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[24 Aug 2004|01:44am]

That's a pretty sobering sentence there, "You voluntarily assume the risk of serious injury OR DEATH by attending this event..." I always get caught for a second or two by that one.

Well, hello my darling Live Journal friendlings. This may be my last post for a couple of weeks since we are about to leave for our beloved Burning Man. I've gone really blonde and tomorrow I'll be getting lots of dreads. I've decided to leave them blonde and use yarn and silk and chiffon flowers to make my gardeny head of hair. I've got pouffy crinoline skirts, plenty of bras and camisoles, my trusty black Doc Martins and pink and black fuzzy and stripey socks, ballerina tutus and fairy costumes, and some great wings that I bought from a woman who knows how to make them -- not those cheapo Ahhhs strap on kind, these are hand built on big wires.

I've decided to take down my fun and friendly sign that I've had on my front security gate for the last few months. It's just too much trouble for me to keep fighting the tide on this one. Apparently someone called the police on me, (for a funny, friendly little sign, can you imagine? this neighborhood is way, way, way too uptight for me, I so have to move), because they thought I was running some sort of business from my home because my little sign says, "Open Thursday Through Sunday Until 11:00" or something like that. Anyway they came by and we weren't home, so they interviewed some of my neighbors. Being a stubborn, strong willed, naughty, individualistic Jacqui, and keeping this sign up, just isn't worth the threat this poses to my animals. Sad.

The jasmine at Scott's house was so amazing last night. It was like ambrosia or nectar for my nose -- nasal nectar -- doesn't sound too good, but it was heavenly for me. Scott found it "too cloying," waaaa, jasmine is so attractive to me it's orgasmic. I can't just walk on by, I have to stop and marvel at it, take it in and experience it, oh heaven. I plucked some blossoms and put them in my purse and on my dashboard and still today that wonderful scent lingered, mmmm, jasmine. I wonder if the fact that I lost my virginity while bathed in the scent of jasmine that wafted through the open French doors of my lover's parent's lovely garden has something to do with this.

Scott is definitely buying a house. I'm so excited about this. Change frightens me but excites me at the same time and I am so house proud and interested in decorating and nesting that I feel like a kid at Christmas. My Mom knows me so well she said, "I bet you're going to want to furnish his whole house," I told her no but the truth is that I'm just dying to start looking for furniture for him. I'm so good at this that whenever I put out that I need something it just kind of finds me, or I find it, in alleyways, on the curb, (seriously we've found some of the best stuff put out with the trash), at garage sales and flea markets. I've also got plenty of stuff in my garage and in storage that I can let go of.

I'm really looking forward to Scott's buying a new bed that we can be comfortable in. I've never really liked the bed he has because it came from his last relationship, it's small, it's old, and it's super uncomfortable. I bought him the couch that he has but it was used when we got it and now it sags so badly it seriously hurts to sit on it, there's a huge pit in the center and you can't sit on it without falling into it.

I'm also looking forward to using his new spa/Jacuzzi and having, ahem, a fun time with him in it. I hope he'll have lots of parties and that he'll be very happy there, I'm sure he will be. It has a good number numerologically -- I take these things seriously.

Anna and Esther have been fighting. It's been a big, messy, pain in the ass, stress inducing drama and isn't worth writing about.

I finally got my butt over to Kitty B's house today and took her some of the many things I've been collecting for her. She was so happy and grateful and that's always rewarding and happy making. She showed us all of her latest projects and the cover of the book we worked on together. I gave Spot another octopus squeaky toy and he/she was soooo happy chewing on it, attacking it, and whipping it back and forth. Kitty liked Beau, I think, and she was in such a sweet, happy, good mood. It was fun seeing her. She gave us two jars of her super delicious homemade mulberry jam, yum.

Beau and I did tons of errandy things together today. He needed clothes so we went to Pacific Sunwear and The Gap. We got him a bike like mine because the other bike was just too hard for him to ride. We'll either sell the other one, give it away, or keep it as an extra for when friends come over and want to go riding with us.

I've been going to the tanning salon and doing a little mix of tanning bed and mystic spray tan so I won't be the white scar belly girl on the playa. I need to get a bikini wax and was wondering if I should get it cut into a funny shape and dye it, or just wait until I get out there and go to the bikini shape camp. I think I'm too shy for that though so maybe I'll just get a normal trim, who knows. I still have to buy a ton of condoms to give away out there and boxes of something, some kind of toy for the kids. Oh and I still have to make trading/business cards and Kidsville Please Return Me to 5:30 and Earth laminated tags for the kids who inevitably toddle off.

