I want to be organized, really I do |
[22 Jul 2004|01:55pm] |
Okay, this question goes out to my people, the ones who have oodles and oodles of CDs. Just how the hell do you keep them organized? I tried the alphabetical thing but then everything gets all farked up when you buy a new CD that doesn't start with Z. So any suggestions? I'm tired of not knowing where my CDs are. For the record, I've got 3 CD notebooks. A CD tree for cases or something is not an option.
Public Service Announcement |
[21 Jul 2004|12:27am] |
Okay, kids, gather round. Simple titles that help the reader guess what your story is about are not necessarily bad things. However, despite how wonderful your Pokemon/FF VII crossover may be, it is never a good idea to name your story Poke Fantasy 7. Trust me, you won't attract the audience you want.
Honeymoon Blue on eBay |
[19 Jul 2004|01:23pm] |
Thought some of y'all might be interested in this.
Make up yer mind already |
[17 Jul 2004|02:43pm] |
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I'm wearing a nose strip! |
] |
From this fic's author notes: "Sorona: Yea, I kno.......it sucked."
And yet if I agree publicly, I'm the flamer. Heh.
>.< |
[17 Jul 2004|03:37am] |
I think I'm a bit sick.
`nother meme I like |
[15 Jul 2004|11:30pm] |
Answer this in a comment, then paste the question in your journal if you feel like it.
"If you and I were alone in a room right now, what would we be doing?"
I may have to rethink this |
[15 Jul 2004|02:23pm] |
The whole "Eat healthy, yay!" salad-and-yogurt lunch thing is not going to work so well if I'm hungry two hours after lunch.
Now this is an interesting meme |
[14 Jul 2004|04:56pm] |
1. Go to my userinfo page 2. Pick one person on my friends list you're curious about 3. Comment with their username. 4. And I will tell you about them.
I'm back! |
[13 Jul 2004|05:03pm] |
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tepid |
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Counting Crows - Accidentally in Love |
] |
And feelin' kinda pukey. Damn nutrition-impaired road trip diet. And to add to the nauseous feeling is this little gem. It includes such gems as:
“Its me! In the flesh!” Vash said “yea and I wanted to have that little talk, that I started 12 years ago until you said that there were spooks on the ground floor.”
“Yea...It was sort of a bad time. You know...a family death.” Mary an replied
“You mean that fagola guy that tried to kill you?!” Vash said
So really, what are you waiting for? Put it on your favorites list today!
Texas |
[09 Jul 2004|11:17pm] |
...is large, hot, and mostly flat. I like it okay so far. *waves to chaobell* I've finished 2.5 books and Casey exploded my text message inbox. My brother works on the Starship Enterprise. His cat is terrified of the old Steve Urkel doll.
All in all, I'm having a good time.
Off I go |
[08 Jul 2004|06:46am] |
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awake |
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Verizon commercial on the radio |
] |
I'll be in Texas until Tuesday. *waves and sniffles* Okay, it's not that sad aside from the drive. Should be fun. And on the way back, what paragon of tack are we visiting?
Despite the fact that none of us are huge Elvis fans. It's just something you do if you're in Memphis. Anyway, whoever can explain in a comment why they aer most deserving shall receive some sort of really tacky, gauche Elvis souvenir. I don't know what it'll be yet but trust me--I know tacky.
See y'all later!
GIP. |
[06 Jul 2004|12:43am] |
I have one more new one but I stoleded it from fadingembers so it doesn't count.
*mental note to make Midvalley/Akio icon tomorrow*
[03 Jul 2004|11:43pm] |
Today I took my last few paychecks and basically threw them to the wind--that is, I bought a digital camera (and a Rewards membership, and a good-sized memory card) from Best Buy. This camera, to be specific. IT'S SO SHINY. <3 <3 <3 Not much to photograph at this hour, but I also got a haircut today, so I decided to show it off. The stylist used a flat iron; my hair hasn't been this straight since, oh, second grade. I like it! So does Dad--he kept saying how good he thought it looked, and he's not normally one to comment much on hair changes, so I felt all speshul. So here are some digital pictures of my shiny straight hair and my new room.
( This way to the pictchars )
Eep! |
[03 Jul 2004|09:42am] |
*gets nervous*
Argh argh argh |
[02 Jul 2004|04:47pm] |
So, does anyone want to fly to Ohio and set up my router? Cuz I sure can't seem to do it.
Good news, bad news |
[30 Jun 2004|12:45am] |
Good news: I got out of internship early today Bad news: I still had to work Good news: My jobs aren't as sucky as spicedrum's *huggles you* Bad news: Two on the same day don't allow me time to do much else. Good news: Next week we're driving to see my brother and his wife. Bad news: THEY LIVE IN TEXAS. Good news: I scanned a Wolfwood/Meryl doujinshi for rashaka, the chick who shares my insane fascination with this pairing Bad news: My computer dieded briefly and scans went boom. Good news: rainjewel will soon produce actual Wolf/Meryl fic (right?!?!) Bad news: An interesting fic by a decent author was revealed to be (future) KxV. Not my thing. Good news: D'oh, I read that wrong, it's Knives and Legato.
So, I have a mission for you folks. Rec me some fics to print out and read on the long-ass drive to Dallas. I don't want to buy ten reams of paper, so nothing Iolokus or Secrets long. Fandoms I like: Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Final Fantasy VIII, Buffy, Angel, etc. Share your brains with me!
[27 Jun 2004|11:20am] |
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awake |
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My Best Friend is fadingembers | Our 30 common interests are: action figure soap operas, action figures, anime, co-writing fics, cowboy bebop, dance dance revolution, ddr, ebay, evanescence, hellsing, icons, insurance girl cosplay, invader zim, japan, jem, knivesxmeryl, lemons, love and peace, merylxvash, millions knives, movies, sailor moon, smut, superior beings, tiny guns, trigun, utena, vashxmeryl, vashxmeryl sex0r, video games | Who is your best friend?
| Created by macoto |
This might be slightly biased by the fact that fadingembers and I came up with a list of common interests to share to screw with another meme some months back. Hee.
... |
[26 Jun 2004|05:30pm] |
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exhausted |
] |
Now I dead from moving. x.x