 Dec 2004|12:28am]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | fleetwood mac- sara ]

I had one final today, history. I was scared for my life, but it actually wasn't bad at all. I finished it in 10 minutes and have enough confidence to say that I aced it...or maybe answered one question incorrectly. Go me! After that, the rest of my day was spent working on, that's right, more finals. I finished the presentation I have to do on No Child Left Behind (amazingly), and now I'm working on my personal mission statement. I don't know why I always get myself so worked about things and make them seem like they'll be harder to do than they actually are. Maybe it's just because I don't want to do them...who knows

"When you build your house, then call me...home"

This week isn't going by fast enough. I just can't wait for Thursday night to be over. Stephen, I got a call from work tonight and they said I have to work to 10:30 Thursday night instead of 8:30 =( If that's too late to do something, let me know and we can hang out another time. I'm free Friday night because I'm a loser!!!

"Hold on, the night is coming..."

I wish it would just snow already. It doesn't seem like Christmas without snow. Can you believe that there's only 1 1/2 weeks left until Christmas?! CrAzZzZy!!!

Christmas is supposed to be a time of joy and all that shit. Sure, I'm happy. Or atleast I tell myself I'm happy. But sometimes there's this pain inside that just won't seem to go away. It feels like somethings eating my soul, my heart. And there's a heaviness in my chest that just makes me want to scream, or cry, or go crazy...or all three.

"So I go insane, like I always do..."

Whenever I decide to write something, I erase it. Everytime I decide to dial a number, I immediately hang up the phone. Everytime I decide to say something, I remain silent.
I don't want to be silent anymore.
Yes, I do want to scream.
But I'd wake up the dogs, and I don't want to put up with that.

I guess I'll get back to writing that paper...*sigh* Looks like I'll be pulling an all-nighter tonight...and probably tomorrow night, as well. Since I only have a few hours after my final to write my LAST paper, and when I have to go to work. And I'm working until 11. Or midnight, I don't remember...but it's late. bleeehh...

"every night that goes between, I feel a little less..."

fleetwood mac <3

Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You

[14 Dec 2004|10:29pm]
"Oh, Johanna, just start bullshitting."
--thats what my mom said when i was talking to her about writing my personal mission statement...hahahahaha, i love her
Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You

[14 Dec 2004|07:57pm]
I've been here before a few times
And I'm quite aware we're dying
And your hands they shake with goodbyes
And I'll take you back if you'd have me

So here I am I'm trying
So here I am are you ready

Come on let me hold, you touch you, feel you
Kiss you, taste you, all night

And I'll miss your laugh your smile
I'll admit I'm wrong if you'd tell me
I'm so sick of fights I hate them
Let's start this again for real

So here I am I'm trying
So here I am are you ready
Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You

[14 Dec 2004|12:40am]
a href="">blind


Your World (Part One): What is your world made of? [girls]

brought to you by Quizilla
Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You

monkey-wiesel!! [13 Dec 2004|01:18pm]
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | rhcp ]

Saw "National Treasure" last night with the family (which isn't too much of a surprise since we're all history nerds), and it was reallllly good. I just saying the whole entire time "how cool would it be if this were actually real." And I think I started to annoy Erica after a while...ha.

So I have so much studying to do/papers to write/presentations to do...and I'm not doing any of it. I'm sitting here instead. And I have work in 2 1/2 hours...uh oh =\

thursday cannot some soon enough...

thursday thursday thursday thursday

2 Have |Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You

And you know that notion just crossed my mind [12 Dec 2004|02:03am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | snl ]

I'm really bored, so i'm going to post some of my favorite song lyrics. i can do that because this is MY jouranl, and I can do whatever the fuck I want. So if you clowns don't wanna read, don't clicky the linky...(by the way, it's not easy bein' cheesey...)

Read more... )

Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You

My destiny says that I'm destined to fall [09 Dec 2004|01:53pm]
[ mood | ache-y ]
[ music | the beatles ]

So it's a blazing inferno in school today. Mix that together with my hot flashes, and I feel like I'm about to disinegrate into a pile of dust. Bleh.

I just took my first final. It wasn't too bad, but I'm kinda sad the class is over. Dr. Mohan was a funny guy, and now I don't get to see Borthwick, Pat, and Rita twice a week anymore. But it means that this semester is that much closer to being over, and I feel damn good. I just want to start reading my book...Yes, I will actually be reading for PLEASURE this holiday season. wooo!!

And I also hope to be spending more time with Caitlin this holiday season because I feel like we need to get reconnected. We haven't had a 'girl talk' in sooooooooo long. And I feel really bad that I couldn't sleep over the other night. I really need to stop putting my work off until last minute (shame on me!).

I'm so bored. I still have about 40 minutes left until I have to go to my next class. Maybe I'll go sit outside for a while and cool myself off. I need a large block of ice.

"look at me for a very long time...but not enough to fall"

Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You

[09 Dec 2004|01:06am]
Read more... )
5 Have |Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You

[08 Dec 2004|04:21pm]
They hurt you at home
And they hit you at school
They hate you if you're clever
But they dispise a fool
'Til you're so fucking crazy
You cant follow their rules

john lennon <3
Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You

Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans [08 Dec 2004|03:17pm]
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | john lennon- beautiful boy ]

John Lennon died 24 years ago tonight.

"beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy..."

I need to write my final for philosohpy, but my brain isn't working. I think it shut down sometimes last week, and everything that's come out since then has been totally useless. It's about censorship in music, which isn't that hard of a subject...but nothing is coming out...

"before you cross the street, take my hand
life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans"

"before you go to sleep, say a little prayer
every day, in every way, is getting better and better"

Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You

[08 Dec 2004|12:24am]
I don't want to say what I really want to say.

But it's killing me.
1 Have |Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You

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