You know usually all I can think about is getting out on the playa and taking pictures of everyone and everything, that and looking for naughty things to get voyeuristic on. This year I'm looking forward to the kids. I want to play with babies and toddlers. I want to hang out with people in our camp and make new friends. I'm so excited I can hardly slow my spinning mind down long enough to sleep. Everywhere I go, everyone I speak to, it's just, "Bla bla bla bla Burning Man." But I don't have a pat answer for the inevitable question, "Oh yeah, what is that, I think I've heard of it?" I honestly can't come up with a succinct one or two sentence explanation for what it means to us, for what it's like. If I just freely associate with words here maybe I can come up with something; love, glitter, happiness, sun, dust, nudity, people, community, art, art, art, fire, sequins, sparkles, moonscape, desert, fire, survival, gift economy, eco friendly, survival, sex, love, water, sun, heat, storms, weather, rave, music, art cars, center camp, kids, bikes, love, sex, water, fire, survival, art, yoga, da man... See, that doesn't even begin to touch what the experience is like for me. I wonder why it's so hard to put words to. Someday I'll figure it out : )

I bought lots of books to read in case we get weathered in and wind up having to stay in our big ass thirty foot super discounted, woo, woo, thank you Scott, motorhome. One year we lost two whole days that way, the playa was just impassable, too thick with mud to ride a bike on, rain for days and then terrible white out dust storms that would come up so suddenly you'd have to dive for shelter or pull people in out of it because you literally could not see your hands in front of your face. Oooh that reminds me, I need to buy dust masks.

We met a lot of pet pals today, there was a little dog named Guido at the cafe near the bank, Kitty's sweet dog Spot, then two Chow/Lab mix puppies who licked me up and down and sniffed under my skirt at the vet, and a little shy Chihuahua with pneumonia, oh and kittens. The best days are always filled with animals.

Okay well, I should get going. Here are the latest dresses of my Mother's and Grandmother's that I won on eBay;
Grandma's Silk Dress
Granny's Black and Pink Seeveless Dress
Jean Carol Skirt, Yeay!

And here are some costumey things I bought for our trip;
I love this gals little goth dolly slip dresses. I need to learn how to make these myself because most of hers are too small for me.
This is an old 40's bathing suit I bought -- love the vintage bathing suits.
Aren't these hysterical? I bought a few of these frilly little baby doll panties. They'll look good under my flippy crinoline skirts.
This is a baby doll costume I bought. It's so cute and funny and comfortable. I was kind of blown away when I discovered there were so many baby costumes for adults on eBay.
I bought a few ballet/tutu costumes from this gal. I'm going to remake them a bit and use them as fairy costumes.

Here are a couple of cool girly links

Okay, I'm beat. I hope I get a chance to log in again before we leave. I read somewhere that we can actually get Internet access from the playa, that would be so terrific. I would love to be able to share photos and write to you in real time. We'll be heading out on Thursday and will likely take our time traveling slowly up the coast. We love the beach and want to visit out friend with 500+ cats in Santa Barbara and gather moonstones in Cambria. I'm hoping to go north along the beach and then cut in before San Francisco and drive through Sacramento, into the Sierra's where if we have time we'll camp and play at this pretty spot where we hung out for a day or so a couple of years ago, then on through Reno, Gerlach, and hopefully arrive at Burning Man at midnight on Sunday.

Where did the summer go?

Sleep well everyone.

Love you,

PS: Hey, no one's barfed or peed on me tonight, what's with that?
29 happy naked souls|speak to me

Life Is So Full And Stillness Comes Hard To Me [20 Aug 2004|06:10pm]

These first two pictures are by my friend Julian. I'm hoping we'll be able to hook up with him and his partner Jackie this year but one never knows. Sometimes when you get out there things just take on their own shape and plans have to be set aside.

Oh man everyone, I am starting to spin out from the stress of trying to prepare for Burning Man. I have such a weird phobia of traveling, or of preparing to travel, and I love to travel. I would love to be a nomad as long as I had a well oiled home base to return to. It's just that I am such a crippled perfectionist, (seriously, I have been doing so much work on this in therapy and now, at this late age, I think I am finally getting a handle on this, not that the anxiety has lifted or anything but understanding the psychological mechanics of it is helping me), that when I have to get anything done, rather than take it one step at a time and tackle it bit by bit until it gets done, I tend to wait until the last second and do a rushed, panicked, not as good as it could have been if I'd had more time, kind of job. That way I don't have to get mad at myself for forgetting to bring or do something I feel that I should have done.

Getting ready for something as massive an undertaking as Burning Man really brings this out in me. It's all about survival and then comes the art. First there are the basics, getting a motor home, making sure you have enough food and water, blankets, sheets, pillows, towels, food and meals, your basic medications and extra meds for emergencies that might come up when you're out in the middle of nowhere, sunscreen, and aloe in case you burn, face cream, Blistex for your lips, plenty of socks to prevent playa foot which can be super painful, and clothes, clothes for the burning heat of the day, and warm clothes for the cold nights, and costumes that tell the world who you really are on the inside because this is one of the only places on earth where you really can be your true self and be loved for it, umbrellas for sun and rain, goggles for dust storms, and dust masks so you can breathe when they come up. Then there are all of the electronic things you don't want to be without, a laptop with extra batteries, cameras and camcorders and film, flashlights, headlights, wood, matches, gasoline, flame throwers, plastique, (heh, just kidding, just wanted to see if you were listening), did I mention extra batteries, radios and CD players that will record the Burning Man radio stations you will want to listen to when you leave and are aching for the playa, bikes, bikes and more bikes and things for your bikes, things to give away, things to make and give away, shwag to trade, hats and hair and makeup, jewelry and paint. Beyond that there is the "What am I going to bring contribute to our community?" question. We try to make condom bracelets to pass out and sometimes we pull it off, but sometimes we wind up having to make them out there. Which reminds me I need to call APLA and a few local orgs to see if I can get anyone to donate some condoms to our cause. I need condoms, strips of tulle and bits of fabric, glue, guns, glue sticks, the little papers we wrap them in, and staples.

Isn't this woman lovely? I LOVE her body paint job, the whole garden thing is so inspiring to me, I'm going to let it carry me across the playa this year; daisies, bees, and gardens, yep. Thank you beautiful blonde muse woman.

It's never ending and we still have sooo much of this to sort out and do. I've got my babydoll costumes, my tulle skirts and ruffled panties, slip dresses and things, but I'm still working on bras. I bought some gypsy belly dancing beaded tops and G-strings that were supposed to be large sized but on me are just a joke. I mean the fabric in the middle barely covers my nipples and my breasts just spill out on either side. I'm going to give these to Atra's daughters and hope their parents don't freak out. I guess I'll just have to take some basic bras, dye them, and add embroidery, sequins, rhinestones and yarn, unless Atra can knit up a couple of tops for me by next Wednesday.

Hair-wise I'm going for the usual dread pigtails but I'm still undecided about the color. One year I dyed my hair shades of turquoise, light blue, and green and other years I've gone with my favorite reds, berries, and fuschia Manic Panic sorts of colors. This year I'm leaning towards natural blondish colored dreads with yarn ties, pom poms and bits of tulle and silk tied throughout. At least that way I won't have to thrash my hair trying to dye it back when I take it all out.

I love that I'm thinner, stronger, and healthier, but I hate that my body is sagging so badly. I was less shy about being nude in public when I was a hundred and thirty pounds fatter than I am now because of my skin, oh well, that's what clothes are for.

This is Ian Wood. Isn't he pretty? I love naked people, love, love, love them and I swear I do not get why people are so uptight about nudity as if nudity = sex when it simply doesn't.

Moving on to heavier or maybe not so heavy things;

A friend of mine, who I love, and who I think is one of the best people on the planet in every way, is or was really hurting and did something dramatic, and it is so hard to just let in be, in a lovely, Beatles sense of the word. My big, fat, black buzzy bee of an ego, (nothing against big or black or fat or bees, that's just how I see it, like one of those big wood eating bees that buzz around and scare people, they mean no harm they're just kind of super big, loud and scary), wants to jump into hyper-fix-it drive, cuddle her up, and make it all better, and she more than likely doesn't need this at all. She's so smart and wonderful and is always miles ahead of me so what could I do to help her out anyway? It's just that I hate to see anyone in pain. I hate to have to step back respectfully and let people walk their own paths. She is totally capable of doing whatever it is she does to deal with her pain and move on from there. I'm sure she doesn't need me to come in, reflect on things and offer to save her, while my own boat is constantly under threat of sinking because it's always so full of leaks that need plugging.

I talked about this in therapy yesterday and the feedback I got was to love my friend, to let her know that I am here for her IF she needs me, but to keep my focus on my own life and to stop thinking that I need to save everyone else, or that I even have the ability to do that, or that they would want me to, or that they even need saving. It's such an ego lesson, to just breathe through things, be in the present, trusting that everything unfolds as it is meant to, like a perfectly imperfect flower. People need to experiment, they need to learn by doing, and we can't stop them from feeling the pain that takes them to their next level, whatever that might be, no matter how much we might want to spare them something because we've been there ourselves.

I'll give you a perfect example of this because I know I'm being a bit vague and elliptical here in order to respect my friend's anonymity; there is a person in my therapy group who had some issues she was working through the last time I was there, two in particular that really rang my, "I can relate to this and sympathize with you completely," bells. I went away worrying about her, thinking I knew more than she did about what was going on, and when I came back to therapy more than a month later, she had resolved these things and moved on so completely that she didn't even remember what I was referring to.

I had been wasting my psychic energy spinning the worry wheels over things that she had long since grown and worked through all on her on, without me. That's where my ego comes in, me, me, me, as if I am some super being who knows what's best for everyone else and can solve everything. I just have to remember to take care of my own stuff, love people, make myself available without unnecessary self sacrifice, and breathe.

Sammy, one of my many wonderful black cats, just got a hold of the paper towel roll that I forgot to put away, grabbed it and started wrestling with it, doing that kick, kick, kitty thing with his back feet. When I leaned over and looked at him he froze, then quickly jumped up and left the roll behind. He knew he was being naughty, and we are so connected that all it took was a look. Oh if only parenting my son worked like this.

Okay off I go to do fun things like build up my tan, take naughty bras to my friends, check out the bikes at the bike store, buy yarn for bras and bits and pieces of fabric, rhinestones and sequins and look for lingerie. I think I am going to allow my green haired troll dolls to be my inspiration this year. Green trolls, flowers, gardens and bees. I was going to try to go in keeping with the vastness of the universe theme but I don't really know how to or want to incorporate the beauty of deep space onto my person. Maybe when I get there I can find a pal who will do an outer space themed body paint job on me but in the meantime it's trolls in the garden.

I tried to find an image of a green haired troll but this was the best I could do on short notice. I put him in front of one of my roses for year, yeay trolls, I think they scare some people but I think they're sweet.
25 happy naked souls|speak to me

[15 Aug 2004|04:39pm]

This is Niki, my favorite cat, but please don't tell Jake or any of my other favorite cats that I said this. Nikilananda, or Niki for short, is a Cornish Rex -- curly cats who originated in Cornwall, England. Oh England My Lion Heart, pardon me while I go off on a little Kate Bush tangent for a moment here, I just happen to love all things British darn it...

Hi Gang, I've been putting my more internal, rambling, personal posts behind the Friend's List cut just to protect myself from unwanted criticism and judgment. I use my journal as an outlet for my thoughts and feelings and I need it to be a safe place to do that. I swear I do not understand what goes through people's heads when they read these journals and think they can just pop in and leave harsh condemning comments as if the people who write these journals are characters in some novel, as if we are some kind of abstract concept, a person at a great distance from their perfectly ordered worlds that they can judge and pick on and order about like some grade school science fair project.

Look people, (I'm not talking to you, so don't worry, this is for them), I'm real, I spit, I bleed, I hurt just like anyone else, maybe more so because I'm so exquisitely sensitive. I'm also super bright with an enormous IQ, (if that really means anything), and believe me, if you think of it, there's a good chance I thought of it long before you did and it's just that given the complicated circumstances of my life, I haven't been able to translate these thoughts into action and changed the same things about myself that you would choose to change were you in my place. Or it might be as simple as my having had to pick and choose my battles and make peace with some things just as they are for a while. Or it might just be that my rate of change is as slow as the movement of the panes of glass on an old house. I'm moving, you just don't see it because it isn't fast enough, for you.

Please remember that IMHO we are all here to learn, no one of us is really any better at any of this than any other, our children pick the parents they choose to live with long before they ever pass through our bodies into their own, and these are their learning journeys as well. If I parent my child, if I treat my friends and family, if I care for my many pets, differently than you would, well, that's just my path and it just happens to be different from yours. Lets skip forward twenty years and see what you've made of your life before you receive my permission to come in here and stir things up in mine. Nuff said. Sorry to have gone off on that when all I really wanted to do was share a couple of cute cat pictures. None of this applies to the people who remain on my Friends List, your advice and comments are welcome as long as they are given with love and consideration of my highly attuned, way too Godamned sensitive, feelings.

With all that said, please let me know if you've asked me to add you and I haven't done that yet. If you're kind, loving and safe I'll be glad to welcome you in to my, Let's Meet the Parent's, Robert Deniro's Circle of Trust ; )

This is Sammy. I looove black cats and think that, contrary to popular belief, they are very lucky indeed. Sammy, like most of my cat friends, is a naughty cat. He is forever looking for things to get into and people and pets to pester. Can you tell that from this sweet picture?
30 happy naked souls|speak to me

[15 Aug 2004|03:32am]
I picked up Mom at her house early this morning and then took her to The LA Country Club to pick up her friend who used to be her sister-in-law when she was married to her first husband Denny. I took both of them to The Beach Club where they were going to meet their friends to play bridge.

That's Mom on the right and her ex-sister-in-law is on the right just above her.

Mom's friend was Julia Child's next door neighbor in their retirement complex in Santa Barbara, and was naturally upset that she had passed away yesterday. She said that they ate together all the time and that even though she wasn't well she still had that terrific sense of humour and was a wonderful friend and neighbor. She recounted the time when Julia entertained her neighbors by making a mock recipe at the twenty-fifth, (bisto-panj if you're looking for that number in Farsi -- it's one of the few new words I've managed to retain and is naturally my new favorite, bisto-panj, bisto-panj, bisto-panj -- I love the sound of it for some reason), anniversary of their retirement complex by mixing all kinds of wacky ingredients into a big laundry basket. She added all kinds of things that wouldn't go together and certainly wouldn't make a good stew like old shoes and fruit and various funny ingredients.

This is the beach with some of the members equipment or beach chairs and umbrellas set up along the little board walks. This was a pretty uncrowded day. On holidays every spot of sand is covered with these old fashioned umbrellas and beach chairs. We pay monthly rental fees to store them and the "beach boys" take them out and set them up for us when we ask them to.

Once Mom was settled with her friends I took some pictures of the club to share with you and then had lunch in the grill. The manager of the more casual of the two restaurants at the club, Caesar, has been there for thirty years and has always been pretty flirty with me through the years. I thought he was just being friendly until he came over to my table today, pulled up a chair, and confessed that he's always had a crush on me and would like to take me out for a drink, yikes, and he's married, double yikes.

This is the living room. It has three large seating areas. There is also a large porch with fabulous views of the ocean from all sides, game rooms, a bar area, formal dining room, informal grill, large dance party area, gym, nursery, volleyball courts, paddle tennis courts, men's and women's locker rooms, kid's arts and crafts and summer beach camp areas, screening room, a couple of TV rooms with plasma screens, two play yards for kids with swings, an outdoor private party room, an outdoor pit bar, an adults only roof bar, and of course the private beach that ends at the bike path.

Mom didn't need me to come back for her for a couple of hours to take her to a hair appointment, and even though I was tired I didn't think I could really get anything done at home in that short of a period of time, so I just kind of puttered around and shopped. I went to a pet store and played with the bunnies and puppies. Then I went to Fred Segal's and poked around in the West store while talking on my cell phone to Scott about whether he should just buy the one house he's seen and has qualified for, or whether he should push himself that much further and see a few more properties. He pushed himself and were going to go see some of these other houses tomorrow night.

I enjoyed looking at the clothes and sort of picking up on the latest trends, lots of very deconstructed and reconstructed mini skirts and tee-shirts, rhinestones, chiffon, Paul Frank monkey things, a kind of eighties retro, rock and roll, vintage girly, lacey feel. Of course everything comes in sizes small through extra small there so there isn't anything that would fit me so I moved on to the East store where the accessories, makeup, perfume and shoes are.

On my way up the path I noticed this lonely, anxious, little, white Maltese doggy tied to a tree on this small patch of lawn. He looked so lonely and stressed I had to go over and keep him company. I always feel sorry for dogs when they are waiting for their people companions. At first he wasn't sure if I was good people or not but finally he just gave up and snuggled next to me. Hanging out with this dog and waiting for his owner to show up was one of the big highlights of my day.

Later I bought some cute bug shaped gardening tools for myself and Atra and these cool inexpensive flip flop sandals that are going to be a little hard to describe. They have clear jelly material for the thong part of the sandal and the rubber sole looks like a Japanese newspaper. Then they come set into this matching rubber rectangular background like a puzzle piece. I wish I had the time or energy to photograph them for you. Maybe I'll get around to it tomorrow but I still have to send of the credits to Sunday for the magazine shoot and burn my rose close up shots onto a DVD.

I had a snack at the Italian cafe there with the weird, ugly, tacky, life mask art, yuck, on the walls, and then headed back to the club to pick up Mom and her pal. They chatted amiably on the ride back about their ex-husbands and how much they both had disliked their Mother-in-law. I dropped off Mom at her hair salon, took her friend to the apartment she's renting at LACC, then doubled back to meet up with Mom.

I brought Mom some of the romance novels I'd recently bought for her so she could choose one to read while she sat under the hair dryer. She recently started reading again after years of being too anxious to read and in a very short period of time practically gobbled up every single one of Danielle Steele's sixty plus novels. I'm amazed and baffled by this, but I'm happy for her that she's found such a good new hobby. Of course she isn't likely to read anything too challenging but at least she's reading, yeay!

Mom's super charming and uber cool hair stylist Ashley added some more streaks to my hair and we had fun chatting about how much he likes to work out and how well he takes care of himself. I really like him. I like all of the people at this kind of downscale old fashioned hair salon that caters to the elderly -- lots of white haired gals with walkers, wheel chairs and helper people.

After that we went to get the Boba which is where I logged in earlier and even though I tired one more time to get Mom to like them I laughed so hard when she just suddenly and passionately burst out with a, "I hate these little things Jacqui! I just really hate them!" She also had trouble remembering what they're called referring to them as Vulvas, now come on, you've got to see the humour in that. When I corrected her and explained that vulvas are found below the waist on women she refused to believe me and argued that "There's a car called a Vulva. Now I know they try to make advertising all sexed up but they certainly wouldn't name a whole car after a vagina." God, Mom had me in stitches all day.

On the way back to her house we passed The W. Hotel in Westwood. There were some wildly dressed, or wildly underdressed, people standing around out front and Mom who is ever curious about anything unusual, especially if it is in any way sexual, was so curious she made me hang a right at the end of the block and come back around again so she could get a second look. These people looked like they were dressed for some kind of porn convention. There was one super buff, extremely tan guy wearing a teeny white bikini with nothing else on except for a big fluffy white feather boa, and a bunch of women in G-strings, push up bras and heels, (Scott would hate that, not), and another gal who was pretty much topless but for the thin, completely see-through, baby-doll dress she had on with her super high sex-kitteny heels. You should have seen my Mom craning her neck to get a better look at these guys.

When we got home I noticed one of the little brown lizards, that have been living forever in this patch of deeply overgrown jasmine that we have in the front yard, as it skittered out of our way. I said, "Mom, do you ever wonder if these lizards are the great, great, great, great grandchildren of the lizards that were here when we first moved in?" She said she had been wondering the same thing. I asked her if she didn't think they'd be really messed up from being so inbred and she said, "Well, what makes you think they aren't? They might be really crazy lizards." I don't know why but that struck me as so funny, thinking about these crazy inbred lizards that have been living in our front yard for so many years.

After I dropped Mom off and made sure she was safely tucked in I came back to my home and passed out Boba drinks. Hugo, Esther's husband, was letting their eleven year old daughter drive their car back and forth in front of the house and then Beau took a turn. I let Esther's son Eduardo, who turned eighteen today, go stay at our vacation house in the desert for the weekend. Esther and her sister Concha, who had been working in the back yard for me going through some of the stuff we took out of the garage when we remodeled it, told me that they had found eight dead rats in the garden. I have got to sneak into my neighbor's back yard and try to lay my hands on whatever poison they have been putting out and get rid of it. I'm guessing it's my neighbors who turned me in for having too many pets, the ones who have left for their house in Washington for four months. I can't imagine who else would be doing this since everyone else around here has pets and wouldn't do something like this. I feel so sorry for these rats. It's breaking my heart seeing them dead all over the garden every day.

Atra is having a party for her two adult kids tonight and Beau wants me to take him over there. I don't have any energy left but I'll go over for a really short visit to be polite and make Beau happy. I was over there earlier helping make appetizers and cleaning up. They had crackers and cream cheese but wanted to put something else on them so I ran back home for peppers and olives and grabbed some cilantro from my garden, but as I was breaking off the cilantro and decorating the cream cheese with bits of it, I noticed the tiniest green caterpillar with a black stripe running down the length of it's body. I might have eaten that or given it to someone else to eat. When it lifted up the piece of cilantro it was crawling along on, it kind of stood up and sniffed me, cute little thing, so I took it back outside and laid it down in the garden with some of the cilantro just in case that's all it can eat. There was no end to the yucks everyone had over my doing this. "Our crazy, silly, American friend Jacqui, she even loves the bugs."

Okay, well, off I go. Just wanted to share my day.

Love you,

PS: I just got back from Atra and Arta's party. They party hard, these guys. They cook for days, put out a big food spread, clear out their enormous two and a half story living room for dancing, and hire a super loud DJ who plays a mix of Middle Eastern music and pop. After drinks, dinner, desert, and tea they heat these charcoals on the stove and smoke all kinds of different fruity flavored tobaccos in water pipes or hookahs. Beau and I had a good time, I love our neighbor/friends, but the music, darn it, is just too loud. My ears are still ringing, that can't be good.

This is a new icon I'll just add to the pile and probably never use. I really need to update them along with the info on my info page, it's getting really outdated. I found this through a Live Journal friend's, friend's, friend's journal. I think. It's so much fun -- a little doll building program by Elouai and Candybar. Check it out, it's fun : )

This is my full length dolly/avatar grrl. It's so much cuter with the animation though -- the waterfalls, the twinkling stars, her sweet blinking eyes, and her little moving kitty pet.
22 happy naked souls|speak to me

Tyson The Skateboarding Dog : ) [13 Aug 2004|04:09pm]
Everyone has been so sad today I thought it might be time to revisit videos of Tyson the Skateboarding Dog. It won't get Rosa's kids out of jail, or bring my cats back to life, or make all of those marriages in San Francisco legal again, or remove the threat of terrorism and West Nile Virus, or clobber my mean neighbor over the head with a hammer, but it might make you smile for a minute or two, if you haven't seen it already.
5 happy naked souls|speak to me

Rollo says... [11 Aug 2004|02:24am]

I'm so tired and I have to get up early tomorrow for a four hour dentist appointment. I've been waiting for this appointment forever. My dentist parcels them out like diamonds. It's the same with my gynecologist. She stands me up, forgets to call, then doesn't have anything for months, argh, frustration. Anyway I need sleep badly but I am sitting here playing with this Haiku Thing I love Haikus. Here are some of the ones I pulled off the site.

Dogs swim in the sea
Fish make love, children are sick
and you drink water?

I love my big toe
It reminds me of something
That I can't mention.

"let's get a cold one..."
"Dad, eight year olds don't drink beer"
"Oh, yes I forgot"

So furry and sweet,
Whiskers and claws like razors --
Rats give me kisses.

Some people will ask,
"Why are you always naked?"
and I will just laugh.

I went to dinner tonight with Mom, Atra, Arta, Maryam, Guila and Farsheed. We took them to The Los Angeles Country Club. We ate outside on the patio and watched the evening turn dark. I had pasta and brought my salmon home for the cats. There was an amazing Valrohna chocolate sampler that we shared for dessert. Mom chatted happily with the men. I loved that she was happy. She's so smart and social, I've always admired this about her.

Last night I went with Scott to Northridge to see a house he is going to try to buy. I was happily surprised. It's a definite fixer upper in a neighborhood that is just waiting to be discovered -- not too great, not too terrible, houses barely under 500k. Amazing, that the same amount of money that once bought my friend Karen's gorgeous old haunted home in the Palisades and an entire lot next door, gets you a little shoe box in the valley now.

This housing market baffles me, but I want to see Scotti get something of his own and this would be a great way for him to start. It has three small bedrooms, one and three quarter baths, a fireplace, a living room/dining area, a storage unit barn thing in the backyard, a built in barbecue on the back patio and a nice spa/Jauzzi tub thing where I am certain we are going to have some fun.

We went for a walk afterwards and checked out the neighborhood. I talked to some of the neighbors to get a feel for the place. Then we drove around a bit and had dinner at a downscale Latin restaurant that had good authentic food.

I rode my funny, scary, bright green Italian Rollo the clown bike today. It says, "More clowns on more bikes...more often," and has a squeaky clown head for a horn. I'm usually pretty afraid of clowns but this one is kind of cute in an evil Italian sort of way.

There are way too many cats on my bed right now.

Wouldn't it be cool if tomorrow night I didn't have all of these empty spaces in my mouth where teeth used to be?

Wouldn't it be great if my Birth-Mother loved me enough to tell my who my Birth-Father is, told her family about me, and let me meet my brother and sisters. Dream on Miss Jacqui.

I keep trying to read back through my journals, responding to comments and visiting friend's journals but I never seem to be able to cover much ground, I'm too easily distracted. But I'll never stop trying.

Okay me super tired, must sleep.

Love you,

PS: Prayers for my cat Lucilla and Scott's getting his house?
4 happy naked souls|speak to me

[09 Aug 2004|04:54pm]
Please, please, please, please, please pray (sing, send positive healing light, light candles, meditate, visualize, whatever works for you), for Kat and Dan. Kat is RaggedyRobot here on Live Journal. Her life has been challenging enoughwith having lost an arm and a leg herself in a tragic car accident but now her husband has just broken his neck riding his mountain bike and the doctor's say he is going to be paralyzed from the neck down and will never walk again. They don't have insurance. There's a Paypal link for donations and an address to send cards to on her journal. I'm going to go send some money right now. So sad : (
12 happy naked souls|speak to me

Woohoo! That's It, We're Done, Finally! Phew! [08 Aug 2004|07:29pm]

This is a picture of my beloved Sydsu right before he ate a fly. He's so funny and he's so brave now when before he was so shy he seemed almost feral. You can see the new bedspread I had made -- that was fun. I can't keep it on the bed though -- it'll have to be one of those, "just for company," kind of things 'cause the cats will shred it. At the bottom of the bed you can see the top of an old glove mold that I bought a while ago and haven't been able to figure out what to do with. It had such a great sculptural quality that I had to have it. I should really be a professional shopper, I just don't know how to go about doing it. One of the painters asked me if the glove mold was some kind of cat scratcher for the cats to walk through. They also asked if some of our cats were Chihuahuas but everyone does that. I think that's Jake back there on the right.

This is about as close to what the actual shot of my bedroom is going to look like because Mark took it for me. Those are my squeaky cats that I collect on the top shelf there. I had to bring them back out of the garage because we had tucked them away when I got sick of having them plopping down on top of my head at night and frightening me awake, when the cats knock them off for kicks. They also like to walk across them and it sounds so funny because they squeak.

Sunday wrote the little plan on the black or green board. We were trying to think up things to write and while I would have preferred a quote or much better yet, anything drawn by my friend Jen, theOlive here on Live Journal, we wound up having to settle for this. I really don't think I would need to remind myself to have breakfast in bed since I pretty much do this every day when I have my daily protein shake and catch up on all things computer.

I've beaten this to death here on my journal but for anyone new, my Mother and Grandmother were dress designers and I collect their dresses when I can afford to buy them. This is one of Granny's, (Peggy Hunt), dresses. It's so pretty. It's silk, I just love this rose print and of course it has her trademark illusion lace neckline.

This is my bathroom but I forgot to turn on the light under the sink and I didn't get shots of the Chinese lanterns over the tub. Oh well, some other time. You can see them if you follow the link from my journal to the ME magazine photos. Funny thing though, I am so tired of this cutesy flowery style now that I am ready to move on to something else. I'd love to do a modern house, or a mid-century modern, even though that's been done to death. Oooh how about Japanese Luxe? Something kind of Hollywood meets Japanish?
Read more... )
54 happy naked souls|speak to me

Woman's Day Shoot -- Living Room, Powder Room, Dining Room [08 Aug 2004|06:47pm]

This is a close up shot of some of the things on either side of the mantelpiece in the living room. That's me when I was little taking ballet classes. The tiny picture is a shot of my Parents on a speedboat and the bigger picture in the back is of my Grandparents with my Mom. You can see one of the many pieces of Roseville that I collect. My favorite pattern is Apple Blossom but I also collect Magnolia. I collect both the blue and green shades of these as well as McCoy, Weller, Bauer, and other California Pottery pieces. It just depends on the look and feel of the piece and the glaze. In the living room it's mostly blues and greens with hints of pink and purple.

This is one of my doctor or dentist's cabinets that everyone was mad for a few years back. Everyone was stripping them down to the metal and then coating them so they wouldn't rust, mine rusted. I got tired of the look of the raw metal so I just painted them white. I'll probably get sick of the paint and strip them again in a couple of years. I keep these little Chinese planters and figurines in this one.

Here's the green cabinet in the dining room that got so much attention when it was in the last magazine shoot -- argh, Jake, my favorite cat, is just determined to sit on my lap, but he's too big and I can't type with him there. He's jealous because Leelu has managed to squeeze in to this little space between my body and the laptop and he wants to be where she is. I keep picking her up and moving her to the side and she just comes right back.

I don't know if you can see the little paintings to the right of the cabinet but they were my Dad's and I'd always liked them so one year Mom wrapped them up and gave them to me for Christmas, I was so touched I cried. They're old oil portraits on porcelain.

This is our powder room downstairs. This bathroom is off of the library on the ground floor, but when we folded the maid's room into Beau's room upstairs we no longer had a room for a live in, helper being, and I had to give up our library to Anna. I hate this because I'd always hoped we'd be able to use this room as a real library, a wonderful, comfortable, cozy place to read and rest but it's never really worked out that way. It always wound up being an emergency guest bedroom/catch all for all the junk we couldn't find anywhere better to store. Now Anna needs a bedroom and while this room is pretty, has really high ceilings and big French doors, it's not really good enough for her, at least not as a bedroom, she needs more privacy. I don't have a picture of it because with all the wood paneling it's kind of dark and hard to photograph.

I'm worried this is taking up too much bandwidth or stressing your browsers so I'll put the next few shots behind the cut and then come back again with my bedroom and master bathroom shots. Read more... )
20 happy naked souls|speak to me

Woman's Day Photo Shoot -- Kitchen Pics [08 Aug 2004|05:50pm]

Beau and I are taking guitar lessons twice a week with this nice guy you see here, Danny. He's very cool and super talented. He put up with all the photo shoot, house dressing, drama. We were shooting the garden when I took this picture of them.

This is our family room -- the room connected to the kitchen. The letters stand for our last names, C for Beau, T for Scott, and the H for me. I don't even remember where I got the Bra Salon sign but I love it. The Asian sign came from a dealer who has a house in Thailand. I have another one in my bedroom that's black and old and a big wooden astrologer/palm reader sign as well. I like old wooden signs, I think there's something cool about them, the colors and shapes, the feel of them.

There's a wonderful, old Victoria back there under that plant. The armoire was a gift from my parents when I turned sixteen -- it was probably the last thing I wanted at the time. I think I wanted a sweet sixteen disco party or something like that -- something I could wear a sequined tube top to.

Here's another angle of the kitchen/family room. I just had that valance made. Five years we've lived here and it took this magazine shoot to get me to finish the windows. I used vintage tablecloths I collect and had this woman we've only recently met, piece it together. I bought the pom pom trim for a song and she tacked it on for me. I think it turned out really well.

I'm putting more pictures behind the cut, some see...Read more... )
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